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Active A Walk Through the Forbidden Forest

This RP is the part 2 of From the City of Faiths to Seeking Thieves. It follows the story of Rothgar the wizard who leads his party of would be heroes through the forbidden forest, where an ancient evil has been awakened and the way through is hidden!

RavenSong RavenSong Joanne Vallenhart
Maxxob Maxxob Edwin Stormcrest
Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Eeriel "Midnight"
Baku Baku Iselai

Tales and the Enchantment of Wines-2.jpeg

The night continued as the moon and the heavens shifted their usual trajectory through the sky. Morning soon arrived, and the group rose at various times of the early hours. Nevertheless, eventually they all gathered after conducting their morning routines if any whatsoever. As they'd one by one arrive into the eatery their sense of smell was suddenly soothed by the various morning pastries and coffee, which in and of itself was a rare treat on this side of the continent.
A small band of soldiers then arrived, the leader amongst them heading straight to the keeper. "Keeper, anything to report?"
"No sirs, there'd be nothin' but the usual happenin's around these parts. But rumors are growing you see, some be mentioning there's a large swarm of undead folk in the heart of the woods."
The soldier took off his helmet, his face was scarred and one of his eyes had faded as a scar revealed a vertical slash that went over his eyelid. "Rumors are hardly a prelude to war, I suggest you keep such rumors from spreading, we can't have anymore commerce interrupted in Halden due to fear of travel. We're short manned as it is."
The keeper nodded, "Yes sir."
"As you were keeper, farewell."
WIth that the soldiers departed, but the eatery suddenly burst in whispers and speculation.


The Relic, as the inn was known, was the very last stop before reaching the Paizu. To the west was a small town, Halden. Mostly a food producing farm area, the place was on the brink of electing a new mayor. Which meant alot to the local populace not just to make farmers more money by widening the road to Ryken, but because this mayor was going to have to deal with a problem that loomed over the very land. A curse that had revealed itself that had escalated to attacks, not from raiders or wolves, but the living dead.

The mountain ranges shadow casted upon a vast expanse of forest and swamp; The Forbidden Forest. A place where it was always dark and damp whilst the air smelled of rotting earth and blood.

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Usually travelers went around the forest due to the dreadful geography and dense terrain. Many others feared much more than the swampland.

Rumors had grown of a human who haunted the forest, stories of his foul magics to animate corpses. "With a wave of his scythe, he'll take your dead body and bring your very bones to his service." One said to the other at the table as they ate. "Efforts have been mysteriously halted to deal with those abominations! There's something strange going on with the higher ups around here!"
"Its a place of great evil.." A cloaked medium build gentleman with a crossbow at his side as he spoke to his partner. They could nearly be identified as scouts, or rangers of some sort. "I hear the farmers on the borders are looking for folk to build a pallisades. Perhaps they think they can amass enough support to have Ryken intervene." The other shook his head before taking a sip of his blackened liquid drink. "Pathetic. They're looking to get dead fast."
Amidst these rumors, Rothgar, the wandering wizard drank a glass of wine. Quite early, but his mind needed it. His anxiety seemed to grow as he speculated what could have been achieved with his stolen charts and plans by now. "Oh grand!" He exclaimed relieved and excited all the same as the party came about. "Don't let the overall mood of the place get to ye, it's not quite as bad as they say.. I know of a way we could get straight through without the need to encounter any sort of nasty things!"


The nun had twisted and turned most of the night, the bruises on her body had truly become a hindrance. Sitting up, she examined herself before casting an F grade healing spell. Rather than attempt to return to sleeping however, she rose. Quite earlier than most of the people staying at the inn overnight. She'd covered herself with a blanket and headed down to eat her fill before the long journey that seemingly laid before her. Noticing Rothgar, she'd raise an open hand softly. "May this morning find you blessed, elder." After a few exchange of words she sat by the fireplace to eat while she gazed into the fire. She wondered how she'd obtain a new suit of armor, a better sword to serve, and the courage to overthrow a dragon. Her peaceful train of thought was crashed however when a small dispatch of soldiers arrived through the door. Listening intently, she'd sit next to Rothgar after they left. "What was that about?"

"It appears an army of undead creatures is amassing in the forest.." he stroked his beard, "..how peculiar that the soldiers don't want to get anyone alarmed. Perhaps.. no.. no it couldn't be." He dismissed the thought with a wave of his hand before addressing the young crusader. "Once we get my plans, I'll be sure to help you find this dragon of yours." Joanne shook her head, "It is not the dragon, it's the chalice."
"Ah yes! The Chalice! Heh, I recently found out from the keeper ere' that the Church of Dala is rallying all their faithful crusaders to begin some sort of inquisition. Seems like they believe there are spies in their midst and anyone who doesn't join will be under scrutiny. By order of the arch bishop, those unwilling to serve will be sent to the public gallows of Ruaan. Hehehehe! Such a silly way to deal with getting a stolen chalice returned! Kill your own, find the dragon later!"

Joanne didn't know what to believe, she appeared rather conflicted by the recent news, if it was true it meant madness. The churches followers were livid by their stolen chalice, but why had the arch bishop now chose to wield that rage towards its faithful? Something was not right. "I have heard from others that.." she hesitated.

"Hm? Yes? Do tell." Rothgar pressed.

"That the chalice was used in conjunction with fell relics of the accursed realms of the underworld, and those of the demon realms as well. I don't know much else.. but if it's true-"

"It means that the church is compromised from within!"

Joanne nodded. "I fear the worst."

Rothgar then placed a hand on the crusaders shoulder, "Oh don't ye fret in time maybe things will reveal themselves!"

"I pray they will."


Once the others were gathered, Joanne greeted them. "A blessed morning to you all."
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Sir Edwin Stormcrest

[Human - Mundane], [Noble Ryke] D, [Apprentice Lancer], Knight [Educated] Color - #6bcdfa

RavenSong RavenSong Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Bakuyoshi Bakuyoshi

The night had been simply dreadful to Edwin. Not because of the adrenaline, which was still coursing through his veins from the previous first, real taste of battle he had experienced. Nor was the rather simplistic bed he slept on, much less comfortable than the velvety, luxurious bed along with equally high-quality pillows back at his family estate. No, the main culprit for his poor night of sleep had been none other than Rothgar, as they had to share the one of the bedrooms he had rented, as it wouldn't be proper for the free-knight to share the sleeping quarters with Sister Vallenhart.

The old mage had snored and snored, the rumbling coming out of his mouth kept filling the room with its insane cacophony. At one point, the teen nobleman thought that the dragon had, somehow, made its way into the living quarters by how loud the sound was. The infernal sound kept hammering into Edwin's ears, and even covering his own face with a pillow did little to muffle the sound. There was even a fleeting thought of getting his own pillow and sticking on top of Rothgar's face. In the end, the free-knight had committed a terrible mistake: not renting his own room. And this lesson, he burned in his own memory, knowing what to do if the party were to stop by another inn at some point.

