
Sibelle Grey
Sibelle Grey
RIGHT?!? It's the worst. The literal worst. 
It's so bad man. I never planned to read it because I can't stand scripts but it's like the author just browsed ff and AO3 and crammed together all the cliché plots they could find. Talk about yikes. 
Sibelle Grey
Sibelle Grey
Right? It's bad. Such a mess. I think it would have been so much better if they'd just left it alone. Like . . . this doesn't even feel like canon??? I read the spoilers because I'm impatient af, and I prayed that they weren't true. I acquired the script, I've had it for weeks, and I'm not even halfway through it. I just can't with this plot. I feel like we would have been better off if JK had just stuck to her original intention and let Harry's story end with the scene at King's Cross. 
I read the plot on Wikipedia and honestly what a mess. I was all for a next generation book but it should've been done by J.K or not at all. It's like the playwrites wanted to jump onto the HP bandwagon before the upcoming movie and bleed the fans dry of their money, knowing full well they'd see the play or buy the book. Like, Voldemort and Bellatrix having a daughter? Do you know cliche a fanfiction trope that is?
I feel like Joanne was heavily overshadowed by the other writers. ~^~
I doubt she had any input other than proofreading it. Especially as they overwrote cannon material so it makes zero sense. 
I think at the beginning she brought some initial ideas to the table and they used her to sort of model everything from after the end of the seventh book. And then they turned it into trash and all she could do was stand idly by.

I also feel like that only Doctor Who can get away with that much time travel and it still makes sense tbh.