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Finished [Republic:Gloomhold Swamp] The Roots of the Problem

Sameborne Arthropod.jpgSameborne Arthropod B56192
While Darin's reaction time saved him from the direct impact of the Gastric Sludge, it did not leave him unscathed. The vile glob splattered against the stone, and the flung sludge stained his gambeson in the aftermath. The acid burned into the leather (and reduced its grade by one from the next round onward) but appeared thick enough to leave the lizard's scales underneath unharmed.

Then, the oozing arthropod's legs pierced into the stone below, and the carapace collided with cold steel. And colder ice. The combined effort of Boreas and Paru succeeded in first freezing over the outer shell, and with that protective layer made brittle from the cold, it shattered upon contact with their combination attack. The plates crumbled apart, and the falling shard revealed the viscous flesh underneath. While writhing violently, the exposed mass clumped around thick vines that acted as a rudimentary skeletal structure - the reason its slimy mass held shape. The monster screeched, stretching its maw to spit another glob of slime at the closest assailants (targeting Paru, Boreas in the 'splash zone') [1].

But, with its blind focus on Paru and Boreas, the arthropod monster failed to sense the oncoming barrage of magic brought forth by Deliverance – and the ethereal obs found purpose. The magic blight scorched its limbs and maw alike and tore away the remaining protective carapace. Its soft, viscous body entirely exposed, the 'skeletal vines' burrowed into the stone below. Unable to follow, the slimy mass surrounding the vines dispersed and seeped into the cracks. And the stone shell settled onto the ground, where it began radiating a comforting warmth. The webbing on the shell visibly pulsed with magical energy. Restorative, magical energy [2]...

Then, Darin's firearm discharged a projectile. The muzzle flash caused the surrounding vines to writhe as a lead ball shot forward – burrowing deep into the stationary stone shell. It initially left a small, round hole. But one that quickly cracked the shell further as vines burst out from it. Each attempted to interlock with one another to plug the opening. And at the same time, the ground trembled with oncoming retaliation. Stone shifted as if something under the surface burrowed toward Darin's location. The ground raised and cracked between his feet, and foul-smelling bubbles released from the pressure building directly below him [3].

Cooldowns applied this round

Sameborne Arthropod
Action [1]: Gastric Sludge – Energized E, Natural Weapons [Gastric Acid] E, Range E, Area F, Continuing [Acid Burns] F – Effectiveness 7
Action [2]: Withdraw – Energized F, Healing F (D) [Limiter Equipment II], Nullify F (D) [Limiter Equipment II], Resistance [Physical] F, Resistance [Magical] F
Action [3]: Gastric Spout - Energized F, Natural Weapons [Gastric Acid] F, Range F (E) [Limiter Activation I], Area F, Continuing [Acid Burns] F - Effectiveness 7

StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Voider Voider DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Elvario Elvario


Elysia Wentworth from Shiei no Sona-Nyl ~What a beautiful memories~
Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt | Paru StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal | Darin Voider Voider | Boreas DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Languages: Common | [Terran] | {Sylvan}

Orbs are colourful. Orbs are powerful. Orbs are love. Orbs are life.

Right. He realised he'd been spacing out a bit whilst casting. Truthfully, he felt a bit privileged. The others seemed to be getting hurt and getting caught up in stuff. He was able to stay relatively safe in the background. It was a nice privilege to have. That's when he realised that thought alone might be a self-fulfilling prophecy in favour of ruining it. He quickly looked over his shoulder. So far so good, it seemed. He really hoped that gross and slightly terrifying monster would stay at a distance.

When vines started bursing out of the creature's shell, Deliverance was a tad grossed out. He also spotted it was using magic, in what seemed to be a way to recover. He sighed. It'd worked thus far and it was pretty much all he was good for, so... Orbs it was. “I'll aim for the crack in its shell!” He called out, sending 5 orbs into the crack that'd formed when Darin had shot at, hoping to prevent the vines from restoring it.

After he did so, he tried to use Magic Appraisal to figure out what was going on with the weird web-magic stuff it seemed to be using. Perhaps now that it was actively in use, he might learn something more.

Ethereal Blight E – Magic E, Energised E, Magic Range F, Magic Targets F, Ethereal [Blight] Affinity F, Homing F, Multidimensional F, Focus F – Character fires colourful orbs of [Ethereal] Blight magic with additional homing/multidimensional firepower. - Grade Ee – o Post Cooldown.

Magic Appraisal F – Magic F, Energised F, Appraisal F, Academia F, Arcana F, Focus F, Sixth Sense [Spirit] F – Character uses magic to appraise up to 5 targets within 30 ft, with a special focus on arcana and academic elements. - Grade Fe – 0 Post Cooldown.

Ce Grade Cooldown: (1/2)
De Grade Cooldown: (0/1)
Ee Grade Cooldown: (0/1)
Fe Grade Cooldown: (0/0)
INTERACTIONS: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Elvario Elvario Voider Voider StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
LOCATION: Gloomhold Swamp

  • Deeper in the swamp we go!

    Well this same was being stupidly difficult, Boreas would make an attempt to calculate his next move. Him and Paru had been targeted and currently in a splash zone of zoned. He wouldn't be quick enough tp run either so he changed methods sort of, he had never altered his fighting in a way but he was hoping to maybe freeze it? If it was freezable anyway. Holding up his sword he cut two intersecting lunes the best he could, performing his incantation he'd attempt to freeze the sludge in the immediate area around him, wasn't the best idea and likely to fail from lack of practice.

    Action 1:attempt to defend himself with [Cold Slash [F]]
    Ability used:
    Cold Slash- Fighting style [F] [X Slash], Affinity [Ice] [F], magic [F]- he imbues his sword with ice making it ice cold by using 'Cold Slash's incantion before he executes his technique X slash making his blade cold to the touch:attempting to be used to freeze default aoe of magic [F]. -F grade 0 post cool down-
    Effectiveness calculations:
    [Cold Slash [F] + 1 effectiveness + Strength C + 4 effectiveness + Intelligence C + 4 effectiveness

    Overall effectiveness: 9



Darin 256x256.png

Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt , Paru ( StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal ), Boreas ( DarkKitsune DarkKitsune ), Deliverance ( Elvario Elvario )

"Gah!" Darin exclaimed, trying to shake the acid off of his armor. As soon as it finished dissolving, however, he advanced to the left flank...


