
The Mechanist
The Mechanist
Then don't watch it, plenty of things that seem appealing, giant hamburgers for instance, look yummy but we all know to save our hearts we shouldn't eat it
Fantasy Addict
Fantasy Addict
Trust me I wont watch it, I already suffered through the awful melodramatic crap that was Twilight.... I wont be seeing the bdsm version of it.

But the fact that they made it appealing or at the very least soarks my curiousity makes me hate those people
The Mechanist
The Mechanist
I think we should just burn the movie, all the copies and scripts and every single copy of the book in the world both digital and hard copy
Fantasy Addict
Fantasy Addict
Better yet lock up the author so she doesnt write anymore garbage
The Mechanist
The Mechanist
Lobotomy out of the question?
Fantasy Addict
Fantasy Addict
That would require for the subject to have a brain to labotomize
The Mechanist
The Mechanist
-slow clap- that was beautiful, you're beautiful, amazing I applaud you for that