
Shadowhunters was fine for the first season, IMO, but after that it just went downhill for me. It felt rushed and as if the writers were trying to fit the entirety of The Mortal Instruments universe into a few episodes. It felt like there were holes everywhere. I stopped mid-second season.
Sibelle Grey
Sibelle Grey
I haven't watched a single episode. The cast alone turned me off, aside from the aforementioned Matt D., and it's funny because I liked the books well enough. They were good. Well-paced, well-plotted, could have done without the love triangle and some of the pining. But I wasn't absolutely in love with them, which is why I'm hesitating to watch, especially if the show isn't even as good.
If you saw the movie, it was slightly better than that but not by much. I was bored out of my skull for most of it. They overplayed the love triangle and the angst. It would be good if you were, say, 12-15, but since you and I are over that age range... I'd say, if you do decide to watch it, don't expect much.