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  • When alone,
    We've all come to known:
    Oh! I'll just make a poem.

    What is it, that you have woven?
    Come to leave unspoken?
    Is it what you've always come to mistook?
    Wishing to be mislooked?

    You've come to write your poem.
    But now, how does it seem?
    Is it all what you've wanted it to be deemed?

    Afterall, you've come to make this poem.
    It is where the heart is.

    Its locale may never come to sit solely in but just ones soul, left to wander in its own wonder.

    Perhaps it shifts on a nightly basis, just like the moons phases, left looking down at their laces, unsure of where its paces.

    Wondering where its place is.

    What matters is what you hold close, that which makes you feel ultimately, the most.

    So to you, from just me to you,

    Where does your heart feel itself, just like back at home?
    Alien vs Vampire. Sounds like a Plants vs Zombies ripoff, but who knows what Remilia is thinking about!

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