Only when Rothgar got up and left the bedroom, had Edwin managed to get a few minutes of sleep, before his own internal clock made him awaken once more. Letting out a long sigh, he decided to get up from the bed and start his own morning routine in preparation. After he was done, he was clad in his armor as he made his way downstairs. With a rumbling stomach, he directed himself first at the ordering counter and began to choose his breakfast. Using his personal assets, [Wealth F], he ordered many pieces of assorted pastries. In fact, if one would look at his plate, they probably would think that it was for a few people, instead of just him. Along with the food, he ordered a large cup of coffee, a much-needed stimulant after the really poor night of sleep.

With tired eyes, Edwin managed to spot both Joanne and Rothgar by the fireplace. With his plate armor clinking with every step, he approached them, finding a seat near them. "Good mor-" his morning greeting was interrupted by a yawning with he couldn't stop, seeing that one of his hands carried the plate with the ungodly amount of food and his other one held the mug of coffee. "Sorry about that..." He apologized, a bit embarrassed, before continuing. "I hope you all slept well. So, what are the plans for that... what was called? Forbidden Forest?" He asked, while trying to jolt his brain into place, before starting to eat his pastries and drink the hot coffee.
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RavenSong RavenSong Maxxob Maxxob Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread

"21, 22, 23." Iselai mumbled to herself as she counted the coins she had left, frowning as she realized she was low again. She knew it was going to be rough but money always had a way of running out when she was getting close to an objective of hers. How was she going to enter that Forbiddent forest if all she had was the most basic of survival gear and equipment. Her own mind was firing ideas as fast as it could but she ended up feeling more frustrated with each failed thought.

"Can't believe of all places this is where the brick wall lies." She sighed before taking a drink of cofee before her ears caught something she never dreamed of hearing.

"I hope you all slept well. So, what are the plans for that... what was called? Forbidden Forest?"
Every person treated the place as if the air inside of it was toxic. The rumors she heard were far too numerous for a normal person to even consider entering the Forbidden forest. She had to look at the group of fellow fools just in hopes it was not some drunks shouting nonsense.

Her frown turned into a smile when she laid eyes on the group. An older man, a cleric or priestess of some form, a knight. There were people just as foolish out here as her. She ran her normal hand through her hair in an attempt to make herself more presentable. This was a chance she could not mess up.

She walked up to the group clearing her throat "Forgive the sudden intrusion strangers, I was a couple of tables away and I heard tale of you lot trying to go into the Forbidden forest." she had to stop herself before she gushed about the unknown and realizing she had butted in without even so much of bringing her name. "Oh er apologies about the lack of manners. My name is Iselai, I am a traveler of sorts who has been considering going into the Forbidden forest." She gave a bow upon finishing up her introduction. Though internally she felt her goose was already cooked at not starting with said introduction.

It was quite early still, but the inn never slept. Many had come and gone, others returning from their nightly duties. The inn echoed and occasionally creaked from he accumulated moisture of the night now drying up with the rising sun. The keeper went about his usual business, serving customers, returning keys, collecting fees as his waiters took orders back and forth to the chefs in the back room. An incredible order has been placed to which the baker was scratching his head wondering who on earth would eat so much in a single morning, and with a single cup of coffee nonetheless? Either way, he filled the order and the waiter served it at the bar for the noble knight Edwin Stormcrest whose degree of wealth impressed even the keeper who made sure to treat him particularly well.

Rothgar would look to Edwin, his beard increasingly just a day more tangled. "Good morning young man! Ready for the day are we? Hm? Ready to do some fighting are you? Eh?" He laughed, exposing his missing teeth as he slapped his knee. "Ah! Ah! Yes, eat much for it's quite the journey up ahead hm!"


It was then that Iselai would approach, her boots rapped and tapped underneath her feet as Rithgar saw her join the small group. "Hm?!" Exclaimed the old wizard with surprise. "You? You're headed to the Forbidden Forest?" He nodded in deep thought for a bit before looking at Joanne and Edwin. "Well, I suppose another weapon wielder would certainly be useful, heh.. but this is quite the dangerous journey lass! Are you sure?" He only paused briefly before continuing, "Well, no time to lose, we're after a stack of tomes with my celestial charts you see? It's my life's work! My.. my.. whole lifes worth of research! Surely you could understand the magnitude! Oh yes, those parchments are protected by magics of my own design, but, in the right magicians hands they can be unlocked and wield terrible, terrible power!! Oh you don't want to know what horrors could be possible!" He looked towards the door impatiently. "We.. we.. must go!" He got up but sat back down as he saw Edwin eating. "Right.. heh.. hasty, no no.. you need to keep up your strengths if I do say so myself!" Leaning into Edwin, "Hey lad, spare a pastry for an old man? Yes?"


Joanne nodded and held a gentle hand to her mouth as Edwin yawned, making her yawn as well. Once she was done, "By the gods that is excessive." She commented on the nobleman's giant plate of food. "You plan on eating all of that?" She asked non-chalantly as if already knowing what he was going to say.

When the woman known as Iselai approached and introduced, the templar maiden looked up at her from where she sat, "May Dala bless our meeting miss Iselai, i am Joanne Vallenhart of the church of Dala. Pray tell, what calls you to venture into the Forbidden Forest? I assume you've heard of the recent rumors coming from that place?" She looked at Rothgar who shrugged, then back at Iselai, "They say the way through might be riddled with some sort of accursed magic that returns corpses to life. I for one rather return to Ruaan, but.. Rothgar is in dire need."

Rothgar had been bouncing his knee up and down with anxiety, "Doh! We should really get moving! It's only a matter of time before things get much much much worse for us! If those magics are unlocked then it will be much greater an emergency than these undead whatever things!"

Joanne sighed before getting up and walking up to Iselai, "Are you ready to go? It appears we're.. heading out. I suppose we can wait a bit if you'd like to get anything in order before departure."
[Human - Mundane], [Noble Ryke] D, [Apprentice Lancer], Knight [Educated] Color - #6bcdfa

RavenSong RavenSong Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Bakuyoshi Bakuyoshi

Edwin's emerald eyes were focused on Rothgar as he was greeted by the old man, flashing him a small smile while he ate. Swallowing the pastry that was on his mouth, he commented. "Training always left me famished! Carrying my armor and lance around takes quite a bit of energy! And, if what we will meet in the forest are the undead, I guess it will take sometime until we can poach animals to eat..." Finishing, he took a small sip of coffee, noticing the newcomer which had approached the trio.

