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  • Musical pop quiz: Name the song by the lyrics or finish the lyric

    "You are my fire. My one desire. Believe when I say. I...."
    *fangirls but stays quiet to see if anyone else gets it*
    I'm making a D&D like fantasy RP and need people to join. If you are interested feel free to contact me :)  I only bite when necessary
    So anyone know why the response box is MIA? Makes things difficult if you don't have a box to put what you're writing in
    me: sees 'Theme Song:' on CS

    brain: Put down Pumped Up Kicks

    me: why? That doesn't relate to the character at all

    brain: to see everyone's reaction and if they know the meaning
    Count Gensokyo
    Count Gensokyo
    You could've gone with a Linkin Park song. Classic memeability. 
    Do they have a song about school shootings? or something of the like?
    Count Gensokyo
    Count Gensokyo
    Not specifically, but if you want super edgy songs, then this is the stuff for you.
    Anyone else get cravings for video games? Like you want to play a specific game really badly and do so a lot? I get those sometimes. Maybe I'm just a nerd though
    So I've recently become obsessed with rock versions of Disney songs....and now that's my life
    Seems like a pretty great life to me.
    It's kinda weird because I don't even really like Disney all that much
    Thanks to all who wished me well on my birthday! I hope you all had as good a day as I did ^^ Live well friends!
    It's been two months since I started my relationship with the most amazing person in my world. I've been the happiest I've ever been and I don't regret a single thing. Sure it's still a relatively young relationship, but they make me so indescribably happy. Here's to the best two months of my life so far, and to hopefully many more. May everyone be as happy as I am in there life.
    That's great to know! I hope Everying well happens to you and your partner!
    Toxic Infinity
    Toxic Infinity
    This is beyond great to hear!! I'm so happy for you!
    Oooh, did you draw your banner picture yourself? :D

    (Also, hi. Please don't mind my randomly appearing on your profile. It's been a while. ^^")
    Well, it's really well done, either way. ^^ 
    That's what I thought and given I'm half of the picture (being represented as a fox) I figured it would be a nice banner.
    Well it's definitely more interesting than mine! :D  Which is, so you don't have to bother with looking, just the bottom of one of my paintings 'cause I was too lazy to actually make it fit correctly. Yay!~ 
    I can't hide it any longer. I just don't see what the big deal is about Twenty One Pilots. I don't think they're all that good. I'm sorry but there I said it.
    I like them for their lyrics. The singer can't sing, but I like the lyrics to their older music
    Get out. Bye. Don't need this negativity in my life.
    All you can do is hope you're doing your best for those you love, and that they don't mind if you fail.
    If you're doing your best then you can't fail :)
    Eh...not really true, but I get what you mean, and thanks.
    Those who truly love you won't mind it when you fall, because it means they'll get to offer a hand to pull you back to your feet. That's what friends are for, anyway.
    Thinking about auditioning for my local theater group. Getting nervous just at the thought though.
    You got this. You're already perfect so you basically have no competition
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