
The Mechanist
The Mechanist
I feel month looks better in front
Noble Scion
Noble Scion
It disgusts me. It’s like they didn’t care about organising it, they just tossed it together trying to be different
The Mechanist
The Mechanist
Well for biologists we catalogue for a strict cohort based off of month
Noble Scion
Noble Scion
still seems silly to me. It makes logical sense for that to be the case for biologists if that is the case, but why is everything else ordered like that xP
The Mechanist
The Mechanist
It's easier to catalogue by month instead of day. The first number is important, and things are done annually for tax reasons
Noble Scion
Noble Scion
then YY/MM/DD
The Mechanist
The Mechanist
That's lifetime cataloguing, more for the government
Noble Scion
Noble Scion
Whatevah, it's weird to me and will always be weird to me xD
The Mechanist
The Mechanist
Haha cuz you don't catalogue!
Noble Scion
Noble Scion
That is true.
The Mechanist
Noble Scion
Noble Scion
I am also a dog person. >.>
The Mechanist
The Mechanist
Cats are better
The Mechanist
The Mechanist
Ah horses, a knights best friend
Noble Scion
Noble Scion
horses are cool, but dogs > Cats
The Mechanist
The Mechanist
Naw, CATS>dogs