Darin's eyes widened as he looked down, the ground beneath him trembling with signs of an attack. Gritting his teeth, he sprinted to the left, nearing the other end of the cave. [1] This was the second time the very rock was being broken. "I'm concerned for the integrity of this cave." He said aloud with a scowl, looking towards the spot he'd left.

Focusing his attention back onto the creature, Darin raised his musket for a shot, aiming at the back of the shell; the more cracks made in it, the better. With that in mind, he made a brief attempt at accurate aim, then pulled the trigger. [2]

Immediately getting to reloading, Darin reached for his gunpowder and ball, getting ready for another shot has his allies attacked from the other side. However, he kept on his feet, or claws as the case may be, glancing at the monster and at the ground for any signs of further attacks. [3]

Action [1]: Movement (5ft South, 15ft Southwest)
Action [2]: Basic Attack [Gun] (5 Effectiveness)
Action [3]: Used Ability [Watchful Focus F] (Keeping alert for attacks)

F Grade Cooldown: 0/0
E Grade Cooldown: 1/1
  • Precision - D
  • [Gun/Spear] Musket/Bayonet E - A smoothbore musket; fairly simple, but effective if used properly. With a detachable bayonet, it can transform the firearm into a lethal melee weapon.
  • Watchful Focus F - Focus F, Perception F, Insight F - Darin takes the time to focus on keeping aware of his surroundings, sensing for any abnormalities or specifics within in his vicinity, as well as studying the speech and actions of those around him. - 0 Post Cooldown
Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Paru's eyes went wide as the glob of grossness flew toward her. It's was times like this that she wondered if maybe it would be a good idea to work on parts of her fighting that weren't swinging her sword. But, hey, work with what you got. "<PISS OFF!>" She swung her sword like a bat, attempting to send the acid projectile away from her with the flat of the blade. [1]

The thing was getting weak, retreating into its shell for safety and recovery. "You've made a grave error, you big ugly monster. All you've done is give me a stationary target! <DIE!!!>" With a wild fury and frightening glee she charged and brought her sword against the shell of the creature, yellow eyes wide and fanged grin visible. [2] [3]

Action 1: <PISS OFF!> F - Effectiveness 10
Action 2: Move to the target.
Action 3: Aggravated Assault C - Effectiveness 13 Penetrating E, Drain [Strength] F

Current HP: V=2 S=3 CG=2
  • <PISS OFF!> F
    • Fighting Style [Beast Cleaver Sword] F
    • 0 Post Cooldown
    • Paru swings her sword, using the flat of the blade to send away a projectile.
      • Strength B (5) + Nodachi C (4) + <PISS OFF!> F (1) = Effectiveness 10
  • Aggravated Assault C
    • Fighting Style [Beast Cleaver Sword] C, Boulder Render E, Crippling Fang F, Fast F
    • 3 Post Cooldown
    • Penetrating
    • Drain [Strength]
    • Paru rushes in for a headstrong frustration fueled attack.
      • Strength B (5) + Nodachi C (4) + Aggravated Assault C (4) = Effectiveness 13
C = 3/3
E = 0/1
F = 0/0
Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Elvario Elvario Voider Voider DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Sameborne Arthropod.jpgSameborne Arthropod B56192
The ground beneath his feet sizzled just before Darin escaped the imminent attack. The foul bubbles rose faster to the broken surface – like a pot coming to a boil – before a geyser of acid broke through the cracking stone floor. Having found no target to collide with, the Gastric Spout naturally broke against the cave ceiling. After it lost the built-up pressure, the spout quickly reduced to a puddle of sickly green sludge coating the stone.

Meanwhile, Paru and Boreas found themselves facing a similarly acidic attack. But, before the glob of Gastric Sludge spat at the pair could connect, Boreas applied his control over ice to freeze the projectile into a solid state. And while it remained a sizeable projectile, it could no longer splatter acid around on impact – making it a fine target for the flat of Paru's blade. The Kirin readied herself like a batter, but when the flat of her blade connected with the frozen ball, it did not shoot off into a homerun. As it collided with the cold steel, the ball broke into pieces against the blade and crashed onto the ground before their feet.

Both of the attacks had been avoided, and their similarities revealed something about the monster's attack patterns. Deliverance was the first to notice differences in the pulse patterns. Using Magic Appraisal, he could discern the patterns were attack orders – and how they exclusively responded to the shell getting attacked. While the monster remained retreated, it would only retaliate against direct contact. And as Deliverance fired off his ethereal orbs, they proved his observations correct. Within moments of the orbs connecting with the stone shell, the ground began to tremble beneath Deliverance's feet [1]. It was a foul odor that seeped up through the cracking stone.

At the other side of the cavern, Darin had used his Watchful Focus to make a similar observation. Lining up a shot with the monster's shell and carefully taking aim, he noticed something after the roar of thunder from his weapon sent forth the lead ball. The attack had hit. And in response, the ground beneath again began to bubble [2]. The foul scent reminded him he could not stay in one spot too long, their target seemed to be capable of sensing the location of its assailants.

There were two who would not receive this insight, but it appeared they would not need it. The stone shell had been weakened by magical assault, and key points were damaged severely by gunfire. It was showing thin fractures even before Paru bit her blade into the hardened shell. The impact of the sharp edge against the blunt stone had deepened the existing fractures. And when the protective vines violently burst from the new openings to patch up their defenses, it broke the stone shell from the inside out. It cracked and tore violently as heavy stone slabs fell on the ground. A shapeless mass of oozing flesh and writhing vines was now exposed. Revealed, the monster writhed, and the vines knotted together into limbs – each latching onto a different slab of the broken shell to use them as improvised blunt weapons.

