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One x One Ş€ŦŦƗŇǤ ŦĦƗŇǤŞ ŞŦŘΔƗǤĦŦ | Characters



In need of more roleplays :⁠')
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Also, here it is nathacute nathacute
[div class=cont] [div class=hold] [div class=image][div class=page][div class=top][div class=thing][/div] [div class=pos][div class=d1]verizon [/div].............................................[div class=d2]78% [/div][/div][/div] [div class=bottom][div class=num]21:16[/div]
thursday, july 04, 2019
[/div] [div class=rhold][div class=fakr][/div] [div class=sop] [div class=back][div class=img][/div][/div][div class=arrow]oliver[/div][div class=rel][/div] [div class=stats][div class=overflow][div class=o][div class=scroll] [div class=firstword]full name[/div] oliver adam banks
[div class=firstword]nickname[/div] ollie
[div class=firstword]age[/div] twenty eight
[div class=firstword]job/occupation[/div] part time private tutor, actor/host, musician, paranormal investigator
[div class=firstword]gender[/div] male
[div class=firstword]sexuality[/div] demisexual
[div class=firstword]appearance details[/div] 6 feet tall, Oliver tends to wear a particular sets of clothes. ( denim jacket with jeans or just plain shirt with jeans.) Though he does wear something different depending on the occasion
[div class=firstword]other details[/div] → Oliver has a strong grip and could carry heavy weights with ease (he would have to throw and hold on tight on his dance partners back then so that they wouldn't slip and fall) along with flexibility that he managed to retain over the years having to do splits back when he would participate in such performances.
→ Oliver isn't scared of the dark so he would be fine sitting alone in a room without any light source if needed.
→ Oliver is a light sleeper and has a rather sharp hearing, so he can pick up light noises easily and would wake up if he were to ever take a nap upon a lock down or such.
→ When reading something, not too often he would wear his glasses as his vision is a bit blurry when seeing something that is close to his eyes.
→ Oliver smokes but only does it rarely as he would have to find an appropriate time and place to have one. [/div][/div]
[div class=o][div class=scroll] [/div][/div][/div] [/div][/div][/div][/div] [/div][/div] [div class=film][/div] [div class=2hold] [div class=cont2][div class=bg][div class=border][div class=pic][/div][/div] [div class=user]@Ollikesdancin[/div][/div] [div class=pers][div class=overflow style="width: 105%"] [div class=photo][/div]__.___[div class=photo style="background-image: url(https://66.media.tumblr.com/2adf745d55a312a48c4236ec63fbc250/tumblr_phjir48ham1vp2co1o1_400.jpg); background-size: 140%"][/div]

[div class=box] [div class=v]personality[/div] Always seemingly silent and somewhat stoic, Oliver can come off as distant and reserved most of the time. His expression and gesture would intimidate others as if they were being judge along with his lack of talking and opting on as a listener. Despite his rather Asocial behavior, Oliver isn't lacking on showing his affection towards others that he is close to. In fact, he comes of as a very friendly person towards every stranger he met and not rare that it would surprise others upon their first impression of him. [/div][/div][/div][/div] [div class=cont3][div class=title]biography ![/div] [div class=rop][div class=line][/div]...[div class=line][/div]............................[div class=line][/div]...[div class=line][/div][/div] [div class=box2][div class=overflow]Oliver came from a middle to upper class family back in the U.K but moved into The States while keeping his accent. He was close with both his parents and one sister who he now lives with in a two bedroom apartment somewhere downtown. In his younger years, Oliver would participate in theatrical plays (out of school) and hone his talent for both dancing and singing. However, as soon as he graduated from high school, his sister who was a year older than him had a son from her ex boyfriend which put Oliver's education on hold as his parents were both retired and couldn't provide for the three of them while also paying for his sister's tuition. Being one of the stars back in school, Oliver started to become a private tutor for all of his schoolmates while also becoming a clerk at one of the convenience store near home. Though that lasted a few years and when his sister graduated, he stopped working as a clerk but kept his job as a private tutor as he did already have a good amount of clients that needed his service. He would help his sister take care of her son since she was a single mother and would have to also pursue her career. Though in his spare time, he would either indulge himself with his love to dance and sing by joining a few performance and also becoming a singer whilst also becoming a musician for other rock bands (he would even play the violin sometimes other than guitar, bass, and drums). Though, he also squeeze in some paranormal investigation when he could. 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code by undine

♫ ▶ voice claim when singing ♫
♫ ▶ theme song 1 ♫
♫ ▶ theme song 2 ♫

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The Dawn Has Come
Charles Walter
• • • •
176 cm
67 kg
Dark Brown
Charlie Rowe
On The Back Of His Left Shoulder
A White Hat Hacker for the cyber division in the police department

Numb In Every Heartbeat
Charles is an outgoing carefree guy, He is comfortable socializing with strangers. He can be quite lively at times and is very fond of befriending others. Charles is known to be very generous and caring towards others, He wouldn't hesitate to help others no matter how big the cost is which often lead him ended up getting used by others.

Guns, Blood
High Intellect, Keen Analystic
Indecisive, Lack of composure
➼ Charles came from a very wealthy family, His father is a well known milionare and is very close with him, however Charles lost his mother when he was still 5 years old. She died right after giving birth to his brother, which resulted in a very deep grief to the family. Since then his father strive to be the father and a mother to his children, and tried to raise both child in a loving home despite his busyness with his work. Charles was trained as the heir to his father business, but charles refuse the role eversince an incident and so it fell to his brother. Charles now live his life in the police department as a White Hat Hacker.

© _nechesyn

Gravity Suitcase-Been Here Before


code by Fable Fable
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