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Multiple Settings Ersa's Half-Baked Ideas and Characters


New Member
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
About me:


Age: Over 21

I work a full-time job, so replies will be slow and sparse.

I do have a discord available. Just message me for the name and please note that I’m not good at OOC chatting if it doesn’t relate to the rp, so I apologize ahead of time.

Type of player:

I enjoy character development, a little bit of world-building, and deep character interaction. The plot and setting can be pretty basic as long as the characters are interesting. I don’t mind combat either, as long as that’s not all that’s going on in the thread.

Genres I mostly play in are fantasy, sci-fi, and superhero.

I don’t have time for novella-length threads, so anywhere to 1-4 paragraphs is fine as long as I have something to work with and I’ll do my best to match your length. No one-liners.

My ideal partner:

IRL Age: 18+ (not going to be writing hard mature themes, this is just for comfort reasons)

Willing to collaborate on characters, plot, setting, etc. We don’t have to do deep worldbuilding, but a little something be in the background is preferred


Please be patient

I keep things platonic between characters, no romance (at least not between our characters. If there's some between your characters or your characters and NPCs, that's fine.)

Please tell me if you want to end an rp. I won’t ask questions or bug you about it. I know things come up, life gets busy, or motivation is fleeting.

Characters I have made so far (forgive the inconsistent format. I haven't had time to make uniform profiles for these guys):

Jason Castillo (Superhero)] Jason has a link because he has quite a bit of info. His backstory is vague so that he can fit in most universes. If I have to come up with a backstory for a particular established universe, I will note it here.


And if you see a character you're interested in but don't want the plot attached to them, an alternative plot can be discussed.

I’m not a Doctor (superhero): Jason Castillo (my character) is an EMT first and a superpowered person second. Oftentimes, that means he’s right behind the heroes, helping evacuate or treating anyone who may have been caught up in the crossfire or initial villain attack. He stumbles upon your character (can be hero, civilian, or villain), who is hurt and in need of help. Things spiral from there as complications arise.

Road Trip! (Transformers, based in no particular universe):Thanks to a Space Bridge malfunction, an Autobot (your character, can be an oc or canon one) is stranded on the other side of the US from the Autobot base and stuck in vehicle mode. They must drive back under radio silence since there's suspicion that the Cons are hacking their comms. But won't it draw attention if someone sees a car driving itself? They have their holoform, but it would take up too much energy to maintain the whole back. Fortunately, they find a human (my character) stranded on the side of the road and offer her a ride. They just don't tell her that their destination is on the other side of the country. What shenanigans will they get up to and what adventures will they have?

Weird Pokemon idea:

Anime-esque based I suppose. It's not really tied down to any particular continuity. But the short and long of it is that a lab (could be for any evil team or even just a private venture) develops a Mewtwo, but unbeknownst to them, Pokemon is able to reach out with his psychic abilities at an earlier stage of development and find out their intentions for him. He bides his time, reading the thoughts of everyone on the project and gathering knowledge. Once he gains enough strength (think around the "teenage" stage), he breaks out, destroying the lab in the process. On his way out, he nabs one of the scientist and takes them with him in order to help him re-create the machine he was in so he can mature fully and unlock his true potential. He knows that this particular scientist was coerced to be there in the first place and was practically a prisoner, so he has a sliver of trust for this particular one. But not much. So begins a long and tense relationship between the two as the scientist finds themselves the prisoner of what used to be an experiment they unwilling aided in.

Character dynamics (aka things I want to play but have no ideas about what the plot should be):

Villainous character+civilian relative (can be toxic or not)

Recently resurrected big bad+distant descendant of a relative who reminds them a lot of said relative

Mad/morally dubious scientist+old associate forced to work for them

Fandoms that I’m willing to play in/am interested in (though as before, I don’t do them often and will probably play OCs in them):

Marvel (comics, fusion, or original verses preferred)

DC (comics, fusion, or original verses preferred)

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles



Legend of Zelda

More TBA probably

And finally, if you want to rp and feel like we would be a good match but I don’t have any plots or characters listed that you’re interested in, feel free to message me and we can see if we can get anything going.

If you made it through this long, rambling page, thank you for your time and hope to play with some of you soon!
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You appear to be someone great for me to roleplay with, and I like the ideas and suggestions put forward, I am especially favorable to role-playing with fantasy in it. I will message you shortly, unless you are faster and message me, and I would answer then.
I thought I messaged you. There was someone else, or a different profile name anyway, interested in what we would do having roleplay with a superhero and villain. I offer my apologies, I will message you, as these things you mention still sound good.

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