
Sibelle Grey
Sibelle Grey
geeeeeeeeeeez I'd forgotten all about those guys *dives into the info*
i don't really get it either? but a lot of my friends are fictionkin and it makes them happy and as long as they're happy, i guess that's what matters.
Sibelle Grey
Sibelle Grey
jinkx jinkx I'm trying to understand it, and I get like the general gist of it, but I just . . . If anyone here is otherkin I'd love a firsthand account
Sibelle Grey Sibelle Grey i think it differs from person to person. it can range from people who IDENTIFY strongly with a character to people who believe they ARE that character, to people who believe they WERE that character in a past life.
Sibelle Grey
Sibelle Grey
Okay, so that's fictionkin/mediakin/otakukin. But there are also people who identify with other things, right? Animals, galaxies, etc.? Like, dragonkin?
Sibelle Grey
Sibelle Grey
jinkx jinkx well thanks for the insight you did provide ^.^ I'll keep digging
Project Naiad
Project Naiad
If I have to be honest I believe it's just a Tumblr trend with no facts as backup, but live and let live I guess.
Sibelle Grey
Sibelle Grey
Well, it didn't *start* on tumblr I don't think, but it might indeed have gained momentum on there because . . . y'know, tumblr.
Sibelle Grey
Sibelle Grey
*swims up out of the research* Still don't get it and I personally don't think it's a thing, but as long as they feel it and aren't hurting anyone, I mean . . .
Project Naiad
Project Naiad
I agree. Although some might argue that believing unreal things can be unhealthy :/
Sibelle Grey
Sibelle Grey
Well, that depends. Unhealthy for whom? If it isn't hurting them and it isn't hurting anyone else, then. Based on what I've read, it honestly makes them feel better about who they are mostly, so no harm
Project Naiad
Project Naiad
Well, drugs make you feel good too, but that doesn't mean they're good for you.
On the long term believing that you're a cat, or Naruto might detach you from reality I think.
Project Naiad
Project Naiad
There's a big difference between
-I love Naruto
-I am Naruto
Sibelle Grey
Sibelle Grey
True. And that's where it gets strange for me, because like . . . I roleplay, right? Getting into the mindset of something/one else is possible. But actually believing you are/were a dragon in the past/on a different plane of existence
Sibelle Grey
Sibelle Grey
Believing you actually are Ron Weasley/a star-dwelling wolf/an actual god is very out there. But I mean, as long as that belief isn't affecting your quality of life (like a space dragon missing their galaxy or something), I guess it's harmless.