
The Mechanist
The Mechanist
No, altruism will always be an ideology unfortunately, there have been many times where it could've happened but there's always someone that argues a good enough point, I personally believe it exists but only in extreme  cases
The correct answer is 'yes', because the philosophical part is irrelevant when Humble Bundle is involved. 

But since you took the time to answer honestly, and I rarely get to quote science, most animal behaviourists would agree with you. Behaviourists attest that true altruism cannot exist as the "reward" centre in our brain is activated when we not only perform good deeds but even when we witness acts of kindness. Thus, we are rewarded with feeling warm and fuzzy, and as such, receive something in return for our chariable action. Kind of a pessimistic view of the human race, but given science's track record, is it all that surprising. 
i mean... yall are both getting what you want so
The Mechanist
The Mechanist
Trust me friend, I'm aware of what scientist say ^-^ I'm a biologist, that was pretty much my basis for my statement. 