
The Golden Lion
The Golden Lion
You pass with 70 - 80%?
90% actually. Which was surprising for me since I was very worried about this test. (I generally only consider above 75% to be a passing grade, and above 80% as a good grade. Though I suppose it depends on the difficulty of the course, and I've always imposed ridiculous standards for myself.) I honestly thought I'd get a legitimately failing grade, but I didn't, so that's a huge relief.
The Golden Lion
The Golden Lion
I'm the same except my expcted low margin is 99%. So yeah i'm a perfectionist.
After taking a rigorous English course back in high school, I started to learn that some people make perfection purposefully hard to achieve. Similarly, it's hard to maintain that perfection in a foreign language course (unless one is naturally good or familiar with that language). Still, it often feels impossible to let go of the anxiety that comes from falling short of one's personal goal. Perfectionism can be very good, though it gets dangerous when one ties their self worth into it. At least, that's been my experience. I'm happy to have dodged a bullet to my self esteem in regard to how I'm doing in this particular class.