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  • I can't help but cringe and/or roll my eyes every time I see a pairing that's *Insert something* x Normal Person. Gay x Normal Person. Mentally Ill x Normal Person. Like no offense but if you're role playing as something that people in real life actually are, especially when this thing is something challenging like being mentally ill, the least you could do is be respectful about it. 
    I love naming a character in a hurry so you can actually get to writing and then realize several posts later that you're sick of the name. But it's too late to change it. 

    Also I got sick so I'll get back to normal once I stop feeling like death. 
    My internal monologue is a lot of "Don't act like such a freaking nerd" upon finding out that someone I'm talking with likes Marvel Netflix too. It's such a struggle.
    I was sitting here wondering why I was having so much trouble seeing my computer screen before realizing that I had the screen brightness down quite a bit.  -_-
    Are you watching me from somewhere....? Because I literally just did that! Though, it was because my power bar was turned off and it was on battery mode. 
    It's been a crazy week, it's nice to have some time to sit and write.
    I won't get to everything tonight or anything, but I will probably have time to sit and write over the next couple of days because I have Monday off from school.
    The site is too slow to use on my phone and almost too slow to use on my computer. I hope this gets better soon/eventually because it's getting increasingly frustrating. 
    Considering being a computer forensic specialist. 
    I bet it was! o3o I'll probably have to wait until grad school though, unless I can take one as an elective during undergrad, which would be awesome.
    I take classes at a local community college that just happened to have it. I might take more classes about it in the future, if I can, although I don't have a plan yet haha
    Oh, I didn't even think about that. o: It'd be a worth a look, although I don't think I can sign up for any classes right now. I don't have a plan yet either, haha. c:
    I love the feeling of having to decide what you want to do for the rest of your life. It's fun... totally stress-free ? 
    Having some pretty bad days. My apologies to anyone waiting for a reply from me, I'll get around to replies when I'm feeling a little better. 
    Thomas Gibson (Hotch) got fired from Criminal Minds and I'm.... Not okay... Now they have to get rid of Hotch... God damn it.
    Yeah, I know. It was wrong of him to kick the writer but I'm still upset. I like Hotch. The team likes Hotch. Him leaving is going to suck. 
    What did he insult them over? That's one way to get fired 
    He kicked a writer during an "altercation over creative differences" on set. I hope we find out exactly what they were arguing about. 
    I really want to play the harp but they're expensive .-.
    Get a lap harp.  Their less expensive and you can learn how to play it in less then an hour.  lol
    I relate
    That actually sounds like a neat instrument to learn!
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