Macal Cord

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  • Hey Mac, can I used your character template? Can you send me the link for it on my wall or whatever this thing is?
    ((are you guys still on this thing? I really miss rping...I miss you guys. hell I haven't talked to or even heard from Greg in idea how to reach him...just text me or something if I can get back in on this. Miss ya big guy...))
    Hey Macal :P
    What would happen if Xander went over to Calico right now? As a distraction or something? Would Calico kill him instantly or....?
    Should I do that? Make Xander go over there to him?
    I have to do diagnoses and treatment plans for fictional characters in class, lol...I just did Faith and I'm doing Sheena. Do you want to read them?

    Also, you have a PM for FA buried somewhere in your mail, do you want me to just post it on FA?
    Happy birthday, Macal! Be sure to have some cake! You're never too old to have cake, you know.
    *Grins* Jirro you big dummy you don't have to apologize to me. We all loved Esme but none of us could ever imagine what you and Izzy were going through, if anything we owe you an apology. So I'll say this just one time Brother, it is me that is at your service. *Places my hand on your shoulder* Now stand up and come inside we can have a drink and talk about the old days.
    *Appears out of the shadows as you're walking up to the door of your home, kneeling with Esmeralda in front of me* Macal, I apologize for Izabella and my absence, we needed time to fully recover. *stops and thinks for a moment* That is incorrect we can never really fully recover from the lost of Esme, but we've also can no longer bury our heads in the sand, we need to get back to work so Macal if you and Faith need us. We are again at the your service.
    Ignore the caroline account, and yes, I'm gonna try to get the hang of this site and start to be around more :) idk what Greg's up to, but hopefully I can catch up with him on this
    Freedom feels pretty good. Stretching my Character after her little nap, flexing her need for DOMINATION. I Miss being allowed to be evil :) I will bug Heather!
    Of course, I was just lazy, always forgetting to join up. :P Nice to see you again too.
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