Other Roleplay Pet peeves

Not a pet peeve per se, but it's always a lil awkward when you see someone who ghosted an RP you were both in join a different one that you also happen to be in.
Being completely ghosted by a GM, after I put hard work into an application. At the very least tell me I'm rejected, I don't need an explanation nor will I ask you for one.
Literally just happened to me. Dm a rejection and lock the convo or something. It's so confusing when your CS is left up, too.
This happened to a friend of mine but it still irritated my soul. So they were roleplaying with someone, made a starter, and their partner instantly dropped out sighting the reason being and I quote "Your roleplay style is shit,"

1. Rude
2. What about their roleplay style is "shit" do you not know how to communicate? Maybe they could have made changes and adapted if you told them what you didn't like. Did you not like the story, the structure, what?
3. Even if the issue couldn't be resolved, what was so hard about saying "Sorry this just isn't for me, I'm busy or I have too many RP's right now"? What do you get out of being so damn rude?
Me doing a fairly decent size opener and the response to it being -she went into the spaceship-only. What spaceship??? It's a medieval setting.
Me doing a fairly decent size opener and the response to it being -she went into the spaceship-only. What spaceship??? It's a medieval setting.
This brings me to another peeve of mine, when someone replies to my post wrong like they ignored a really crucial detail or good it wrong, and now I have to either correct you or adapt my own response to pretend like I didn't just do what I did of say fuck it I guess you got hit or whatever you ignored succeeded.
Meta-gaming. Like people making their characters do things that are out of character or make no logical sense because they know something irl.

One of the most ridiculous instances I remember is an RP where it was magic vs tech and essentially magic was illegal. My character was a magic user, they had seen her from a distance but she had a transformation and they hadn't seen her face. So she changes back to normal and changes her clothes but the dude made his character overly suspicious of who by all logical accounts was a random citizen just because her outfit was all black. Now this particular character was a goofball so instead of rightfully tearing him a new one about how illogical his reasoning was I think she said something about going to a matrix-themed costume party and pretending to be heartbroken when she had been tricked yet again by her high school bullies when she "found out" there was no party 😂
“(GM/Player), can you change your (RP/PC) because of (trigger/controversy/personal beliefs) and it makes me uncomfortable?”


If ToS is not being violated, cope. Your emotional comfort is not my responsibility, nor that of my players, and I refuse to walk on eggshells. It sucks that your cousin nearly died from a spider bite and you have severe arachnophobia as a result, but I’m not going to order my Drow player to change their pet tarantula to something else.
“(GM/Player), can you change your (RP/PC) because of (trigger/controversy/personal beliefs) and it makes me uncomfortable?”


If ToS is not being violated, cope. Your emotional comfort is not my responsibility, nor that of my players, and I refuse to walk on eggshells. It sucks that your cousin nearly died from a spider bite and you have severe arachnophobia as a result, but I’m not going to order my Drow player to change their pet tarantula to something else.

To be clear a trigger is not “something that makes me uncomfortable,” it is “something that causes a physical reaction that effects a persons health.

For instance my mom has a legitimate panic attack around spiders to the extent she starts uncontrollably sobbing.

And idk “John made Sally cry too hard to see the keyboard” doesn’t really strike me as behavior you wanna encourage in a roleplay.
I’m fully aware of what “trigger” actually means, but the term has been misused to the point that folks are using it to mean anything that makes them slightly uncomfortable, and I have had instances of folks trying to bully me and my players into changing our RP and PCs over such things.

It doesn’t change my point: one’s emotional comfort is not the responsibility of the GM or the players, but the individual.

I’m not shaming folks for having, to use again as an example, severe arachnophobia, but it’s absurd to expect and demand other RPers to never, ever put spiders in their games. If other GMs and players want to accommodate them, good for them and that’s their choice, but I won’t. It’d be especially unfair if my Drow player had joined my game first.
I’m fully aware of what “trigger” actually means, but the term has been misused to the point that folks are using it to mean anything that makes them slightly uncomfortable, and I have had instances of folks trying to bully me and my players into changing our RP and PCs over such things.

It doesn’t change my point: one’s emotional comfort is not the responsibility of the GM or the players, but the individual.

I’m not shaming folks for having, to use again as an example, severe arachnophobia, but it’s absurd to expect and demand other RPers to never, ever put spiders in their games. If other GMs and players want to accommodate them, good for them and that’s their choice, but I won’t. It’d be especially unfair if my Drow player had joined my game first.