Cooldowns applied this round

Sameborne Arthropod
Action [1]: Gastric Spout - Energized F, Natural Weapons [Gastric Acid] F, Range F (E) [Limiter Activation I], Area F, Continuing [Acid Burns] F - Effectiveness 7
Action [2]: Gastric Spout - Energized F, Natural Weapons [Gastric Acid] F, Range F (E) [Limiter Activation I], Area F, Continuing [Acid Burns] F - Effectiveness 7
Action [3]: ??? - ???, ??? [Limiter Activation I]

StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Voider Voider Elvario Elvario DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt | Paru StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal | Darin Voider Voider | Boreas DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Languages: Common | [Terran] | {Sylvan}

“Likewise.” He replied to Darin, also not liking the roof rumbling as much as it did. He'd see the lizard manage to dodge some nasty looking things coming up from the ground short afterwards.

As he figured something out about the creature, he was quick to share it. Communication was key, or something, he thought he once heard said. “It's only counter-attacking!” He called out, figuring that'd help them figure out who it'd retaliate against and... Wait. Hold up a second. Counter-attacking? That meant...

He looked at the ground. “[Oh.]” He stated, falling back to Terran, the language he'd grown up being forced to use. For a second, it looked like he'd freeze up or panic. The the dice rolled in his favour he realised he'd just seen Darin give the perfect example of what to do. He'd gotten his robes upgraded for a reason. He wasn't the slowest, surely.

Using [Magic Appraisal F] (F, 1) he confirmed where and when the attack would come as he'd using a combination of his speed (C, 4) and improved robes (D, 3) to attempt to dodge out of the way, following what Darin had done before him. That should be just enough effort (8) to get him out safely. If things would go as planned, at least.

Magic Appraisal F – Magic F, Energised F, Appraisal F, Academia F, Arcana F, Focus F, Sixth Sense [Spirit] F – Character uses magic to appraise up to 5 targets within 30 ft, with a special focus on arcana and academic elements. - Grade Fe – 0 Post Cooldown.

Sadly enough, he lack sufficient [Focus] to do more after moving, so he was forced to stand by after dodging. That said, it would at least allow him to catch his breath for a bit. That said, even if he hadn't needed to regain [Focus], he found it tough to move. Seeing the massive mass of writhing vines and oozing flesh and... He instinctively took a step back. That things, that monstrosity was as far from the ethereal as could-be. It made him realise something shocking. It... it scared him. He didn't like that, but it definitely did. It made him want to orb all over it try to annihilate it with his most powerful attack instantly. For now, he did his best to just take some deep breaths and calm his nerves a bit. Nothing good would come from panic. He at least knew that much, despite his nerves telling him otherwise.

Ce Grade Cooldown: (2/2)
De Grade Cooldown: (0/1)
Ee Grade Cooldown: (1/1)
Fe Grade Cooldown: (0/0)
INTERACTIONS: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Elvario Elvario Voider Voider StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
LOCATION: Gloomhold Swamp

  • attack to kill
    When the vines exploded out of its shell, causing what Boreas would consider a kind of self destruction. Hopefully that thing made this weaker, Boreas would decide to attack the mess of vines and what seemed to be flesh. Whether or not that was evidence to support his theory about these weird plant and rock things beung the results of some sort of transformation magic, he was unsure, taking what Boreas considered an opportunity to hopefully finish this thing off before the attacks on Deliverance and Darin got worse. Using the blade he moved it into two intersecting lines creating the ‘X’ formation while imbuing it with ice using his [Cold slash [F] ] with all the strength he could muster.
    Use [Cold Slash [F] ] to attack it while it seems to be vulnerable
    Ability used:

    Cold Slash- Fighting style [F] [X Slash], Affinity [Ice] [F], magic [F]- he imbues his sword with ice making it ice cold by using 'Cold Slash's incantion before he executes his technique X slash making his blade cold to the touch. -F grade 0 post cool down- incantation involves him spinning the sword briefly in his hand once and saying 'ice cold blade'
    Effectiveness calculations:
    [Cold slash F] +1 effectiveness + intelligence C +4 effectiveness + Mithril sword/catalyst F +1 effectiveness

    Overall effectiveness: 6

Last edited:


Darin 256x256.png

Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt , Paru ( StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal ), Boreas ( DarkKitsune DarkKitsune ), Deliverance ( Elvario Elvario )

When the ground beneath his claws began to erupt once again, Darin made a realization; this was only confirmed as Deliverance called out to them all, declaring that the monster was only counterattacking. "I see..." Darin muttered to himself, before leaping forward and to the right, escaping from the attack's path [1].

Standing in his new position, Darin pulled in a deep breath, and aligned his musket. He noted the creature's flailing vines, writhing maneuvering, & many limbs; but Darin elected to ignore the cacophony of frantic movement, instead honing his focus on the most important factors: The monstrosity's center of gravity, & the opening in it's shell. Tracking the distance between the two, and their shifting positions, Darin's finger began to squeeze on the trigger as he tensed his body for the recoil...

BANG! [2] With the sound of gunpowder and a plume of smoke, Darin's carefully calculated shot whizzed forward.

However, Darin now understood his enemy, and he wasn't going to stand around and wait for the counterattack a third time; as soon as his musket discharged, Darin sprinted off to the other side of the cave, as fast as his legs could carry him [3]. "Your sluggish attacks fail against [Constant Positioning], monstrosity!" Darin taunted as he ran; he doubted his words would be understood, but the more the creature's attention was split between the group, the better.

Though during Darin's sprint, he quickly realized that he was being pushed far closer to it than he'd wanted; the counterattacks and vines restricting safe zones was one thing the creature had to it's advantage. Consequently, as he skidded to a stop, Darin made sure his bayonet was secure as he faced his foe, now almost at pointblank range.

