
Count Gensokyo
Count Gensokyo
I know someone like that. Quotes Nietzsche a ton, which can get pretty grating on the ears as someone who believes in God. Part of me really just thinks it's to be an edgelord, which is basicallt what he is,

I know someone like that. Quotes Nietzsche a ton, which can get pretty grating on the ears as someone who believes in God. Part of me really just thinks it's to be an edgelord, which is basically what he is,
Count Gensokyo
Count Gensokyo
I know someone like that. Quotes Nietzsche a ton, which can get pretty grating on the ears as someone who believes in God. Part of me really just thinks it's to be an edgelord, which is basically what he is,
some are. Others aren´t. I can only dismiss the myth that religious people are just following faith blindly or out of a need to compensate for something else, because that´s not the case, there´s plenty of reason to believe, and I would argue (though naturally many would disagree) that one even has more reason to believe in God´s existence than not. I am willing to have that debate with anyone who wants to, provided they can be civilized about it, which often, is just not something I can find when people´s initial stance is to look down at anyone with religious beliefs.
Bacon is fluffy
Bacon is fluffy
We all make judgement calls based on conjecture at one point or another and I think it's totally fine to think religion is a fuckboi fest. The Catholic church literally preserved much of western civilization after the fall of Rome and at the same time, became a government power at the same time. Like any other governmental force, they did a lot of terrible things. Which is easy for people to draw conclusion based on faith. Even if the church no longer has any real power in Murica now, they at one time ruled all of Europe(or most of it).

Although they fail to realize that the flipside of the anti-religion argument is that the most reviled regimes in the world were athiest. Stalin's reign of terror and hitler's Nazi germany abolished religion and surprisingly enough, the value of human life went down. People they considered rationale actually valued human life less, not more. Sure they don't have people being anti-gay because an old man in the clouds said it was bad. But rather they were anti-gay because it was their way of purging their people lol

So hey, just take their lack of percieved manners with a grain of salt. I'm sure you wouldn't be nice to a guy wearing a KKK robe at a rally for tolerance, would you? Even if you don't agree that with them, that is how they percieve organized religion. :P  

Personally, I don't take sides kiddies.  
@[20817:@Bacon is fluffy] you do make some good points. We are all indeed prejudiced in some way or another and indeed, both sides got their good and their bad sides. Indeed, one has the choice to not believe in any religion and even has the right to think that religion is, in a sense, absurd after examination. That is fine. What isn´t fine is to assume you yourself as so superior by the sheer fact of not believing in a God.

Judging by the detail of thought you put into your reply, I assume you heard the argument "Why do you need a supernatural explanation when you can describe it without the supernatural?" this is not too bad an argument by itself, however, you will regrettably find many who take this to mean that any argument that argues for a supernatural explanation is not only automatically wrong but anyone who uses it is just naïve and stupid.

And if you´re thinking "seriously, who does that?" that´s the right reaction to have, in my view, yet this happens with way too much frequency. And that is but one example of people who think that not being part of a religion somehow makes them better people than those that do have a religion.

So, my problem here? A dumb assumption, that half the cases can easily be proven to have no idea what they´re  talking about who generalize about religion as just plain dumb, and then go talk about it like they´re glorified by it. That´s the king of people I see too much of and was letting some steam about here.

They´re plain assholes.
slightly off topic but if ppl say the KKK doesn't represent christianity why the fuck do they think ISIS represent muslims???

@Bacon is fluffy I agree w/ you my friend, and @Idea 

I get you both aha relieving to find ppl w/ same ideas

meanwhile continues my life as serb orthodox