He looked at her in appraisal, noticing the that she wasn't a full-blooded humanoid, and neither was fully of the other species she seemed to be a part of. Despite the general feelings that humans had towards beast folk or half-breeds, Edwin was neutral to them.
"Greetings, Iselai. I am Sir Edwin of the house Stormcrest." The sixteen-year-old nobleman introduced himself, before placing yet another pastry in his mouth, wolfing it down with unprecedented aggressiveness. With that, Edwin would listen to Rothgar attentively, getting a better grasp of what his scrolls were about. Up to that point, the free-knight had no idea about the ramifications of the magical parchments. It looked like this quest had much in the value of honor after all, even if they would be, in fact, clearing after a mage with had been careless. At the end, it was just like his combat instructor had taught him: mages were simply no good.

Still, he kept himself amiable towards Rothgar, bringing his the mountainous plate close to him as he asked for a pastry.
"Shure, go ahwead." He said with a mouthful, probably looking like a chipmunk. Turning towards Sister Vallenhart, as she asked if he was going to eat all of it, the teen nodded. "Do you want shome?" He would then also offer the plate towards both her and Iselai, giving them a chance to also get pastries from his plate, before shoving multiple of them inside his hungry mouth, washing them down with coffee in a blink of an eye. After he was done, he would let out a contented sigh, closing his eyes for a moment, before putting both plate and cup down. Cracking his neck, he appeared to be ready for whatever waited for them. "Ready when you are." He said with clear conviction in his preparedness.
Eeriel (Midnight)
Character Grade - E

As a cat, Eeriel didn't sleep like a regular person. Instead of one session of straight up eight hours sleep, she prefers to do frequent brief naps throughout the days. She spent half of the night sleeping, and then the other half baiting and sniping rats like she usually do. Fortunately for her the rats around tavern were usually abundant and plump from all those leftover foods and The Relic was no exception. Once the sun rose Eeriel had finished her little art piece that she placed behind a random tree near the inn, a dozen dead rats piled inside a replica magic circle drawn with the rats' own blood like some sort of mini ritual (Arcane F).

Satisfied with her little prank, she entered the inn and sat under the table, silently listening to the discussion done by the other individuals while grooming her fur. She did have some curiousity about the rumors floating around about the forest, or the might be juicy business about the Dala church, but ultimately she didn't care. She only came out from under the table when another person expressed their interest on joining them.

"Oh? Interesting, someone else is dumb enough to be willing to enter the forest. Welcome to the club then." The cat let out a big yawn and then stretched her body. Readying herself to resume their journey.

RavenSong RavenSong Maxxob Maxxob Bakuyoshi Bakuyoshi

Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Maxxob Maxxob RavenSong RavenSong

Iselai was surprised by the reception, hearing greeting after greeting, alongside being accepted. The thing that got her to speak up was the rumours and the danger behind it.

"Oh I have heard rumours of the place, similar to this one forbidden cave I investigated a few villages back. Undead, spirits. Just hoping one of em may be true. See the thing with the cave was it was just a hiding spot for a bandit who had masqueraded as a traveler like me. Spreading all these stories as a means of keeping people away."

She took a moment to respond to the cat "The word dumb is not applicable here, rather it's a place hardly many step foot into and if I can go into it and pop back out I can say more then most around here. Actually you may not get it, only those that travel for the sake of it would know why I want to enter." She could already imagine the possibilities behind this, mayhaps it was like the cave and have another story to tell from it. Or even the concept of nature sprits who challenge them to navigate the forest, now that would make for a greater story then just bandits.

She snapped back the moment she heard the call to move out, fumbling a moment as she rushed back to her table to grab her pack and various supplies.

"Forgive me but are there any preferred titles among you? I would rather not obtain the ire of any lords in the making."
Joanne, seeing Edwin stuff his face made her chuckle somewhat, before truly taking him up on his offer and taking a scone from his tray. Then taking another to put in her pack. She knew the journey through the forest would be treacherous. But she didn't know just how long they'd linger there. "Pray tell, how long is the journey to our destination, elder." She said as she adjusted the pack on her back whilst she checked all of the straps."

"How long you say? Eh.. hmm.. I don't remember, but uhm.. let's just say two days!"

"Very well.." Joanne nodded before looking back at Edwin. "..Sir Edwin, I have a dire request I must ask of you. I heard earlier of a blacksmith that works just outside the inn. May I write you a note on behalf of the Church of Dala for repayment should I require funds for a set of armor and a sword? Perhaps a shield even." She was dreadfully unequipped, and considering she was usually the first line of defense, it was quite an important matter.


Although Eeriels ritual was fairly benign for the moment, it would result over time that the tree would begin to awaken. Due to the nature of the little ritual it would likely be a sort of corrupted tree ent. Who knows? Perhaps the keeper and his servants would find it and dispose of the contents soon enough.


Back at the Relic Inn, the party began to make ready. Rothgar would grab his staff and open the door to everyone who would accompany the search for the Celestial Charts.

As everyone went outside, one by one, they'd feel the morning chill accompanied by a steady breeze. The tall grass swayed, and the crows made their various calls. The smell of wet earth and mulched dirt wafted through the air and every now and then a droplet fell from the sky.

"Gah! It appears we're expecting rain in the near future eh? We better be quick!"

It was then Joanne interrupted, "Just a moment.." she insisted as she ran to the shack next to the inn, knocking on the door. The sounds of folding steel rang about the dwelling, when a bearded and bald man answered. "Yes?" He replied sternly. The ordeal would take about half an hour, before Joanne returned, clad in iron sheets of plated metal. It wasn't much, but it would do for a few encounters, or so she thought.

As the party began down the road, it was evident where this fabled forest lay, just beyond the town of Haldon. When they did eventually reach the town, it was eerily quiet. The people were quiet, nervous, anxious even afraid of what the day would bring. Rothgar would usher them forward as rufian types would glare and grunt at their ilk. Haldon, once the centerpiece of fruitful harvest, the most fertile land which was blessed by the very gods to always produce was now barren, empty and solemn.

"Perhaps you'd prefer to stand on my shoulder miss cat?" Joanne whispered to the feline that appeared to be following from a distance as usual. It was a rather non pressing suggestion, but the crusader feared her being taken by a braver thief or brigand.

Shortly after passing the gates of Haldon, a man, middle aged and frantic ran up to Rothgar and the party. Grasping the old wizards robes he stuttered, "Please! If you're going into the forest look for a woman, her name is Diane. She.. she disappeared.. she was walking right behind me and a flock of crows attacked us out of nowhere! Then.. she was gone! I.. I.." she looked at the others. "..I looked everywhere. Please, if you find her tell her to come home!" The man wouldn't wait for any replies, he'd go into the town and continue to ask others to search for his beloved.

Joanne reached for the man, but he wouldn't wait or pause, his gaze was void, as if he was replaying something in his mind. Too soon or too vivid still for him to maintain a nirnak conversation. The nun would ponder for a moment as she walked, she wondered if treading into this forest was a good idea. She prayed silently to her diety entwining her armored hands together. Praying for a sign.