Action [1]: Movement (5 ft East, 5ft Northeast)
Action [2]: Used Ability [Precise Shot E] (7 Effectiveness)
Action [3]: Used Skill [Fast F]; Movement (10ft West, 5ft Northwest)

F Grade Cooldown: 0/0
E Grade Cooldown: 0/1
  • Precision - D
  • Speed - D
  • Fast F
  • [Gun/Spear] Musket/Bayonet E - A smoothbore musket; fairly simple, but effective if used properly. With a detachable bayonet, it can transform the firearm into a lethal melee weapon.
  • Precise Shot E - Constant Positioning [Gun] E, Range E, Accurate E, Steady Hands E, Focus F - With steadied hands and concentrated focus, Darin swiftly fires a projectile with high precision at the intended point of contact if said point is 30ft or less away; in the case that the intended point of contact is on (or is) a moving target, act as if the target's movement grade was reduced by 2. - 1 Post Cooldown

Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Paru smiled victoriously as the shell cracked and began to crumble, but the thrill was short lived as her eyes went wide with surprise when the creature took on its new horrific form. "<Is this thing fucking immortal?> How many times am I gonna have to hit you till you learn to stay down?!" She'd never admit it to the others, but the days consecutive battles were beginning to wear her down. Normally she'd be at the town bar getting drunk and chatting up the ladies in celebration by this point. There was no way she could swing her sword with all her might again so soon. It was down right shameful. So a tactical approach seemed to be in order.

The Kirin dropped to a runners stance, using one hand to keep her balance while she swung the other at the creatures legs. [1] "I am so spending a week training after this! <I didn't think the outside world was so weird.> Undead, Fae, ... Whatever the fuck this is! <I used to hunt boar, and sometimes they were big or possesed, but nothing like this!>" Once the swing was followed through she leapt back to her feet, spotting Boreas's attack as he sent it out. "Keep swinging, it can't have THAT much longer!" With the stamina she had left, she assisted the human, swinging quickly and repeatedly where he struck to increase the damage to the monstrosity. [2,3]

Action 1: Cunning Edge F - Effectiveness 10, Drain [Strength] F
Action 2: Basic Attack - Combo Bonus + 1 to Boreas
Action 3: Basic Attack - Combo Bonus + 1 to Boreas

Current HP: V=2 S=3 CG=2
  • Cunning Edge F
    • Fighting Style [Beast Cleaver Sword] F, Crippling Fang F, Acrobatics F
    • 0 Post Cooldown
    • Drain [Strength]
    • Paru sacrifices power to plant a debilitating wound on the opponent.
      • Nodachi C (4) + Strength B (5) + Cunning Edge F (1) = Effectiveness 10
C = 2/3
F = 0/0

Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Elvario Elvario DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Voider Voider
Sameborne Arthropod.jpgSameborne Arthropod B56192
Now understanding the situation, realization prompted Deliverance to look down at the ground between his feet. The seemingly solid rock had already begun to crack, creating fractures from which a foul-smelling sludge rose as the pressure continued to build beneath the surface. But, with new insight into the situation, Deliverance quickly moved away from the affected area. Moving back toward the cavern entrance, he found safe ground to stand before his original position caved, and a pressurized spout of acid shot up against the cave ceiling.

In tandem with the spout that had targeted Deliverance's location, a second spout blasted through the rock on which Darin had stood. But the lizard marksman had long since moved to a safer location as well. Standing in this new location, Darin lined the barrel of his musket up while the writing mass struggled for its life. He took his time, carefully preparing a kill shot while the acid sprays lost their pressure – and Paru and Boreas kept the monster's attention away from noticing the firearm aimed at its back.

It was Paru who took the first initiative to strike the reshaped monstrosity. Her balance kept throughout her runner's stance, Paru swung her blade into the monster's front limbs. And the sharpened steel cut deep. The mass writhed as the wounds drained away its strength. Unable to support its constantly shifting mass, it toppled forward and spread against the stone. The monster was starting to struggle to retain its shape, but not yet enough to keep it from lashing back. Its many limbs rose, latching onto pieces of its crumbled shell to use as blunt weaponry. But the combined effort of Paru and Boreas' blade work stopped every attack its limbs made. Those not severed with a clean cut would magically freeze until their oozing mass solidified and shattered.

Soon, no more limbs remained to fight back against the onslaught, but like the creatures that came before, it would not relent. In a last effort, the monster opened its maw wide. The four sides curled to reveal rows of fangs readying for a final assault - an act of desperation. As Paru and Boreas stared down the foul abyss within the monster's maw, the fall of the hammer and roaring of gunfire echoed through the cavern.

Darin had decisively pulled the trigger, smoke exiting the barrel after the lead ball shot forward. The projectile tore into the back of the soft, writhing mass and left through the maw. It shot out like a lightning strike, unseen until it had already burrowed into the ground between where Paru and Boreas stood. The monster twitched and sputtered. A foul smell filled the cavern whole. And slime began to stream from the open wound in the back of the monster's throat. In its final moments, the control over its form was fully lost. The faltering shape of its mass quickly reduced to a watery pool of ooze and shell shards as it died on the cold stone.

No Cooldowns applied this round

StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Voider Voider Elvario Elvario DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt | Paru StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal | Darin Voider Voider | Boreas DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Languages: Common | [Terran] | {Sylvan}

Deliverance gave a deep sigh of relief when he saw the ground explode before him, rather than underneath him. Somehow he'd gotten away from that unscathed. He'd look up to see Paru rage and strike. That said, he was a bit confused by her question. “It doesn't look like it's going to be much more! Just one more wave of attacks, I'd estimate!” He'd reply to her, after she asked how many more times she'd need to hit it. It was a strange question for sure, as she looked like she'd be far more knowledgeable on such things than the rest of them. That said, with his whole mindset on trying the teamwork stuff, he figured he'd try to provide what information he could upon hearing the request.

A team-up between Darin and Paru eventually got the monster down for real. “Well done.” He'd stay. The words were followed up by another deep sigh, after he which he took a deep breath of air and instantly regretted doing so. The swampy air still wasn't any better. Either that or the fishfolk that'd been near them was standing right in front of him. He wondered what'd happened to that one. Perhaps it ran off?

He recalled Paru's other question. Whatever the 'fuck' that monster was. He personally highly doubted that any connection to procreation methods made sense here, so he figured he'd ignore that part of her theory. “It seems like an amalgamation of another creature taken over by vines.” That was his best guess, but as he made it, he realised how wrong he'd been before and instantly regretted speaking up. “What I meant is, I'm sorry, I don't know.” It was probably better to be sorry about being unfamiliar with things than to be completely wrong again.

