
That's a legit worry. I have similar worries a lot.

Well, all I can say is maybe look at it from a different angle. Not every post has to dramatically change the way things work or impact the world in a grand way.
Noble Scion
Noble Scion
I do interact with people, idk what I’m doing wrong ;-;
Well, how can we be sure you are doing anything wrong in the first place?
Noble Scion
Noble Scion
I don’t knooowww =(
I think I may understand what's happening here. Lack of confidence, or maybe a drop in ego. Though I could be wrong.

What would you define as a bad RPer?
There is what I selfishly call Jinx Paradox. According to it, you either join the RP early and befriend the GM or remain forlorn for eternity.
Noble Scion
Noble Scion
Someone who doesn’t give any actual content in their posts, for instance too much filler. Or someone who doesn’t post anything interesting. Which is what I’m worried about
Do you feel as though you do that?
Noble Scion
Noble Scion
I feel like my posts need to have more impact. But it’s hard to do.
Indeed it is.

Now my next, and probably final, question. Are you trying to avoid making posts without any content? And though it may be hard are you trying to figure out how to make posts with more impact, or do you desire to learn to how make a post with impact?

More like two questions really...
Noble Scion
Noble Scion
In all honesty, I’ve always tried to make interesting posts that involve others, but I always see everyone else seeming to enjoy it all more than me as they seem to go on stories with eachother. I’d like to know what people do to have fun little things like that.
Noble Scion
Noble Scion
So yes, I do desire to learn >,<
Then no. You're not a bad roleplayer. Plain and simple.

A bad roleplayer would not desire to get better. A bad roleplayer would be content with mediocrity. Even if you struggle or fall on the way to your goal. The fact that you seek betterment makes you a good roleplayer.

We all face mountains we have to overcome, this is yours. Now scale it, crawl up inch by inch and when you get to the top enjoy the view.
Noble Scion
Noble Scion
But how ;-;
Well, you're a great RPer! You get really involving and progressing post which can wrap people into them and provide pretty nice material to move foward with. If anything, the one thing I would avise you is to try to be a bit more, well, present.
I don't know if it's just on RPs I'm on or something but you often seem to vanish and return and not know what's even going on and then never get motivated to post- which needless to say makes it much harder for your presence to be accounted for.
Well, there is your first tip.

I don't know enough about your situation to help out in full. But if you require assistance hit me up in a PM and we can problem solve this together. After all, we both seek the same goal in the end. To have some fun.
Noble Scion
Noble Scion
Yeah.. I think I might have a bit of a tendency to lose interest if I don’t try enough >-<
Admitting your problems if the first step towards fixing them.
Well, one thing I do is try to plan and have material ready beforehand, while I AM motivated. That way when I go through a drought I have that to fall back into