
Every school you mean?

Like my friend goes up to the teacher with his future dream, and this is in grade 3! and the teacher reads it out loud!

"I want to be a millionaire with an expensive car and the biggest house there is!"

She just gives him an F

A girl, some random girl! Goes up there, shit grammar!

"When I grow up, I wan ta be a teacher..."

That's is... no more... A! FUCKING, A!
We were taught how to write a five-paragraph essay in middle school, and it was drilled into us to do it a certain way. This year, my English teacher got hurt right before the school year, so we got a sub for the first quarter. She's back now, but she's basically making us write five-paragraph essays a completely new and stupid way, basically throwing everything we've been taught in our face to give us shit that makes no sense.

I'm attempting to write an essay due tomorrow but this new format is driving me bonkers.  :FrustratedTeeth:
Like what the fuck right? It's like why teach us algebra in high school when you won't really need it?!

Plus our actual teacher is terrible at explaining things.

*is so frustrated she wants to sob in a corner somewhere*
-actually hugs and cradles- there there... everything will be okay... maybe it's just me being a psycho but have you considered being the teacher?