Now that the thing was gone, he did dare to get a bit close and use a higher level of appraisal on it, as he wouldn't have to spare his energy for combat,

Magic Appraisal B – Magic B, Energised B, Magic Range C, Magic Targets C, Appraisal E, Academia F, Arcana F, Focus F, Sixth Sense [Spirit] F – Character uses magic to appraise up to 5 targets within 30 ft, with a special focus on arcana and academic elements. - Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown.

Perhaps the corpse would teach him something about what else they might have to expect. “If there is a pattern to this, we might have to face an even stronger foe up ahead, as it seems like they're all...” Ah, he was doing it again, wasn't he? Trying to theorise after already showing he was horrible at it. Why did he keep doing that? Then again, he was worried and he felt like he head good reason to be. “I have a working theory that they're guarding something, perhaps whatever is at the heart of this, which is keeping its stronger guardians closest.” He tried to phrase it carefully to make it clear he was just posing his thoughts in the hope it'd be less damaging to the shreds of reputation and credibility he might still have should he be wrong again.

“Should we proceed?” He'd ask, unsure of what the others were even thinking. That said, should one of the others enter the tunnel to take the lead, he'd follow suit (at a bit of a distance).
INTERACTIONS: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Elvario Elvario Voider Voider StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
LOCATION: Gloomhold Swamp

  • :p

    To Boreas’s relief, that fight was over, but the whole thing didn’t seem to be. One fight after another was all taking a toll on him, As everything slowly sunk in. Deliverance had already seemed to beat him to investigating this things…corpse? Was it a corpse? Well, it was too late for that to matter..probably. He took a moment to catch his breath, feeling exhausted due to his considerably weak constitution. He just stared at the remains. If he had a enhanced sense of smell, he would probably be able to identify it though right now he could not. He responded to Deliverance’s mentioning of it being a amalgamation in agreement.

    “The general theory, it seems, is these things might be mutations of some sort likely through transformation magic, maybe. Possibly, at least to be fair, I don’t think any of us know.”

    He also had a response to Deliverance’s mention of whether there is a pattern to this.

    “To me, it seems like there is, like the first Same for example, was a purple flower of some sort. I was thinking maybe a Perennial Geranium or possibly a Purple Pansy or Petuna. The second Same clearly looked like a Rose. And at first I thought this one was a rock mutant of some sort. Now it’s vines. Which means…so far they seem to be some sort of plant. Granted, that was just my own observation.”

    After a brief moment, he let his last feelings of respite sink in. Temporary feeling of relief before sighing. Saying.

    “I am ready when you guys are.”'

    He looks at Pebble.

    "Any warnings, Pebs?"

DALL·E 2023-11-08 01.51.08 - anime style woman holding a large sword, with white hair in a pon...png
Languages: Common | <Beastial>
She slumped to her knees and let her sword drop from her hand, before falling back and catching herself in a relaxed position. "<Thank the gods it's finally dead.>" She looked over her shoulder at the rest of the group. "Everyone alive? We good, any one get hit by that acid stuff? Not that I could do anything about it if you had, just, you know, <may the gods smile upon you> and all that nonsense."

She closed her eyes and leaned her head back, letting out a sigh of relief. "Five minutes and I'll be good. Ten, tops. Oh, and, uh, good work everyone." Why did she feel the need to add that? She was usually the hunting party leader in the village, but she didn't know any of these people, she wasn't leading them. She leaned over and laid her cheek against Pebble. "How bout you, idiot? You hanging in there? Still worried?"

Finally she stood up, stretched, popping her neck and back, then picked up her sword and returned it to its sheathe. "<Hot damn, I feel like a hundred bars of gold. Maybe after they've been buried and dug up, but good enough.> If we're all ready, let's finish this, I got a date to make with a frothy bar maid with a good head on her. I'll take lead." She scratched Pebble's chin with her finger as she headed into the tunnel to whatever lay ahead.

Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Elvario Elvario Voider Voider DarkKitsune DarkKitsune


Darin 256x256.png

Mentions: ( Vaudivolt Vaudivolt ), Paru ( StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal ), Deliverance ( Elvario Elvario ), Boreas ( DarkKitsune DarkKitsune )
"Common" "<Beastial>"

As the monstrosity lost it's form and turned to ooze, Darin continued to stand there, catching his breath; he kept his bayonet trained on it's remains, however, in case any last surprise was there. When the others began talking, though, Darin somewhat eased his tense posture, unfixing his bayonet & beginning to load another shot. "Hmph, I'm going to have to purchase more gunpowder after this..." He grumbled aloud, ramming yet another lead ball in.

After finishing the process, Darin tossed up the musket & grabbed it in a prepared stance; he was proud of that little trick, although he wouldn't admit it. Taking note of Deliverance's hypothesis and recantation, Darin raised an eyebrow and gave a shrug. "That would appear to be the case; first a bear, then an alligator, and now all of the things here in this cave." He then turned his eyes to Boreas as the man spoke his own thoughts on the matter. "Makes sense to me, though I've little knowledge on magical matters." Darin commented.

As everyone prepared to move further in, Darin gave Paru a nod as she took the lead. "Very well; you'll have firepower just behind you." He said, taking second-place in the procession into the next area.

Before advancing, Darin gave a quick glance back, looking for a specific fishman. "You still with us, Kelec? Your spear could be useful should we encounter anything more." He said, subtly implying that maybe the fellow beastman's weapon could come in handy. "<This is your swamp, after all, yes?>" Darin pointedly added on in beastial.
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Pebble & The Ragged Sameborne
Pebble - the Forest Sprite.jpgThe monster lay dead on the cold ground. Its body dissolved into a pool of ooze and stone. Deliverance was the first to take the opportunity to investigate further and approach the shapeless mass. Among the gooey remains float strands of white webbing – still pulsing like the muscles spasms of a dead limb attempting to restore life to the body. But that was not all. With enough time to investigate, Deliverance learned of the ancient origin of the magic at work. It felt warm and benevolent as if the essence of life coursed through the strands. It was a feeling almost compelling enough to reach out and touch it.

