
The Mechanist
The Mechanist
What did they do
neon reverie
neon reverie
they released a behind the scenes video of the upcoming dragon age game !!
The Mechanist
The Mechanist
Oh? Any word on the plot yet? Aside from stopping solas
neon reverie
neon reverie
not really. they briefly mentioned that we are going to see new places and how it is going to be a story of what happens when you don't have power and when the people in charge are not willing to address issues.

they mostly just showed concept art.
The Mechanist
The Mechanist
Oh? Well that’s odd, the inquisitor wants to completely save the world, so hearing that we’re not gonna have those in charge do anything is odd
neon reverie
neon reverie
i was thinking that it might apply more to the actual rulers of each nation rather than the inquisition itself.

but i am wondering myself if the inquisition would take a role in the game as well.

if they proceed precisely from the DLC where Solas was revealed to be Fen Harel then there is also the possibility where the Inquisition got disbanded since you got that choice.

I guess we will just have to see.
The Mechanist
The Mechanist
Yeah it’s just all weird to me. Cuz even though the inquisitor is missing their rift hand they’re still the military superpower they once were. I could care less what the other nations think about us.
neon reverie
neon reverie
i remain optimistic that the inquisitor will have some sort of role in the upcoming game.
as they said at the end of the DLC: Solas knows too much about them and the inquisition so they need to find new people to fight against him. maybe they will organize a new kind of organization ( or branch if the inquisition still exists??) where the new protagonist will become the hero?

idk it all remains very vague lool so all we can do is speculate till the actual game comes out i guess 😭
The Mechanist
The Mechanist
Well as long as I can play as a qunari again I’ll be happy. But I do hope they switch up the armor aesthetic, I was rather disappointed with the options in inquisition
neon reverie
neon reverie

i am sure you can ! and based on the released concept art, we will be getting a female qunari companion this time :D

i also really hope they come up with better hair options in DA4 ._.
The Mechanist
The Mechanist
Honestly better graphics over all, character skin looked rubbery in dai
neon reverie
neon reverie
i was lucky that I played the game when it had already been out for a while so I just modded the hell out of it lool
but definitely hope the graphics will be better too
The Mechanist
The Mechanist
I played it on Xbox XD no mods
neon reverie
neon reverie
oh no that's rough-
The Mechanist
The Mechanist
Haha still a fun game
neon reverie
neon reverie
true !! i still like to go back and replay it
will definitely do so once there is an actual release date of DA4 (T▽T)