Rothgar would look behind, "Oh! Don't be afraid! It's just a damp silly little forest eh?" He smiled as he tried to reassure them. "But eh.. maybe keep yer eyes peeled eh? Here it is!" He interrupted as a rusty bent gate now remained permanently open. If one would peer within, one could see a densely wooded forest, dark, and wet and dank. The forest floor was riddled with mushrooms of various types and sizes, fallen trees rotting as insects ate away at their insides. At first glance it appeared like any usual habitat of it's type. But a sound echoed through the forest. A groan, and soft steps then.. silence.

Rothgar would then enter first, "Ah.. aha! Yes, yes, creepy I tell you!" He chuckled. "Now let us be off, those caves aren't too far from here now, if we hurry we'll be there by nightfall!" And thus the party made it's first steps into the Forbidden Forest.
[Human - Mundane], [Noble Ryke] D, [Apprentice Lancer], Knight [Educated] Color - #6bcdfa

RavenSong RavenSong Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Bakuyoshi Bakuyoshi

Edwin let out a disapproving sigh when hearing the small black cat's bluntness towards the newcomer. He wondered how she had managed to stay out of trouble so far, if that was how she always acted. Well, maybe she didn't and had the means to handle the situation if it became ugly. Turning towards Iselai, he answered her question in a heartbeat. "Sir Edwin, as it befits my status as a knight." He said, telling her how she could address him. While the teen was approachable, he didn't really dismiss formalities. Focusing his attention to sister Vallenhart, he nodded with her proposal. "Certainly, sister. And there is no need to write a note for repayment. Just as the noble of the house Driscol said: the nobility and the clergy of Ryke stand hand-in-hand. My house ought to become closer to the faithful as well." He offered, with a small smile on his lips. He saw such favor as a no-brainer: coin for standing within one of the faiths. The more connections he made with those holding power, be it between the nobility or the clergy, the smoother his path would be. And, even more importantly, he would not allow for Joanne ill-equipped, as the dangers would be too great both for her and the group itself.

Outside the inn, his blue cape fluttered with the gentle breeze, his emerald eyes gazing up at the skies for a moment, understanding that Rothgar was probably right: it was going to rain. And, when the crusader asked for a moment to visit the small blacksmith next to the inn, he would follow her to provide the funds she needed to equip herself once more. Once more, using his funds [Wealth F], he splashed the necessary rykes to make whatever purchase she had in mind happen. He himself would grab a few simple lances, which the man had already in stock, as he predicted they would end up breaking from constant use. Carrying the newly acquired armaments, he brought them back with him and filled the pouch of his warhorse with them, before getting on the animal and starting to ride towards their next destination.

Galloping slowly as to match Rothgar's walking speed, his green eyes kept scanning the scenery as they arrived at Haldon. The ruffian types which eyed the group received, in return, a hard stare from Edwin. The free-knight thought it was nothing short of preposterous that whatever lord had the responsibility over the place had not taught his peasants better. And, even more grave, was the fact that the place had been allowed to reach such a state. Taxes were imposed and collected, he was sure of it, but the administration of the land was shoddy at best. He wondered if he would find in Ryke a noble worthy of swearing fealty to until he became a baron himself.

When the man suddenly approached Rothgar, the free-knight's grip on his lance tightened, ready for possible combat when next was revealed something much different. He heard the man's words, looking from the top of his horse with a critical gaze. "Flock of crows... hmph! Work of an arcanist, no doubt." He scoffed, shaking his head. It would be only natural that, if the man was not hallucinating, to be the work of those damned mystics.

Upon seeing the gate, Edwin's expression was unreadable. Rothgar's words did little to ease his tension, but it didn't matter. He would rather keep himself on edge, that way, his preparedness would follow suit. With Rothgar being the first to enter the Forest, the free-knight piped up in a rather authoritative manner. "Rothgar, you should not be taking the lead. Best for me and sister Vallenhart take up the front, you and the cat the middle, while Iselai takes the back. That formation is more sound." From his tone, it was clear that Edwin was expecting something to happen and having Rothgar exposed at the front, poorly armored as he appeared to be, was a horrible idea. With that, he would ride up and take point or, at the very least, take the old mage's right side.

RavenSong RavenSong Maxxob Maxxob Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread

Iselai could not help but wonder what group she had tagged along with. A talking cat, a women of the cloth, a knight, and a traveling wizard was an odd bunch on it's own. What if they got too attached to her or the other way around and she was going to find herself getting stuck in something she would rather not have any part of. Maybe a mistake or two was made, but it was her only ticket of going in and finding something few could.

Her mind tuned out for a while, only whistling a small tune a fellow traveler had taught her. But by the time they were in Holdan Isolde found a feeling she was all to used to, the glares of people who were bit very appreciative of people like her strolling through, ok maybe it was more they did not approve of the group as a whole, taking a moment to grab her tail and coil it around the inside of her cloak before anyone got any ideas of cutting it off.

It wasn't long before a man ran to them spilling a tale of a women named Diana being taken by a flock of crows. She was processing the information before Edwin came to the same conclusion she had.

"Could be some spell involving familiars. Wish I could say more but alas I only know magic from an outsiders perspective and the spells I have heard about. Can't cast an ounce of it." She spoke up, but at the bit of not being able to cast magic she turned her voice down almost as it she was embarrassed about that fact.

She stopped at the suggestion of being the one stuck at the back, she could only hope this Rothgar was good with combating spells for her own sake turning to the Wizard with a worried look. "I hope you are fast with spells Rothgar, I would greatly appreciate not suffering whatever fate lies beyond being snatched by some mad wizard in this forest."
The armaments would be secured by both Joanne and Edwin before entering the village, Edwin's [Wealth F] activating would allow for F grade items of choice.

"Your quality truly shines sir Edwin and Dala will surely bless your efforts." The nun bowed her head with respect.

When Edwin made his assessment of the potential magics possible. Joanne nodded sternly within her helm. Her voice echoed within the iron, "Heathen magics no doubt, sir Edwin. We must be weary moving forward, if such magics are possible there is no telling what could befall us in consequence of us entering here."

Turning to Iselai, and the meekness of her comments moved her a bit. "It is the ways of the humble that truly impact our world the deepest. I'm certain whatever strengths you possess will help us through this fell place." Joanne, being a woman of faith found it her own personal duty to uplift even when situations would become bleak.


As the party entered, they'd notice the softness of the mulch of the forest floor. Every step they took would appear as if the air got close or dense with the thickening fog.

Rothgar looked at Edwin as he suggested his strategy. To which he shrugged a bit, yet, with an agreeable tone. "Eh? Oh! Very splendidly thought sir knight, you two would surely be a great defense! Now, up at this fork here we go left."

When he followed more so in the middle, he heard Iselais concerns a bit more clearly, "Fast with spells?" He repeated almost in disbelief. "Why, I'm an excellent wizard, I've simply eh.. lost a bit of my sanity being secluded for over a hundred years! Working with magic ages you slower, yet.. eh.. unfortunately not ones mind." He chuckled and gave Iselai a thumbs up. "Don't you worry now, it all appears quite creepy yes? Well.. this forest was once an old elven stronghold but eh.. well.. it was taken over by orcs.. then cleaned up by the Knights of Haldon. But now eh.. well.. now it's just a creepy forest!"