Pebble noticed Deliverance standing near the monster remains and responded with concern. “Worried! Touch the heart veins makes same!” The small golem insisted. The dark dents in its stone head focused intently on Deliverance and his proximity to the remains. It only broke eye contact once Paru leaned against Pebble's body, and attention shifted to the cheek now pressed into its body. As Paru did so, she asked a question before Pebble could answer, and Deliverance spoke up about proceeding. Those words reassured the small golem that Deliverance would not carelessly touch the remains. “Deeper! Close now! Heart made same and pebbles same now...” Pebble's head spun until sight centered on Boreas, answering his question by adding to its previous words. “Whispers made the rag man the same too...

With new information gathered, the group decided to follow the tunnel further down. But, before advancing, Darin took a headcount to confirm everyone was still present – and they were. But despite addressing Kelec specifically, the Fishfolk had little to add apart from a slightly disconnected nod. He might have been in shock from what they had just encountered, or he simply did not have anything helpful left to add regarding the situation. (Literally, you have been doing great without him.)

As the party left the cavern to proceed down the next tunnel, the sound of insects became gradually more prominent. Legs were skittering around in the shadows between the rocks. Wings were buzzing overhead, yet not a creature in sight. And there was a continuous noise-- A whimpering tone that felt like it spoke, but the words were impossible to make out. There was something ahead, and it carried a sense of regret and resentment that tensed the stale air. “Worried...” Pebble quietly spoke, just loud enough for Paru to hear the small golem say anything at all.

The Ragged Same.jpgSoon, the tunnel expanded into a small cavern. The walls were covered with something resembling grey bark – spread onto the walls, as if someone had sloppily painted the cavern in liquid wood and allowed it to harden into uneven surfaces. And at the end of the cavern, a shifting lump of the grey bark cowered. The sound of splintering wood echoed through the cavern as an arm reached out from the lump and clawed at the stone. The brittle fingers snapped off as the hand searched for the stability needed to help its body stand up.

Worried!” “Worried!” Without delay, it copied Pebble as if it knew what the small golem would say. Another arm reached out of the mass, aiding the first in getting the body upright. “Rag man touched heart veins!” “Rag man touched heart veins!-- to control... to become... nature!

As the voices overlapped one another, the remains of the Ragged Man managed to stand up. What was once flesh had been replaced by the same bark-like substance. The layers flaked and cracked to maintain the range needed for humanoid movements. He turned his head toward the group, revealing only a dark hole remaining at the center of his head. And then the buzzing grew louder... “To control the hive... to control... not like this... not this... stop... I cannot think... the noise...

Insects began to swarm around him, appearing from the dark corners of the cavern to enter his body through the hole in his face. He had become a living hive and grew more erratic the more bugs appeared. “The buzzing... cannot think... it has to... stop! It has to! STOP!!” He screamed, and in a moment of desperation, he sunk his remaining fingers into the hole, “STOP, STOP, STOP--” He rambled on while ripping away at the layers of his head. Disregarding the group while there were still layers to tear into.

Cooldowns applied this round

StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Voider Voider Elvario Elvario DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt | Paru StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal | Darin Voider Voider | Boreas DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Languages: Common | [Terran] | {Sylvan}

He nodded at Boreas, glad to hear someone back him up to some degree. It was nice to know his thoughts on the matter weren't as wrong or weird as he might've feared. “It seems like some type of plant, indeed, maybe even a corpse flower.” He wasn't sure why, but that's for sure the vibe he got from all of this.

Hearing Paru ask if they were alright, he'd nod again. “I am, thank you. Good work to you as well.” He wasn't all that sure what to make of the rest of what she was saying. Between speaking beastial and dating bar maids, all he really gathered was that she wasn't interested in his attempt to answer her questions. Not as much as Boreas had been, anyway, so he figured it was safer not to react. All in all, she was still pretty intimidating.

Upon hearing Darin mention gunpowder, he was a tad bit curious. “Have you ever debated using magic and fire mana?” That seemed a lot easier than whatever devise Darin was using currently.

As Deliverance was investigating, he sensed something almost ethereal, making him reach out to try grab it. That's when he heard Pebbles. “Right. Of course. Don't touch the obviously shady magic stuff. No matter how benevolent, ancient and intriguing it feels to be.” He told himself, wondering why he'd totally lost himself for a moment there. “Thanks.” He added to the creature, not entirely sure if he'd really grabbed it without its warning or not, but worrying he would've.

Upon Pebble's words, he turned to Boreas. “Sounds like whatever Pebbles was got plantified as well, just like everything else here, doesn't it?” That was making the most logic so far. “... although I do think it was something benevolent at first, before it became corrupt.”

The walls, the vines, the insects. Most of the things made Deliverance's skin crawl. He didn't like it. Not one bit. “I'm missing the fresh air.” He mumbled, not realising how much one could miss such a simple thing until now.

“Wha...” He uttered, upon seeing the abomination that was the rag man. It seemed like someone corrupted the plant thing, the 'Heart' and bit of more than they could chew, being swallowed up by their own altering magic. That was his guess at least, but he dared not say it aloud in fear of being wrong again.

He wasn't sure what was going on, but he didn't like any of it. He knew what helped when he didn't like something. Orbs. Orbs helped. He sent 10 of them at the 'Rag Man' creature [Ethereal Blight E] and 5 more at various of the nearby the nests/corners that the insects seemed to be crawling from [Ethereal Blight F] I the hopes of clearing all the creepy-crawling stuff away.

Ethereal Blight D – Magic D, Energised D, Magic Range E, Magic Targets E, Ethereal [Blight] Affinity F, Homing F, Multidimensional F, Focus F – Character fires colourful orbs of [Ethereal] Blight magic with additional homing/multidimensional firepower. - Grade De – 1 Post Cooldown.

Ethereal Blight D – Magic E, Energised E, Magic Range F, Magic Targets F, Ethereal [Blight] Affinity F, Homing F, Multidimensional F, Focus F – Character fires colourful orbs of [Ethereal] Blight magic with additional homing/multidimensional firepower. - Grade Ee – 0 Post Cooldown.


Darin 256x256.png

Mentions: ( Vaudivolt Vaudivolt ), Paru ( StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal ), Deliverance ( Elvario Elvario ), & Boreas ( DarkKitsune DarkKitsune )

Darin turned his head to look back at Deliverance, initially with a somewhat surprised expression. "Magic can be powerful... but it is far too fickle, and reliant on natural capability that not everyone has. A firearm, on the other hand, I can hold in my claws with certainty." Though his speech did not particularly carry it, Darin silently welcomed the question; it was another opportunity to spread his ideals, no matter how small it was.

