
It happens...
Elle Joyner
Elle Joyner
Well, yeah, it happens lol. But how? Do people just wake up one day and forget the character they created... the scenes they wrote?? It's very confusing, and I'm inclined to believe it's a bogus excuse for leaving an rp without telling the gm :-p
People have jobs, families,school work, appointments..... fucking lives. It's not hard to forget the fantasy when reality is such a bitch, lay off them they're probably stressed.
Ticci Toby Rogers
Ticci Toby Rogers
It can be that they're overwhelmed by other things, and the Rp gets pushed out of their mind, and they forget to reply.
Elle Joyner
Elle Joyner
Oh, haha. I'm not talking about people who have irl issues and have to drop or take a hiatus. I'm talking about people who are in a rp, then suddenly stop posting, then join new stuff, or complain that they have no rps. Real life comes first... :-) but that's not the issue I keep running into.
Ticci Toby Rogers
Ticci Toby Rogers
Oh... Well that's different.... There could be a stall in the RP or a part where their character is only in the background, and they try to wait it out and forge about it, because they haven't posted in so long...
Elle Joyner
Elle Joyner
Possibly. I think if people communicated better, we'd have less dead rps. Btw, not a huge fan of Pokemon, but that avatar is absolutely adorable lol