As they made their way through, they eventually approached a marsh, fireflies dotted the landscape ahead yet the path wasn't as clear. The opening was roughly a few miles in a circle, but it was impossible to see within it as the fog was thickest here. Yet, one could see the treeline ahead and the path of one looked at their feet.

Rothgar then decided to chime in when Joanne turned to look at him. "What now, elder?"

"Waha! My my, this is quite unexpected, it appears the weather here is quite changed! Heh.. there is a path here were supposed to follow.
." the old wizard would look down and search for the path until he finally did so as exclaimed, "aha! Here it is! Go on now, hurry." He pointed to a clear path accented by small pebbles dotting the way forward.

As the party continued on its sort of defensive formation, the fog would begin to twist and turn almost becoming alive. Suddenly the fog would take the shape of hands that when they touched any of them would suddenly evaporate. Rothgar would wave his hand dissipating one of the foggy hands reaching for him. "Ah! Haha! Yes, these spirits appear to have lots and lots of regret and wish to return to the living world. What a shame eh?"


Joanne would appear uneasy, "What cursed place is this? Surely these souls must be put to rest." She suggested. "Perhaps there is indeed something at work here."

it was then that the fog would clear up a bit, however what stood before them was something expected yet, surprising. What stood before them was what appeared at first like the silhouette of a few persons, but quickly it became clear there were many. However, the others were still further away. The creatures moved sluggishly slow as they turned to face the party. Then the solemn faces suddenly became that of hunger and a desire to move faster than their bodies allowed.


As the five enemies approached them, Joanne raised her shield and drew her sword. "What is the plan?" She asked glancing back at Rothgar, to which he replied, a bit shocked himself. "I..I.. I.. well, they're certainly in the way of the path?" He said raising his staff as he seemingly, nervously, or accidentally let off an arcane bolt straight into one of the living corpses skulls to which it dropped dead and lifeless. "Eh uh.. my apologies!"

"No need, elder." Joanne replied before approaching one of the undead, using a shield to parry an incoming bite attack and two slashes one to the rib cage which proved little effective and one to the face which connected and dropped the body lifeless.

Action 1. Move/Parry
Action 2. Attack Torso
Action 3. Attack Face

[Human - Mundane], [Noble Ryke] D, [Apprentice Lancer], Knight [Educated] Color - #6bcdfa

RavenSong RavenSong Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Bakuyoshi Bakuyoshi

With each gallop of his destrier, Edwin heard the soft earth beneath its hooves in a 'sloshing' like sound. Glad that his suggestion had been accepted, he took the vanguard, keeping his emerald eyes trained in the scenery. Seeing as they came upon a marsh, he became wary, knowing he would have a massive disadvantage while mounted if they were to threat through it. Furthermore, who knew what sort of creates lived on those waters? For all he knew, they could very well end up being bitten by some sort of large reptilian or fish!

Luckily, there seemed to be one way around it, a clear path which was pointed out by Rothgar. Gripping one of the lances he had bought from the blacksmith, he began to ride towards the path, feeling the fog touch against his exposed face, almost if the ethereal hands were trying to find purchase to be, once more, among the living. The free-knight shivered slightly with the touch, the uncanny sensation leaving him quite unnerved. One thing was to fight warriors, bandits, marauders or other threats of this world, facing the dangers from the beyond was an entirely different thing. "Putting these souls to rest... do you know any miracle that would do that, Sister Vallenhart?" He asked the crusader, unsure of how spirits or souls should be dealt with.

And then, just like that, with the fog clearing up just enough, the young nobleman could see a few silhouettes up ahead. Soon enough, his emerald eyes were able to make out what those shambling beings were: undead corpses, probably hungry to taste the flesh of the living. Getting off the top of his warhorse, he decided to fight on foot, knowing that forests wouldn't be the best place to fight on horseback. He couldn't help but being surprised with the mastery that Rothgar had shown, being able to down one of the creatures with a single arcanic bolt. With one of the bought lances in hand, another strapped to his back, he joined Joanne in melee against one of the undead still not engaged.

He moved against the creature, using the lance's wooden shaft, in a horizontal manner to attempt and ¹block the creature, before spinning the armament and aiming the tip against the creature, first launching a ²poke towards its torso and then a powerful ³strike towards its head, which, if hit, could end up shattering the lance, due to putting more strain on it that it could handle.

1 - Move/Block against one of the undead
2 - Normal Attack against its torso -> Strength E + Lance F = 3 Base Effectiveness
3 - Thunderous Lance Impale F - Fighting Style [Lance] F, Technique Core Blight [Lightning] F, Technique Core Continuing [Electrified] F - Grade F Cooldown 0 - Sir Edwin thrusts and impales his lance deeply into the target, delivering both lightning damage on contract, as well as electrifying them, further dealing more lightning damage. -> Strength D (one grade above which the lance would normally withstand) + Lance F + Fighting Style F = 5 Base Effectiveness + Blight [Lightning] F (+1 damage) + Continuing [Electrified] (+1 damage)
Eeriel (Midnight)
Character Grade - E

Eeriel walked silently through the forest. Not bothering to accept Joanne's offer as she wouldn't really want to stay on someone's armored shoulder. That would be unpleasant. She would rather walk by herself, for now. Once she got tired she might consider hitching the knight's horse. If it didn't freak out.

As they ventured deeper into the forest they finally met their first adversaries, zombies.

"Eww," The cat displayed a disgusted expression as she let out a guttural chanting. A small orb of light appeared in front of her before it launched towards one of the zombie. She scoffed at Edwin's idea of putting these thing to rest. Eeriel didn't see these zombies as nothing more than walking rotting meat. Roughly comparable to golems, though that comparison would be an insult to golems, at least golem had some semblance of craftmanship than these shoddy meat vessel thing. Whatever soul they might had was probably already gone, replaced by the magic that power these annoying creatures.

1) Mana Strike - Launch a bolt of pure mana to a target within 30 feet - Magic E, Magic Range F - 1 turn cooldown
RavenSong RavenSong Maxxob Maxxob Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread
"Of course, of all the rumours it's the undead one that was true!" This was far from the ideal group of enemies for her to fight, she heard tales of the annoying if not horrific fortitude of the shambling corpses before her, there were spells being flung, even the knight had some form of magical art that could deal more harm then her normal sword. Unless of course she was willing to stab rather then slash.

It was swift but the moment she saw the shot of magic she followed up on it rolling to the undeads side as she switched the hold on her blade, it was swift yet she felt every muscle in her body tense up, her arms bringing the blade back before she let it fly into undeads side.