As pebble warned Deliverance not to touch the "Heart Veins", Darin gave a concerned glance, though some of Pebbles words caught his attention. "Heart made same and pebbles same now..." So, Pebbles was also the result of this heart's change... but not aggressive like everything else they've encountered? It was most curious...

Keeping that thought for later, Darin turned his eyes to the Fishfolk. Kelec's response was not what Darin was hoping for, but frankly, given everything that had occurred, not surprising in the least. So, he turned his head forward again, and continued on.


As the group made their way into the next section of the cave, the prominent sounds of bugs greatly unnerved Darin; he wouldn't consider himself fearful of many mortal things, but a swarm of small creatures, too small to shoot dead, yet fast and numerous enough to cover someone? The idea horrified him.

...and then that exact, horrifying idea was made manifest right before his eyes, as the group entered the cavern. For the first time in a while, Darin was truly horrified, his eyes wide with shock. Surely, even the "rag man" should have deserved a quick death instead of... this.

Seeing familiar orbs form and fly out, Darin knocked himself out of his thoughts and raised his musket at whatever creature the man was now. Darin fired, then reloaded, then fired again, then reloaded again...[1 & 2]

While he was putting as many shots into the thing as possible, Darin kept his eyes glancing at the openings in the walls, at the changed rag man, & at the ground, maintaining awareness of the situation [3]. If any of the bugs came for him, Darin wanted to know immediately.

Action [1]: Basic Attack [Gun] (5 Ef.)
Action [2]: Basic Attack [Gun] (5 Ef.)
Action [3]: Used Ability [Watchful Focus F]

  • Precision - D
  • [Gun/Spear] Musket/Bayonet E - A smoothbore musket; fairly simple, but effective if used properly. With a detachable bayonet, it can transform the firearm into a lethal melee weapon.
  • Watchful Focus F - Focus F, Perception F, Insight F - Darin takes the time to focus on keeping aware of his surroundings, sensing for any abnormalities or specifics within in his vicinity, as well as studying the speech and actions of those around him. - 0 Post Cooldown

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INTERACTIONS: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Elvario Elvario Voider Voider StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
LOCATION: Gloomhold Swamp

  • :p
    This was disturbing. To top it all off, their ranged fighters had let loose an onslot of projectile attacks, which would mean attacking with melee methods would be quite difficult. So he would attempt a ranged magic spell he hadn’t tried to do this before though, probably close enough (5ft). He swung his sword/catalyst around enough for an incantation. He attempted to cast a spell that would send one small ice ball towards it.

    Action 1: attempt to cast [Ice Ball [F]]

    Abilities used:
    Ice Ball- Magic [F], Affinity Ice [F].- Swinging his sword/catalyst Boreas sends one ice ball at a target within 5ft range- F grade- 0 Post cooldown

    Effectiveness calculations:
    Ice Ball [F] +1, Intelligence [C] +4 Mithril Sword/catalyst [F] +1

    Overall effectiveness = 6

pony tail white hair yellow snake eyes antlers cat ears kunoichi determined s-3682543080.png
Languages: Common | <Beastial>
She stared at the bizarre scene as it unfolded in front of her, not moving an inch. As Pebble spoke, she scratched his head gently with a finger. "You know what? Nope. I got nothing. <The fuck even is this thing?!> How am I supposed to formulate any plan when what I'm fighting isn't even reasonable?!" She readied her weapon in front of her, planting her feet. She was gonna have to react... almost like defending. the thought made her feel sick. It wasn't defending it was just... using an attack to push away another attack. Yeah, that was it. She didn't need to feel self conscious. "<Gods be damned...> And I swear, one of you even suggests I'm scared, I'm batting a man full of Bees at you!"

Action 1: Wait to see what the Enemy does, biding her time to strike. Like a fierce predator! Definitely not playing things defensively...

Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Elvario Elvario Voider Voider DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Paru StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
Boreas DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Darin Voider Voider
Deliverance Elvario Elvario

OOC Note:
As discussed, I'll be taking over to try give this one a decent enough wrap up. As also discussed, we'll be sticking with 72-hour rounds, meaning I'll start working on getting a narration post up after everyone posted or after 72 hours have passed since my latest post. I can't promise the ending will be as grand a reveal as originally intended, but I'll do my best to figure something out. (P.S. To give myself some leeway, I'll have Deliverance's actions take place before the next rounds narration bits, rather than in this post.)

The Ragged Man

As the Deliverance's orbs flew through the area, followed by Darin's shots and Boreas' ice swing, the Rag Man merely kept tearing away at the layers. Something the orbs and shots alike did as well. However, rather than kill the creature, it only seemed to become more and more enraged. “STOP STOP STOP THE BUZZING STOP STOP STOP” It shouted, before its figure seemed to explode into a swarm of aggravated wasp-like insects.


Being the closest to it by far was Boreas, as Paru had awaited and the other two had shot from range. As a result, the majority of the swarm headed straight for Boreas. He'd have to run, come up with a counter, hope for the others to be able to aid, or otherwise figure out how to deal with the vicious inbound insects that seemed heavily intend on stinging him to a painful death.

However, the buzzing around them did stir up small swarms of insects to crawl out of hiding. Some heading for Darin, Paru and Deliverance as well. That said, they didn't look nearly as dangerous and lethal in number as the thread that Boreas was facing.



Hive! Hive!” Pebble yelled out from atop Paru's shoulders, trying to warm them that they probably shouldn't get stung by these things. Not that the insects themselves were suggesting otherwise, but he tried to help out in his own way regardless.
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INTERACTIONS: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Elvario Elvario Voider Voider StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
LOCATION: Gloomhold Swamp

  • Deeper in the swamp we go!

    As Boreas was attacked by the bees, he instinctually swung his sword, slashing through the air in a ‘X’ formation. He tried to call upon his ice magic once more as he made his attempt to counter the bees that buzzed and swarmed around him. He figured the chances weren’t likely to be in his favor here, considering the number of them, he was likely to end up getting stung either way and, for all he knew, it could be worse than ordinary bug stings.

