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Fandom RWBY - Beacon Academy: AotWF

xD oh boy~

pairs so far~

Argyros and Onyx

Blaine and Ignian

Shannon and Ebony

Lazuli and Alabastor






I didn't realise how much of an arse I made Lazuli until I got into character for the latest post. I mean, I know she's grating and not that nice, but still.
*is in the middle of making a character*

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

They can have two, but just an FYI, all Faunus that have had animal ears have also had human ears, and that's actually a physiological Faunus fact(Trying saying that five time fast).

Also if Mira and Lazuli meet, they are either going to get along really well, or Mira is going to grate on her nerves like no other xD
Seriously though. Blakes eyes are actually cat based eyes, not just a happenstance. That give Blake two features, ears and eyes. It was also stated that while Faunus shown tend to have one it is not unknown for them to have two, just very rare.
[QUOTE="Veirrianna Valentine]They can have two, but just an FYI, all Faunus that have had animal ears have also had human ears, and that's actually a physiological Faunus fact(Trying saying that five time fast).

*goes to fix this*
Technically bird, lizard and other non-mammalian faunas are 'non-canon' as they haven't been shown, but that's usually ignored in favour of author's artistic creativities. It also allows for people to have a wider and more ranged variation of Faunus, especially if there are a large number of them.
[QUOTE="Veirrianna Valentine]Ahh, my comment on Mira and Lazuli interaction seemed to have been lost to the information sharing xD

Nah haha, I just went to go search for her CS, but inevitably failed to do so. xD

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way


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