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  1. Crocodile

    Nation Building Eternal Conquest - Characters

    Character Name: Jannexas - Whisper of Sin Race: Demon (Diminished Outer Lord) Theme: Bio: Why are you crying boy? Why do you weep? Are they tears of rage? Impotence? Sorrow? What do you want? No, you are not mad; I am not your shattered psyche offering you escape to a land of fantasy...
  2. Crocodile

    Fantasy Eternal Conquest

  3. Crocodile

    Fantasy Kingdom Death: King of Monsters (IC)

    Sikander Troupe Turn 2 "Again?!? Again our Ekes are struck by sneak-thieves and covetous scum!" Bion Sikander roared at those gathered, lazing upon a throne of puppets currently holding themselves together to seem more stately if eerie as a seat made of humanoid forms in their own robes. They...
  4. Crocodile

    Fantasy Kingdom Death: King of Monsters (IC)

    Sikander Troupe Turn 1 And so we fled the Cresh Blood flowed there Warning Heeded, they fled Into the Sands we went Change came with fear We learned to hide Shadows and puppets "This will not do!" Bion snarled, his masked frame shaking in outrage as he looked over his people and his puppets...
  5. Crocodile

    Multiple Settings BeckonCall's Nation Builder ideas and reboots interest check!

    Fragile Hearts and Monuments get my vote, but I'd honestly play in any of them.
  6. Crocodile

    Futuristic C&C Warlords Act 2

    Titan Corporation Turn 3 Titan Stockholders Meeting Notes Alfred Cronos Speaking As many of you know, there have been recent concerns about the security of regions under the protection of the Titan Corporation. This is understandable as we all can see the world continuing its downward spiral...
  7. Crocodile

    Fantasy Throne of Heaven

    Nomolos of Kozan Turn 5 What a loss. My wayward ally and thief is gone. I do not know what to make of it all, but I fear that events are simply going to continue to spiral where they are. The Dragon Emperor is still likely to come and I've been left to salvage what I can of the alliance I...
  8. Crocodile

    Futuristic Imperium (IC)

    House Mercatores “War is a continuation of policy by other means” -Ancient Human Saying, Unknown Source Lecture Room, Medici University, Hades Stellar Economy, Instructor: Lord Xilian Denarius "Good morning, class. I know you are all quite excited for my class. It seems to always be popular...
  9. Crocodile

    Futuristic C&C Warlords Act 2

    Titan Corporation Internal Memorandom Delta-2-Triton Security forces are to be more strongly developed with our recent acquisition of Project Ichor and its staff. The facility must be kept secure and operational to pursue this dangerous work. It is unfortunate we cannot house the facility at...
  10. Crocodile

    Fantasy ◙-Fᴀᴛᴇ ᴏғ Sᴛᴇᴇʟ-◙

    Φ-Hᴏᴜsᴇ Gᴜʟᴀ-Φ Ricarid Gula regarded the mercenaries with calculating eyes after their proposal. Already he had bargained with the Skerrymen, but he knew they would be trusted with hostages. This group offering aid in the seize interested him more. It would allow him to turn a portion of his...
  11. Crocodile

    Fantasy BoN: Stone Age

    The Moonsworn Turn 7 Call to War King Izgil looked upon Moonhold with pride, the eternal king of the Moonsworn surprised how much the ranks of the faithful had swollen. Another era flowing by as the new threats began to arrise. The need to face a demonic incursion was now upon them. The Moon...
  12. Crocodile

    Futuristic Imperium: Dramatis Personae (Characters & Great Houses)

    Name: Xilian Denarius Nickname: The Emperor's Accountant Age: 200 Birth Date: 25,509 (19,823 Imperial Calendar) Gender: Male Planet of Origin: Hades Race/Species: Human Physical Description: Xilian is a tall, well kept man who maintains a closely trimmed beard and mustaches. His blonde hair...
  13. Crocodile

    Fantasy Mysnia - Heralds of Darkness

    Thalarion watched the awakening, the dark ritual playing out as he made some mental calculations on the thaumaturgic flows and workings. There was a concern as the ritual played out. How much more expensive would each return become? Should he be concerned that an entire nation might have to be...
  14. Crocodile

    Fantasy Mysnia - Heralds of Darkness

    Thalarion had remained seemingly impassive as the Sorceress tried to snarl at him over his comments on her stewardship of this sacred place of power. He noted she had not bothered to actually provide any answer, rather hiding behind pride and retorts. His masked face had followed her as she had...
  15. Crocodile

    Fantasy Mysnia - Heralds of Darkness

    Thalarion had quietly watched the others, a few faces he knew while others were not ones he had recognized. His golden mask always impassive hid his features from view, concealing any emotion he might more openly display. It felt strange to be coming back here after all this time, to know that...
  16. Crocodile

    Fantasy [CHARACTER] Mysnia - Character Creation

    Basic Information Character Name: Thalarion Race: Human (Magic Enhanced) Bio: Desperation is the driving force of the Turegian Deserts. What was once the home of the greatest of empires is now a shell, filled with desperate people trying to carve out a living among the ruins of fallen glory...
  17. Crocodile

    Dice [OOC] - To Stand Against the Crimson Tide

    Yeah, sorry, going through a job change currently and its killed my drive for this character at the moment. I'll go ahead and bow out. Thanks for the chance though. Hope the game goes well!
  18. Crocodile

    Dice [OOC] - To Stand Against the Crimson Tide

    Does Linquistics still grant languages for dots or is Languages the only way? Rebalancing my sheet and need to know.
  19. Crocodile

    Dice [OOC] - To Stand Against the Crimson Tide

    Sorry, been really out of it. This is my final work week at this job so I've been a little worn out with how they've got my schedule rolling between morning and closing shifts. I'll get a roll in and try to get my post and sheet updated.
  20. Crocodile

    To Stand Against the Crimson Tide

    Pandemos rubs his chin in thought as he considers the secret ways. Fleeing was an option, but honestly he'd tanked his chance of not being run down by the enemy when he'd just refused the offer. The Blackscale would have to gun for him simply for that matter if they were to uphold their...