    Ability used:
    Cold Slash- Fighting style [F] [X Slash], Affinity [Ice] [F], magic [F]- he imbues his sword with ice making it ice cold by using 'Cold Slash's incantion before he executes his technique X slash making his blade cold to the touch:attempting to be used to freeze default aoe of magic [F]. -F grade 0 post cool down-
    Effectiveness calculations:
    [Cold Slash [F] + 1 effectiveness + Intelligence C + 4 effectiveness Mithril sword/catalyst F +1

    Overall effectiveness: 6

    Action 1: Use cold slash [F] to defend against the bees.



Darin 256x256.png

Mentions: Paru ( StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal ), Deliverance ( Elvario Elvario ), Boreas ( DarkKitsune DarkKitsune )

As the bugs swarmed out of the ragged man and towards Boreas, Darin grit his teeth, taking aim as he finished reloading. He wasn't sure how much a single lead ball could do to a swarm; but as Darin slowed his breathing, concentrated on the most dense part of the swarm, and finally pulled the trigger, he hoped it'd do something to help the human [1].

However, during the lengthy process of loading another projectile, Darin whipped his head around with wide eyes and shrunk pupils; he heard more bugs, from more directions.

Prompted to quick action by this further development, Darin fired at the closest of these new bugs [2]. Then, rather than reloading again, he instead attached his bayonet to the musket's muzzle, in a bid to deter any close-quarters attacks his way [3].

Action [1]: Ability Attack [Precise Shot E] (Base 7 Eff.)
Action [2]: Basic Attack [Gun] (Base 5 Eff.)
Action [3]: Ability Defense [Parry F] (Base 5 Eff.)

F Grade Cooldown: 0/0
E Grade Cooldown: 0/1
  • Strength E
  • Precision - D
  • Precise Shot E - Constant Positioning [Gun] E, Range E, Accurate E, Steady Hands E, Focus F - With steadied hands and concentrated focus, Darin swiftly fires a projectile with high precision at the intended point of contact if said point is 30ft or less away; in the case that the intended point of contact is on (or is) a moving target, act as if the target's movement grade was reduced by 2. - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Parry F - Melee [Spear] F, Deflect F - While engaged in close-quarters combat, Darin attempts to prevent or mitigate an opponent's attack. - 0 Post Cooldown
  • [Gun/Spear] Musket/Bayonet E - A smoothbore musket; fairly simple, but effective if used properly. With a detachable bayonet, it can transform the firearm into a lethal melee weapon.
  • [DAMAGED] [Light Armor] Gambeson F - A gambeson faced with thick leather, it provides a light but sturdy armor for the wearer.
Paru StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
Boreas DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Darin Voider Voider
Deliverance Elvario Elvario


Although Boreas' attack managed to catch a fair few bees, some being numbed enough by the cold for the attack to have a slightly bigger impact than normal swords would. Oddly enough, it seemed like his sword encountered slightly more of a resistance than you'd expect from a mere swarm of bees for a second. He'd not have time to ponder about it for long, as Boreas was right to be worried about getting stung. Some bees went past his attack and got their stings into his flesh. Whilst it definitely hurt, it didn't seem too different from ordinary bee stings. At least for now...

Paru wasn't much better off. Whilst she didn't have many going after her, they did manage to sting her.

Darin, however, was onto something when he tried looking for the densest part of the swarm. Whilst his single shot didn't too too much for it, he did see something odd. It was as if the swarm actually bothered to dodge his attack, perhaps even more so than it should technically need too... As a few bees were getting closer, it seemed like his bayonet attack was capable of getting more bees slashed out of the air than his shots did. Even so, it was falling short, allowing a few of them to break through and sting him.


Languages: Common | [Terran] | {Sylvan}

Deliverance, meanwhile, had panicked. Yet even in his panic, he managed to come up with trying something he hadn't tried before. Flux. By lowering his raw mana output (Magic B to D) he was able to increase the area that his orbs could affect, which would allow for him to deal much better which these swarms.

Ethereal Blight B (Flux) – Magic D (B), Energised B, Magic Range E, Magic Targets E, (Flux, Magic Area of Effect E), Ethereal [Blight] Affinity F, Homing F, Multidimensional F, Focus F – Character fires colourful orbs of [Ethereal] Blight magic with additional homing/multidimensional firepower. - Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown.

Be CD 0/3
De CD 1/1
Ee CD 0/0

The orbs he send flying managed to get rid of a fair few bees, although in his panic, he'd focussed mostly on sending orbs those closest to him and on the swarm near Boreas. Not only did he still get stung as well, he also ended up stirring up just as many bees as he'd taken out. Whilst it might've bought them some time, they were far from safe.

It seemed that not only did the remaining bees keep going at them, it also seemed like more kept creeping out. Unless they figured out what drew them to here, they might be in some serious trouble.
INTERACTIONS: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Elvario Elvario Voider Voider StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
LOCATION: Gloomhold Swamp

  • Deeper in the swamp we go!

    Boreas winced at the stings. That likely wasn’t a good thing either, he thought so anyway then he wondered if fighting the bees were worth it. Not that they weren’t violant and his attack did do some damage at the least. But the damage was clearly minimal and it seemed like there was to many bees for the group to handle. Perhaps they were of the ragged man’s abilities? Maybe he was controlling them? It was a option even if it was subconsciously. So Boreas held up his sword and…repeated what he did prior attempting to sed a ice ball at what was assumed to be the source.

    Ability used:
    Cold Slash- Fighting style [F] [X Slash], Affinity [Ice] [F], magic [F]- he imbues his sword with ice making it ice cold by using 'Cold Slash's incantion before he executes his technique X slash making his blade cold to the touch: Throws an ice ball at 5ft ranged- F grade 0 post cool down
    Effectiveness calculations:
    [Cold Slash [F] + 1 effectiveness + Intelligence C + 4 effectiveness Mithril sword/catalyst F +1

    Overall effectiveness: 6

    Action 1: Use cold slash [F] (altered) to target the Ragged Man.


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