
sorry that not everyone knows the expansive lore of tes your majesty
what's with the attitude? if you like something wouldn't you be a bit disappointed in the fact that people only indulge in the same thing over and over again--removing from the big picture in mind. Or did you get offended? Did you?  

if you did that's yer deal--but Imma just say the lore in infinitely more interesting and fun and I'm depressed that people focus only on a VERY small story of a greater expanse. So yea. 
why would i take offense im not in a tes rp

youre just being annoyingly condescending about people who want to to rp in a skyrim setting because its probably the freshest thing in the tes lore that they know of and what theyre comfortable with

let people rp what they wanna rp and dotn get butthurt about it
Im more upset at the prevalence of the Skyrim setting than the choice of one wanting it. it's oversaturated and boring to me--did I stop anyone for rp'ing about TES V? No. So the whole "let people rp what they want" is moot--I wasn't policing it. I voice an opinion. if my opinion mattered that hard then I would probably get free mars bars.

I get to voice an opinion and so do you--but the whole idea of: "well yer just being mean to people cause you dont like thing"  isn't really gonna magically make me agree with you. 

And it's less about being condescending and more about being saddened that I can't see anyone taking interest in the lore but just the same generic fantasy. I want others to expand their palates and not just become derivative--maybe then some diversity would be out there. 
Also if people wanna rp Skyrim, then they'll rp skyrim regardless of what I'll say--However I am entitled to an opinion of the prevalence, consistency and general lackadaisical take on TES by others. It does not mean however I'm gonna berate them on it--Just voice an opinion. 

There's a lot more interesting areas of what if scenarios in the TES story and lore that people barely wanna venture off to. It's frustrating. 
' there will never be a fun Elder Scrolls rp if the only thing people want to rp is fucking Skyrim '

sorry, if you dont think this is you being condescending and making derogatory remarks about someone's preferred rp theme theres no point even talking about it because you're clearly too disconnected
Well, I'd be interested in a TES RP that isn't Skyrim. The Morrowind one I was in died along with my C0DA-esque one and a metaphysics heavy one.
I need to get to C0DA--How is it,  I heard it gets really kooky  @Boethiah what's yer opinion on it? Also thank you for sharing the sentiment my favorite Daedric Prince--Love the work ya did with Trinimac 
I like some parts of it such as space travel, colonizing the moon, and fighting with words, but TV heads were too far fetched for me to take seriously. 
I heard it gets real weird in C0DA but I guess I should suspect as much--Doesn't Vivec get married to Dagon? or is it Molag Bal?  