
Flowiest D
Flowiest D
And now brave blue sky, I give you a tale....
*sits closer, eyes wide with antecipation*
I'm ready!!
Flowiest D
Flowiest D
There once was a young brave fun loving young lady named Sky, blue sky to be precise. Wise mother Grey Sky had given blue a task, blue was to travel far in a land she had forgotten.
Flowiest D
Flowiest D
Blue sky travelled fast and swift, no clouds in her way, those that were floated very slowly out of her way for dear life,
Blue was to take trials and exams this day.
Flowiest D
Flowiest D
Our story has more to it, but the importance of this story is, even if the blue sky darkens, the sun will always still be shining, and the young brave funloving young lady was still there, alive and well
Flowiest D
Flowiest D
She sat with wide eyes and ears listening to the flow of the wind, and it told her. “Chin up blue, everyone smiles for you”