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  • An old friend from like 5+ years ago contacted me recently to reconnect. And me, being too polite to say no or just ignore her, agreed to hang out.  I was worried that she would become clingy.... and I was right to be worried.  She's trying to hang out with me once a week AT LEAST. It doesn't help that the person she has turned into (for the most part) is not really someone I like. She's rude to strangers, she's loud, she judges people just by looking at them, and this is just some of the things that she does that makes me honestly uncomfortable.

    The only reason I don't avoid her completely is because of our past friendship, the fact that she wants to be friends, and my inability to just brush people off.   I cannot put with her rudeness forever though.....
    Well, how long have you hanged our with her? You're probably just finding her new attitude inferior to the old one, so I'd just give it a chance and find some positives, because there might be some reasons why she acts like this. I'd give it a few more days, and if you still don't like this change, then sit her down and talk it out. Honesty is the best policy, and trying to find reasons and attempting to fix a problem is WAY better than abandoning the problem in general. 
    I have only hung out with her twice (about 6 hours each time) but in that time I have already seen how she treats others many times and it really  bothers me.... I have voiced that I do not like her being so confrontational with people just because someone looks at her/us for a second longer than she thinks is acceptable, she doesn't care that I do not like it. These are traits that I would not like in anyone, my distaste has no connection with who she used to be, and her being an old friend is the only reason I am even tolerating it. I mean, there is no reason to treat strangers like shit, none whatsoever. She has positive traits, but only when interacting with me or people who are her friends otherwise the positives do not exist at all. I should talk to her about how the way she acts in public makes me uncomfortable and if she wont respect that then we will just have to keep our hang outs over the phone or at her house.  

    I'm sure that I changed and I know that she has changed.... we just don't mesh well anymore.  We are very  different people, with different interests, different upbringings, different values, different lifestyles, etc etc.  If she were a stranger I would not like her at all, she is not the type of person that I would even talk to or befriend. 
    Ahh college, thanks for inviting me to participate in a scholarship opportunity but I don't think you realize that I have no confidence in my writing or scholastic abilities.....
    The Gone Series is great and it is likely  my favorite book series that I ever read.  It is not the most complex of writing but the story itself is very appealing.  Fun, sad, disturbing, shocking, exciting... those books made me feel things which is more than books with more 'sophisticated' vocabulary can say. 
    It's like lord of the flies....but better and with powers.  I loved Drake the most, he was so crazy and evil! 
    YOU WOULD. I actually have that on my list of books to reread! 
    I'm doing that right now! I don't read much though so it's taking a long time. 
    I wish that nearly all of my hobbies did not involve writing.  When bored my options tend to be...

    A- Reply to Rps

    B- Work on your visual novel

    C- Work on the visual novel you are doing with another person

    D- Write for your own stories

    E- Prompt writing

    F- Make a new interest check/group rp

    G- Play video games

    H- Read

    It really burns me out since writing is all I ever end up doing.... 
    Stupid Sims 4, it was working just fine before the toddler update but now no matter what I do it freezes 5 minutes into playing (if I'm lucky to get that much time at all).   No matter what I do it won't work so I guess the game is once again unplayable for me....
    probably just the RAM. Mine spikes when I play the game which makes it lag, so just download something that lowers your RAM and it should work :))
    I'll try that next, thank you!
    You know, unless it is specifically meant to be fantasy adventure RP where the goal is to travel a long distance, I actually really like when my role plays have confined settings. For example, boarding schools, prisons, mansions/castles, hotels, and at most a single city.  Not being able to or not wanting to change locations is a good thing to me, it keeps things at least one thing stable while the rest of the plot goes to hell. 
    I hate how the media and a large fraction of fandoms always take villain characters and turn them into weeping, misunderstood people. Like no, they like to kill people because it is a means to an end or they manipulate others because they find it fun, they don't mind being alone and/or hated!   

    Prime example that I always see is Izaya from Durarara. He is a psychopath with little to no feelings of regret no matter what he does to others.  If he wanted love or to be accepted, he could easily get that, but he isn't looking for a family! Izaya wants to play with other peoples emotions and lives, not make friends!  He enjoys being on the outside looking in, it's not something that he looses sleep over at night.
    I always see the quote "Write the story you want to read" and I love that saying so I will (eventually) start doing the same with Rping.   I'll make the group Rps that I have always wanted to take part in but never got to for whatever reason.  

    Some will be overused plots (asylum, school, circus) while others I hope will be fairly unique.  Either way, only I can make an RP with all of the elements that I love mixed into them. Everything else requires compromise and setting, making your own RP does not. 

    It doesn't matter if I am not fond of GMing (due to lack of experience in doing it) cause I only need to be as controlling as I want to be. There is nothing saying that I cannot simply set up the RP and then dissolve into a normal character.  As the GM I have control as to how the RP is run, even if it is the decision that no one runs the RP at all but it's a community effort. 


    Okay I just wanted to get all of that out there.  I felt the need to rant and/or preach.....
    This is literally me.

    Except I can't use Hosted Projects, so I have to wait before I can throw up my wonderful ideas.
    You don't need a hosted project to make a group RP.  The only main difference is that you have to make the different threads instead of them all coming bundled together like that, which takes like 5 extra minutes at most so it is really not that much of an issue. Everything else that hosted projects offer (although nice) are not needed at all and should not be stopping you from making your RPs a reality. 
    I know this, but I'm choosing to wait because I like organization (Which is funny, because I'm an unorganized person..).

    I dunno, I just like the feature.

    Also, I think it'll give me time to become more associated with the site, as my formatting is only so good..

