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Fall into Ashes

"Kai thinks you are cute," Kat told her. "I mean you aren't a girly girl, but you are perfectly you," Kat wrapped his arms around her "would Kai ever think of letting a girl like Libby sleep with him every night?"
Sage gave a heavy sigh, "He just been spending a lot of time with Libby... and dosn't with us much anymore.. I know hes busy saveing the world.. and I'm being... weird.. selfish. I know hes trying." Sage gave a soft sigh.
"He tells me those things too..." Sage said, "Look. I'm not a special butterfly. You're just as capable as me."
"I am capable sure... but I'm not you, you and Kai can butt heads with each other and hold ground... I... prefer to just do as told you know?" Kat asked
"Yeah and he'd also like if I had bigger breast.. a cuter attitude and worked more on my appearance. Which I do, just not in the way he wants." Sage said before unzipping the dress.
"Really sage? Really? Have you ever seen Kai show favor towards people with big boobs?" he asked "other then to model his clothing? has Libby really gotten this far under your skin?"
Sage sighed lightly and slide the dress off, moving to go hand it up. She was surprisingly even wearing a bra.
Sage laughed, "I'm a little over late for going back to work.." Sage said with a smiled. She started to get dressed.

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