
Sibelle Grey
Sibelle Grey
Count concerning what? And do you mean Voltaire? 
The Golden Lion
The Golden Lion
Yes you mention french poets correct? I was thinking of a refined western thinker,as my core ideals are set in eastern culture.
Sibelle Grey
Sibelle Grey
Well, yeah, concerning my post, Voltaire had his fair share of scandalous affairs, as well. Most notably with Catherine Dunoyer, a refugee (which earned him a one-way ticket back to France from the Netherlands), then with Émilie du Châtelet (a brilliant mathematician and scientist, among other things, who was already married but the French didn't care much about that sort of thing back then), which was undoubtedly the most productive. Those two did incredible things together; two brilliant minds when brought together would, of course, achieve great things. Then, there was his niece. 

I do love his works, though. Sadly, we're not studying him in class this year, so three cheers for personal research. Have you read any of his stuff? 