1: Vipers bite -Fighting Style (swords) F- Penetrating F
The skirmish ensued, shortly after Rothgar launched the accidental arcane bolt, the undead fiend closest to them reached to attack Joanne to which her shoddy shield proved effective. Her first strike was lack luster, spewing the zombies guts to the ground which emitted a foul stench, her follow up attack, on its head rendered the foe lifeless to which it fell to the ground stop it's entrails.

Edwin was intelligent to dismount as the follow up opponent approached the gap which he filled as the line of defense for the mages behind him. His plated armor glistening in the little light that shinned through the dense canopy. The undead then, would attempt to reach for him to no avail as he was met with a shield. The walking corpse would attempt to bite, then would attempt to climb over the defensive tool before being pierced through the torso. Again, much like Joanne would induce a foul stench which assaulted everyone's nostrils. The follow up impaling attack to its head would appear to be the most effective.

"Aim for their skull. Anywhere else is.." Joanne would hold her stomach and close her eyes for a second as she kept her breakfast from puking out. "..let's end this at once."

It was then that the feline would muster up a bolt made manifest of pure mana. Without it taking any sort of form it took shape as a streaming chunk of blueish plaster which splashed into a zombie. Due to the properties of such a spell it both melted and impacted the foe. Although it didn't destroy its head which stilled made sound, the enemy was more or less immobile and defeated.

Rothgar would then push on Joanne, "Move forward girl, have you not seen what's behind these five?!" He exclaimed before launching yet another arcane bolt towards an unfortunate undead. It was here that the party could see just for a few moments due to the brightness of the magical attacks that an enormous horde of living dead was slowly turning around and noticing the commotion.

Just then Iselai would jump infront if Joanne, slashing a zombie in two. It's legs falling lifeless but it's upper body crawling and catching the battle maidens foot.

"On guard!!" Joanne shouted before bringing her shield right in between the maidens calf and the zombies broken jagged teeth. It was then the crusader knight would strike down upon the zombies skull.

"We must move, quickly!" She shouted to the others and pushing Iselai forward down the path. "With haste! Lest we be overrun to our doom!"

Rothgar, running shortly behind everyone would continue to cast arcane bolts. However, the horde had already caught their scent and all began shambling towards the party.

They moved quickly, and had gained quite a bit of distance from danger however, suddenly the road forked. "Which way elder?!" Joanne turned to Rothgar, not hiding her panic. Rothgar grew anxious, "Now.. now.. don't be hasty I'm-" Joanne would grab him by the shoulders and shake the old man. "We don't have time! Which way do we go?" The old man looked into the crusaders worried eyes and drooped under her grasp. "I.. don't remember.. I know one path leads to the village while the other leads to the mill. Either one will get us to the caves you see! It's just that.. well.. I'm not quite sure which way is the safest!" He wrestled his way from Joannes grasp.

The nun, concerned would stab her sword into the ground and rested her trembling hands upon the hilt of it before looking to the others. "It seems we'll have to vote. I'm afraid we don't have much time however. What will it be? I'm with the majority vote."
Eeriel (Midnight)
Character Grade - E

Ah, it happens again. Lost in a forest wile being chased by a group of hostile creatures. Last time she was in a group of kidnapped people running from robots, this time its zombies. Different people, different place, same scenario. In a way Eeriel knew what she should do.

"Never know you're a fan of democracy, sister." The cat teased the nun as she stepped forwards.

She looked at the two pathways in front of them. According to the wizard, one would lead them to a village and one to a mill, but both ended up in their destination anyway and no one know the safe way. Then the only relevant thing would be how they thread forward.

"Follow me, I will try finding the safest path. Keep your ears peeled though." Using her acute sense of smell [Enhanced Sense (Smell) F], the cat silently move forward while trying to pick the safest route. Those undeads reeks of rotting flesh so it should be easy for her to guide the group away from them.

"Now, old man. Have you been in this place before?" Eeriel turned her head to ask the wizard. Its something that she had noticed since the they enter the forest, or even the very beggining, its just she thought now was a good moment to ask.

"For a recluse, you're terrifyingly knowledgeable and used to this place."
[Human - Mundane], [Noble Ryke] D, [Apprentice Lancer], Knight [Educated] Color - #6bcdfa

RavenSong RavenSong Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Bakuyoshi Bakuyoshi

Edwin was glad he had acquired a few lances from the blacksmith, as his weapon, just as he had expected, shattered and broke as soon as its metallic tip pierced the zombie's skull. Next, he grabbed the other one which he had fastened against his back, bringing it forth. His movements were a bit sluggish, thanks to the massive breakfast he had, the smell of rotten flesh that exuded from the zombies also making the teen noble have to fight the urge to vomit, which he masked with a serious expression.

He became worried, for a moment, when the undead who was slashed in half managed to get a hold of Sister Valenhart's feet. However, it ended up being unnecessary, as the crusader herself took care of the shambling creature with practiced ease. All in all, taking in consideration Rothgar and Midnight's magic prowess combined with Joanne, Edwin and Iselai's physical might, things were looking good. And they would remain that way, until, just up ahead, it was revealed that the few zombies were nothing but stragglers. The free-knight clenched his teeth, hoping that the only way forward wouldn't be through the horde of the hungry undead.

Without missing a beat, he whistled for the destrier to follow him, beginning to make the trek while following Joanne's lead. His breathing had become labored, his eyes kept moving around, as if on guard, just to be safe if something were to pop out from the nearby bushes and trees. With his armored gauntlets biting into the wooden-shaft of the lance, he watched as emotions ran high, the heat of the moment bringing the visceral reality of one's self. Thankfully, Midnight, the magical cat, spoke up, the offerings of a safer passage being too much to ignore. "Let's follow her..." The teen said, seeing it as the best option they had for the moment.

Following right behind Midnight, as she guided them, his warhorse galloping right at his side in a slow stride. But then, there was that comment from the cat.

"For a recluse, you're terrifyingly knowledgeable and used to this place."

Edwin had not been with the group from its very inception, so he didn't fully know the situation around Rothgar. However, that single comment, brought up the Ryken noble's wariness about the old mage from 0 to 100. So much so, that he silently shifted his positioning within the group, keeping himself in Rothgar's blind spot as they walked, thanks to his ingrained distrust of mages.

RavenSong RavenSong Maxxob Maxxob Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread

Iselai felt the tension the moment she heard the cat ask that question, even noticing Edwin switching positions upon that question being asked. Perhaps she should've tried striking it out on her own if this is what a question could cause in this group.

" I don't think there is too much time to really think on a safe path I say we get to the mill and make reasonable pace. While they are undead we have the advantage in speed and intelligence. Always remember a cool head prevails over panic."