    I'm a perfectionist of a sort, so everything has to be in perfect order and such before I give it the thumbs up.

    While I definitely can post my ideas, I'm not going to because reasons.

    No one understands how much I love Don't Mess With Me by temposhark. Seriously, no matter what I am doing when this song comes on I stop and just sing along... very dramatically with a lot of hand motions. 
    i LOVE that song. like, used to be my shower song for awhile. makes me feel POWERFUL. i would love to build an OC loosely based on it. (ps, I haven't forgotten about you RP wise)
    A lack of confidence is the only thing stopping me from posting an interest check for a group idea that I had, I have it written up and everything.  Not to mention the fact that once I post it I am committed to GMing it as soon as someone shows interest. 
    So true! 
    It isn't, but it's like that lie parents tell their kids so they stave off the existential angst until it's too late.
    Oh I meant that the first part was true. Besides I think the angst is pretty strong already, I'm not optimistic enough not to be. 
    I have discovered one of my main problems with group Rps... I'm a detailed Rper and more often then not people don't even post full paragraphs. Due to that, I always post more than other people and therefore feel like I am being shortened by my partners even though what the are doing is considered the norm. 

    As a bonus, I hate large groups but everything has over 5 people in them which I can tolerate but really do not like 
    I really wish that people would not ask for 'Long Term Partners'  I mean, I feel like long term is the default and is what most people are looking for anyway so you saying that is overkill.  Mainly though my issue with that is there is no way to know if we are both going to enjoy roleplaying together, so if I call it off it makes me feel like I lied when I contacted you.  I didn't though, if I am into a role play I will stick with it for months so I could be a long term partner but there is no guarantee that I will enjoy the role play for a long time.... It's just as as simple a request as people seem to act like it is. 

    Sorry, I just needed to rant about that for a second because if you look in the 1x1 section almost every third thread says long term in the title and it's a ridiculous thing to ask for if you ask me. 
    I will forever be confused about why there are people following my private workshop. 
    I get what you are trying to say @Rantos But when I look to see who the followers are there are actual names of actual members of the site. Plus there are more followers in my private workshop than there are threads, like double the amount. 
    Well my guess was a bust then haha!
    You're good XD This is a learning experience for everyone, it would seem.
    God there are so many things I want to do right now... Do I join more group roleplays, start my own hosted project for the first time in forever, should I contact more people for detailed 1x1 RPs, should I post my own interest check , or should I accept the fact that I am already overwhelmed as is and cannot handle more RPs?  I have a lot of cravings but not enough time or motivation to actually start and stick to any of them! 
    I just watched Starkid's Firebringer and I have to say I was very disappointed. The music was okay at best, the story I didn't really care about, the characters didn't really interest me, and I really didn't find it that funny either.   I adore Starkid so I'm sad that I did not like their musical at all. To me, this is their weakest show. :(   Maybe I will like it more once I hear the soundtrack again.
    Sorry guys, my interest juat vanished and I can't even connect onto my computer so all replies oc or ic will come tomorrow or later tonight!
    I am such a goody two shoes that it's painful. I really just cannot bring myself to do anything that is even remotely wrong or if there is a 1% chance of me getting caught.
    For some reason I think that it would be fun to do a randomized role play.  Not sure exactly what or how much of it would be up to chance, but I think that it could be fun.  I don't know how to do dice role plays or else I would try that, but  if you get a trustworthy GM then a lot of interesting chaos could be caused.

    Examples of what could be randomized

    • Character stuff- gender, class (rouge, mage etc), personality, etc
    • Setting- time. location, what exists in that world, etc
    • Events- getting jumped, someone getting cursed, etc
    • Outcomes- will you successfully charm that person or get thrown in jail, etc

    A horror or fantasy RP would work best I think.  Horror for the chance of death or fantasy because you could transport to other worlds... I actually may put up an interest check for this one day.
    I swear, I write more about the unrequited love of a side character to my main character than I do the romance between me and my partner's characters.  
    Well I'm angry now.  Not only did my favorite character just die despite proving himself to be unbeatable in the past, but he died in such a cheap way that was not worthy of him or his skill level.  

    Oh and I feel like the writers of Fate/Stay Night totally skipped out on a reaction that should have happened between my favorite character from above and another person who died in a totally cheap way.  

    I'm avoiding names because of spoilers
    I swear, every anime I watch there is at least one main character that I cannot stand. It makes it so hard to enjoy the story when all I am doing is wishing that they would get killed off. 
    I adore Gilgamesh (fate zero/stay night) so much!  He is the main reason I decided to watch the series in the first place. 
    Gilgamesh is such an ass and despicable person, he is a great Villain. I love the Fate Series. can't wait for Grand order to come out! 
    And that is exactly what I love about him! Villains are always my favorite, and cocky villains are even better in my eyes.  I never heard of Grand Oder but from what I can see, it looks kinda cool. 
    Yep. I know nothing about it. I know their is a game that is big in Japan that goes by the same name. And then there are all the Fate/Spin off series. Haven't seen those yet
    I am officially not a detailed role player, I am a super detailed one.  Meaning, I need like two pages of text almost every reply in order to keep interest in a role play. No idea why but the length I like just keeps going up. 
    Ohhhh, yeah. I see what you mean. I... that's not my style. I would rather have another person's character be able to respond to one particular topic than go on to the next, because for me, it complicates the reply to a degree that I don't like. Almost like going into godmode. But. To each his own.
    This would make so much more sense with an example but I cannot find one at the moment but it really is not that complicated, I'm probably just explaining it poorly. But oh well, like you said, to each their own!
    Same here! Mega-argh. Haha. 
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