
The Mechanist
The Mechanist
Well it was nice knowing ya
call me rae
lol I'm not leaving the site. I am just switching accounts. As it would be too time consuming to switch all the current html heavy posts back to BBC Code. And I'm not very active right now anyway so it's simpler to just go on a brief hiatus until the new site is up. Then just start over with a new account
The Mechanist
The Mechanist
Personally I say just keep everything and don't worry about the coding
call me rae
It will be unreadable. Like it was when bbccode left and was replaced by HTML. And as the primary reason I use both is to present a streamlined visual that is easy to read it would defeat the purpose of having them in the first place and bug the crap out of me. But I'm a very visual person so if I see a lot of junk at the top of a post that is garbled nonsense it severely distracts me.

most people won't care but it would cause me more stress to leave it as is than effort to move
The Mechanist
The Mechanist
Why not just delete the code then? Personally I've always hated aesthetics in a post, to me it was a waste of time. The few times I did use it was because I was forced to
call me rae
I am a visual learner. So keeping things uniform in appearance helps me read them. Which is why I code. And I code everything. Going back through and changing everything would take more hours than I can frankly be bothered to put in.

It's not like it's that big of a deal. I don't really have any friends on this site that will be inconvenienced by me moving accounts or anything. I might loose my followers I guess but I can always add them in again later. 