She could only hope her words would help the group in some way, in her own panic she somehow put too much strength into her stab, she never knew the undead were that frail body wise. She wasn't even sure if her own group would be unnerved at her trying whole stoic approach to this. Now that she thought on it she felt elated deep down, like she had been waiting for this absolutely messed up situation to occur.
"Democracy?" The nun responded to the feline as her beady orbs expected an answer. Although it was obviously a sort of jest, perhaps there was some truth behind her words. "With all due respect feline magician, i simply want to acknowledge everyone's choice, lest we fail and break apart into groups which would be quite foolish." She looked down at her trembling hands, quite frankly she was beginning to feel alone. Had Dala meant for her to come here, or was the forest simply so cursed that the guidance of the divines was unfelt here? It was impossible to tell.

It would appear that, then, the feline took it upon herself to lead the group through the marshes. (Bring F Grade, her sense of smell would pick up undead scent mostly in the form of coagulate blood spilled upon the forest floor.) Since she'd lead the group forward, Joanne would follow. "Very well, but we must make haste." She pressed as the crusader took up her sword and followed.

Rothgar, being pressed by the feline would laugh, "Oh you inquisitive little kitty! I have a map in my head! But eh.. I usually teleport to faraway places you see! And I'm quite old.. and foggy and.." he'd trail off and start murmuring to himself, it would sound like jiberish but he seemed to be having a whole conversation with himself. "..no no.. we haven't been this way in a very long time!"


As the party moved forward, they'd see the wind sails of the mill in the distance. The feline so far was seemingly leading them true. However, a most horrible sound could be heard coming from the opposite side of the mill. It sounded like some sort of monstrosity was wounded or maimed or perhaps it was a roar. Then a raspy voice would echo through the forest. "I.." it would sniff. "..I smell something!!!!" It shrieked a shrill sound. "..human flesh.. and.." sniffing again, "..ahh.. I don't know that smell and.." sniff sniff, "..horse!"

Joanne would slow down a bit, bringing her jog down to a quick pace attempting to be as quiet as possible. The voice was still very distant but the wind was blowing towards the potential enemies. "Perhaps we should change course feline, get us in the path after mill and we may yet get through this without any encounters."

Then, they would suddenly reach a large altar. It had all manner of demonic symbols drawn in black blood upon the ground. As they moved up closer to it, even more horror would be revealed as a large pile of corpses revealed so much gore and carnage.

Joanne would hold her breath and her stomach. "By the divines." She gasped. "We must leave this place at once."

it was then that a feminine voice would giggle uncontrollably before appearing on the altar. She sat there rocking back and forth in a fetal position. Laughing, giggling but unaware of the party as she looked the opposite of where they were.

Joanne would press the party forward, "Do not falter here, this cursed person is beyond any help or guidance." She was growing anxious, and part of her truly hoped they'd simply ignore the apparition and move forward.
Eeriel (Midnight)
Character Grade - E

Eeriel raised a hypothetical eyebrow at Rothgar's answer, though she didn't press any further. No use asking for details if he didn't want to. Though the fact that they spent the entire previous day walking while he could simply teleport them here annoyed her. So much for the supposed urgency. Starting now she would threads their mission as if it can be done next week.

As they continue deeper into the forest, the party finally encountered something that actually piqued the cat's interest. Piled corpses that decorates the surrounding of a ritual altar with demonic runes inscribed around it. For regular people this might be a vomit-inducing sight that would make them run away from it, but the cat was simply curious about it.

"You think its a person, sister?" Eeriel glanced towards the figure on the altar. The fact that it suddenly appear when they got near means it's likely that the entity already knew there's intruders around, though it might not realize their exact location. Whispering some chanting in her beastial growls, Eeriel squinted her eyes towards the altar and casted a spell on it. Its a simple appraisal spell, but she focused in discovering its magical nature.

RavenSong RavenSong Maxxob Maxxob Bakuyoshi Bakuyoshi

1) Use Magic E, Magic Range F, Appraisal E and Arcane F to appraise the altar from a distance, trying to discover its magical nature - E grade - 1 post cooldown
[Human - Mundane], [Noble Ryke] D, [Apprentice Lancer], Knight [Educated] Color - #6bcdfa

RavenSong RavenSong Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Bakuyoshi Bakuyoshi

With the situation around the group being tense for a number of the reasons, at least as far as the teen lancer could perceive, he took the opportunity to add to the newcomer's words trying to see if he could get any semblance of recovery. "Just as Iselai said: keep a cool head. We managed to save that nobles from the bandits, we will get through this damned forest, even if it is a body at the time¹." His words were filled either courage or bravado, masking the newfound distrust for Rothgar by that simple question made by Eeriel. The old mage's explanation, in turn, didn't make his opinion shift in the slightest.

With lance in hand and his destrier at his side, Edwin continued the path towards the mill, until there were two distinct sounds. Or better said, a sound of something and a voice, talking about the group. "That... that shouldn't be an undead..." He commented the obvious about the raspy voice, the creatures didn't seem to have the mental acumen or capacity to communicate, their circular purpose being to search for flesh where they could find it.

Upon the discovery of the diabolical altar, along with the macabre decoration, Edwin's emerald eyes narrowed, looking at how sacrilegious it was. Gripping the lance with renewed vigor, he didn't even need sister Vallenhart to tell him that the group needed to leave that place as fast as they could. But what was bad got worse, much, much worse.

With his eyes focusing on the creature that now laid upon the altar, giggling with a feminine voice, rocking back and forth, the free-knight didn't know what was the best course of action: flee or attack? The being didn't seem to know they were there just yet, but remembering his previous attempt didn't work on the bandits, he doubted it would work against something spectral as whatever that creature was. Trusting the words of the crusader, Edwin nodded without missing a beat, continuing to push forward and trying his best to ignore whatever that thing was.


1 - Lead By Example - Leadership F + Noble D [Gentry] - Grade D Cooldown 2 - Thinking that is only natural of someone in a position such as his, Edwin inspires others by his own example, trying to direct them towards a common goal, no matter how difficult, or unlikely it may seem to achieve it.

Maxxob Maxxob Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread RavenSong RavenSong

The jouney through this damned place was getting worse and worse. Why could it not just be a wizard using Illusions? The raspy voice speaking about flesh and the scents of everyone, the whole atmosphere. The voice spooked her but also weirded out when it mentioned a smell it did not recognize. She took a moment to smell herself for something off, only finding her colder breath being the only thing off.

Of course the moment she saw the alter she realized she had found her Nope moment. The alter itself was bad enough but then she saw the entity sitting on it, rocking back and forth all the while giggling.

Iselai slowly blinked with disgust and horror, shaking her head. "Uh yeah no, undead I can beat up and deal with but that right there, not willing to deal with it. The raspy voice from earlier is one thing but I am going to say this is where we walk away and live another day. Unless somehow you all are going to say we need to take it down, for some god forsaken reason I could not even imagine." she whispered, trying to talk the group out of even going in the things direction.

