
The Golden Lion
The Golden Lion
Um no I see a partner/best friend/treasured one/etc. Also Read the some taoism it would help on some things like love. But again very simple but graceful words. 

-Meiyo Hades- 
I see the beauty of a thousand sunsets, I see the power of trillions of neurons, the quickness of billions of decisions a second.  I see the stars in her eyes and the horizon in our future.

I want from her to be who she is, to do what she wants, to love herself as much as I love her.  I want to share her kindness and compassion, her intellect and her wit with all the world, for I am proud of her, and I know that I do not own her.
Can I please marry one of the two of you?
The Golden Lion
The Golden Lion
Have to get approved by Ran & Mei nee-san's to get at me.