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  • Really wanting to do a song based RP... I have two ideas, welcome to others. <3 I like to play female or double.
    Anyone bored and wanna help me with my accordian thingie on my interest chest? #bbcodeloser
    i can help if you'd like? :]
    I'll PM you!
    Cover up your lackluster coding skills with fancy, classy colours and an ornate cadre of fonts. It is, most likely, the best method to fool coding-noobs with.
    Dark romance anyone? I'd love to play female or double... share your plots; let me share mine. <3
    Well the romance is obvious... xD I Hope. (jk). But by dark I mean something not just fluffy romance. o.O I'm trying, here. xD Drama, angst, other things... I personally prefer supernatural roleplays. Like, vampire x human, demon x angel/human, something like that. But I'm not limited to just that.
    Darth Gangsta
    Darth Gangsta
    Hmm. I'll pm you.
    Okay, awesome!
    Searching for a dark romance at the moment... Either we double or I play female. Modern supernatural? Modern? Takers?
    Looking for a RP inspired by the song 'Russian Roulette' by Rihanna. I'd like to be the female. Anyone? -detailed-
    I really don't think my rules are that strict... maybe karma is biting me in the ass. I want to RP T_T
    Still searching for that one special dark romance. Hit me up if you have any ideas/wanna hear mine. (: Looking for someone to play the male.
    Made a movie playlist on spotify, songs from movies that are amazing. Anyone got ideas to add?
    All of the soundtrack from the original LotR trilogy is a good place to start, though some, like Minus Morgul, tends to give the goosebumps (just a heads up) :)
    I love songs that give me goosebumps!
    Well, I would highly recommend that then lol, if you've got a free 16 hours laying around and haven't seen it yet, def go watch all three movies (extended edition of course :P ) ^_^
    I swear, the feeling of my blood sugar dropping is one of the worst in the world.
    That does not sound fun.
    I'm pretty excited about this update. Already have some pretty awesome RP's going on. Anyone else wanna RP? =
    depends on what it is about and under what circumstances
    I went through my inbox and left ALOT of conversations. If you (or I) hadn't responded in a while, I left. I want a fresh start. ^^
    So, I think I have a discord that I don't ever use, but if anyone wants to use it during the update, let me know and I'll figure out my username and stuff!
    I made a facebook group for roleplay plots... I want people to be able to share plots for their own and others inspiration. ^^ Too bad the only members rn are me, my friend, and my cousin. xD
    Looking for a Labyrinth or Vampire Diaries fandom RP. Or an original supernatural-type RP (genre, not the show). PM me? (:
    Thinking I really want to roleplay Sailor Moon or Labyrinth. Might need some help with the former, but I can't stop thinking about it. (: PM me if interested?
    oommmgggg I love dat movie but...How do we even distribute it? Also, making a new rp close to the shifting of the site date is a bad idea XD
    xD Riiight. Hopefully it won't take super long... I think I read like a day or two? Unsure. Anyway, there's a few things we could do. If you want we can PM and talk more about it, now or after the update. ^^
    we can talk about it after the update :D
    God, I have so much stuff to do around my house. But I'd really rather just sit here and continue to watch Jersey Shore. The doctor did say rest, right??
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