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Futuristic Humanity - Ch 1 OOC

the way I haven't been getting ANY notifications 😭 I'll put more into Sylvanna and Meg after my quiz this evening.
The research team doesn't have anything except the knowledge in their field of work.
My bad. Haven't been getting notifications for this. I'll have the character sheet up in a few
The app is going to be down for a little bit tonight everybody. Make sure progress on anything You're writing is properly saved!
HOLD UP! Why do Koran and Sylvanna have the same last name???? 🤣

Sorry, I know this question's already been asked, but I am staring at the top of every page and can't seem to find the link to the character sheet ;o;

If I'm good to hop in on this, I'd like to play someone in this kind of role as a researcher --
Psychologist/Behavioral Scientist: Studies human behavior and cognition, providing insights into the psychological aspects of research projects and their implications for society.

I'm thinking of a 27 year old, lanky guy, tall, sharp lil quirky facial features, a little off-putting and strange in his own behaviours, but over-all has good intents, interested in learning about why people behave the way they do, what they need to be given to be happy, to grow.

Let me know where I can find that character sheet, explain it to me like I'm five if possible (i'm not five i'm just silly brained) :specialeyes:

Sorry, I know this question's already been asked, but I am staring at the top of every page and can't seem to find the link to the character sheet ;o;

If I'm good to hop in on this, I'd like to play someone in this kind of role as a researcher --
Psychologist/Behavioral Scientist: Studies human behavior and cognition, providing insights into the psychological aspects of research projects and their implications for society.

I'm thinking of a 27 year old, lanky guy, tall, sharp lil quirky facial features, a little off-putting and strange in his own behaviours, but over-all has good intents, interested in learning about why people behave the way they do, what they need to be given to be happy, to grow.

Let me know where I can find that character sheet, explain it to me like I'm five if possible (i'm not five i'm just silly brained) :specialeyes:
Nevermind everyone, she found it! hoorah
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand... BEGIN! THE QUEST TO SAVE HUMANITY STARTS NOW!
If you can all manage one post a week to keep things moving along that would be great.
While I finish up Sylvanna and Meg's CS does anyone wanna plot out some sort of history/pre-existing sort of relationship or common interaction with either of them? You can PM me ✨
Darkbloom Darkbloom how long has it been since the collapse? Like, within these characters' lifetimes or would they have been born into dystopia?

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