Damn she should've taken those talking classes that bard was offering a few towns back.
The female specter would begin to chant as she continued to rock back and forth, "Whisper, whisper, unless you dance with fire to cinder. The sleeper sleeps, then awakens, when you just might be taken." It was here the ghost revealed her eyeless face. Her finger nails like claws and her mouth unnaturally massive as she smiled, revealing hideously large and sharp teeth. She continued to repeat the rhyme until suddenly she stopped and her body contorted violently at the feline magician casting an identification spell.

(Due to Eeriels grades and Arcane F, she'd discover this altar mentioned in arcane tomes or through any society of magic as the lost Altar of Abomination. Due to lower appraisal grade it would be impossible to know of it's history other than its function which was to amalgamate corpses into accursed golems. It was said that depending on what types of corpses were used would determine strength and ability of the fused result.)

"Who casts magic upon the altar?" The horror asked as it appeared to change into someone else. "Who are you?" It stepped forward yet it's bones clicked and popped and snapped with every movement. It's eyeless gaze seemed to behold the party. Yet as it did so it would flash, as if the apparition was some sort of a transmission from somewhere else.


Joanne looked down at the feline and went silent upon her question of whether or not this was indeed a person. "I-i have no intention of inquiring to fell apparitions.." then the feline would get closer to the altar, "..n-no.. halt." But it was too late, the crusader closed her eyes behind her helm and stood back. The ghosts features would send shivers down her spine as she grasped her sword with all her might.

"Who we are is none of your concern, fiend." Joanne interrupted in the conversation. "Come, Eeriel we must be going." Joanne called as she grasped hold of Rothgar and pressed her back a bit against Iselai.

Rothgar, nervous and a bit shook by the happenings before him stuttered, "Yes, yes, we must be off.." then being shoved back by Joanne she tripped a bit over himself. "..eh eh! My lady if you will?" Joanne would ignore him as he glanced at Iselai then behind where she stood. His mouth went agape and tugged at Joannes arm. "My.. my my.." the nun would grasp him tighter who wouldnt dare lose sight of the fiend enchantress that smirked and giggled as her hideous tongue salivated. "Not now Rothgar, we must get out and you have some explaining to do about this place and yourself."

Iselai would behind a growing mass of corpses rising, yet as it came into the altars glowing light it was evident that it wasn't just a pile of corpses but an amalgamation of many that had been twisted and fused together by some corrupted magic. It's arms and legs and head all appeared sewn together, revealing massive scars. It had four arms each with a different weapon, a jagged sword, a large mace, a spear and something that resembled a magical wand.

It's movements were sluggish and loud and it let out a deeper gargling groan.

It was here that Joanne looked back and beheld the monstrosity. "Dala help me." She gasped under her breath as she drew up her sword and stood forward. However as she did so the abomination would bring up it's arms that held the mace and a sword and with all of its apparent weight and might would bring them down onto the party. (E grade attack incoming.)

Joanne would spring into action and push Rothgar with all her might to one side whilst she jumped to summersault the opposite side. The armored nun would fall onto the ground hard and let out a quick groan before getting up in a hurry.

The twisted enchantress would then cast a sort of illusion spell, insulating the feline magician from the chaos happening around her. The eyeless witch would then reveal herself, "My name is Diana, please, set me free of the curse upon me. Enter the altar, wall through the portal. I must take you to him." (Characters choice to enter, or break free.)

Meanwhile, Joanne called out to Eeriel as she realized the cat was ignoring everything that had been happening around her if at least momentarily, "Eeriel behind us! Look!"

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[Human - Mundane], [Noble Ryke] D, [Apprentice Lancer], Knight [Educated] Color - #6bcdfa

RavenSong RavenSong Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Bakuyoshi Bakuyoshi

Edwin was tense with the whole situation, even more so as whatever that ghastly creature was snapped its attention towards Eeriel. His emerald eyes narrowed as he saw its inhuman visage: missing eyes and sharp-teeth which decorated its gaping maw. And, from what he gathered, the cat had done something to it, drawing its attention to the group.

His destrier had already retreated quite further, the primal instincts of the animal warning that the creature was unnatural. The horse neighed and hit its hooves against the ground, appearing to not want to spend not even a moment longer at that cursed place. And, despite the fear which the cursed creature exuded in his heart and mind, the teen nobleman assumed a battle-like stance, while slowly retreating backwards as well, ready for combat if the need arose.

"Listen to sister Vallenhart and Iselai, Eeriel... We. Need. To. Leave." He spoke through gritted teeth, as beads of sweat slowly formed on his forehead. This was like no-other experience, and he didn't want it prolong it even for a second more than necessary. However, the plan of leaving at that very moment had been foiled.

The free-knight's head turned around, his eyes following whatever had caught Rothgar's attention. Looking at the humongous monstrosity, his emerald eyes widened greatly. He felt the blood on his face being drained by the sight, almost losing face at the sight of it. However, his chivalrous nature tugged at him, making it impossible for him to turn around and flee, despite how grave the situation was. There were others depending on him and he would not abandon them.

Getting himself in fighting position, he prepared his lance to fight the creature. Seeing the creature making its move against them, sword and mace in its hands, he prepared to meet it, counter-attacking with continuous stabs, his lance crackling with lightning with each move he made.


1 - Thunderous Lance Impale F - Fighting Style [Lance] F, Technique Core Blight [Lightning] F, Technique Core Continuing [Electrified] F - Grade F Cooldown 0 - Sir Edwin thrusts and impales his lance deeply into the target, delivering both lightning damage on contract, as well as electrifying them, further dealing more lightning damage. Can also be used on horseback.
2 - Basic Attack
3 - Basic Attack

Overall Effectiveness = Strength E (2) + WPN F (1) + FS F (1) = 4 + 2 (from combos) = 6 Base Effectiveness, +1 Lightning Damage from Blight, +1 Electrified Damage from Continuing for 1 round
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Eeriel (Midnight)
Character Grade - E

Eeriel was ready to run the moment that the specter noticed her spell. She expected her to start attacking them, yet she didn't, instead the flickering figure inquires their identity, in which the priestess firmly interjects. Meanwhile the cat was processing the information she got grom her brief appraisal. Looking around, if the altar was used to creates fused golem, that means these corpses...

"My, my, calm down sister. Let's be civilized and talk things out." Eeriel said as she walked in front of the nun. "Its me who cast the spell. Call me Midnight, I simply think the altar is an interesting structure. As a fellow caster I'm sure you understand my curiousity."

Eeriel was rather confused when the specter asked her to enter the portal, the cat glanced behind her to see how the others react towards the specter but found no one and nothing behind her. She immediately realized that she either got her mind controlled, surrounded with illusion, or got thrown into a pocket dimension. Whichever the scenario was, she needs to proceed with caution, all while maintaining her confidence.

"A curse, eh? I will let you know that its not my forte, but go ahead and show me this curse of yours." Her logical mind told her to escape, running away from what was more than likely a trap. Yet her ambitious side was curious and yearn for more knowledge, and more power. Slowly the cat walk towards the altar, and entered the portal.

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