But my point is aren’t you then just answering bullying with bullying?

Because you are actually putting one players emotional comfort over another, it just happens to be the player you personally like more.
It is not bullying. Someone demanded I change my RP, or that of my players, to suit them, and I said no. I don't even need to explain why I said no; no means no. My player's Drow PC is allowed to have their pet tarantula and that's final. They are absolutely free to go somewhere else if it's that much of a problem for them. That is not bullying. And from my experience, these people never stop at one demand; you give them an inch and they'll take a mile.

If a GM tells me I cannot RP my Ranger because they're vegan and they're uncomfortable by me RPing a character that hunts for their meat, then I'll leave the game. Or, if I was sending in a character sheet, I'll simply thank the GM for their time and look elsewhere. We're clearly not compatible. No problem. I've said this before in this thread: there is no such thing as a RP that is suitable for everyone, and there is nothing wrong with that.

If a person's arachnophobia is so bad that merely reading the word "tarantula" causes them to have a panic attack, that is their issue to overcome. I would hope they get the help they need, but that doesn't mean I, nor my players, have to roll over and cater to them. I am not their caretaker and I am not a therapist.

If I made a RP with the premise of various storybook characters interacting with each other, and someone complains that Huckleberry Finn or Harry Potter are in the game and they find that problematic, they can suck it up or leave.

If my RP had demons in it, or players RPing as demons and a religious person complains and demands that I remove them because they find that offensive, I'd tell them to leave.

None of that is bullying.

This is the last post I will make in regards to this as it strays from the topic of the thread.
Lately, it's been my hint of dyslexia. Especially for like important words. It's like " GAH NO" I did it again. Then I get so embarrassed
So you see a nice RP. Everything is well written, well thought out and reeeeealllly gets the creative juices flowing!

Then you see the CS. My gosh its gigantic. So many things to write about. Well the GM seems like they apprecitate hard work and creativity, right? K lmma kill this app.

Proceeds to kill the app for several days. Gets accepted...GM says they just gunna make their sheet and we all hype to get started!

...GM ghosts. Great. Just great. Bruh fr doe? Another GM ghosting at the start line. Again.

Like its at that point where the moment i see a giant CS i get alllllll itchy and annoyed. Tbh i'm starting to skimp on my CSs and starting to bullet point from now on fr lol. I'm at the point too where when i join a RP i just feeeeeeel like I wanna add a disclaimer: "If you ghost, I'mma do a hostile takeover cuz suck it" lol
I'm going to say the deep seeded depression which comes from rejection of having people apply and then leave. I spent a lot of time on my ideas and I'm really sorry they didn't interest you enough to stay. I've had lung infections for about three weeks and this just super depresses me. I know it's like whatever and lame but when you've been so sick it's hard to just keep your head up, you've lost like thirty pounds, you've been in and out of the hospital, you know a role play used to really really help me feel less depressed and I mean a good group role play
it felt like I could be social with people and like people actually cared about each other and like now I just feel so fucking empty and alone

It's real my biggest role play no it's so much beyond a pet peeve it's just straight up agonizing how empty and alone it all makes me feel when it used to make me feel so great and I can't help but feel it's just all my own fault..

I guess I'll just sleep another day away
So you see a nice RP. Everything is well written, well thought out and reeeeealllly gets the creative juices flowing!

Then you see the CS. My gosh its gigantic. So many things to write about. Well the GM seems like they apprecitate hard work and creativity, right? K lmma kill this app.

Proceeds to kill the app for several days. Gets accepted...GM says they just gunna make their sheet and we all hype to get started!

...GM ghosts. Great. Just great. Bruh fr doe? Another GM ghosting at the start line. Again.

Like its at that point where the moment i see a giant CS i get alllllll itchy and annoyed. Tbh i'm starting to skimp on my CSs and starting to bullet point from now on fr lol. I'm at the point too where when i join a RP i just feeeeeeel like I wanna add a disclaimer: "If you ghost, I'mma do a hostile takeover cuz suck it" lol
I just had a flash back to my Gaia days where they literally asked us to make an entire thread for our characters.

Like three posts just on the character specifically and then another one where you literally had to talk to everyone in the thread about what relationship your character had to theirs.

And yeah sometimes it was a hard pass I got work right off the top. But sometimes the idea was really cool or the OOC seemed welcoming enough I gave it a shot.

And just like you said the GM inevitably just ghosted within like two days.

Like the fuck? I have put less work into applying for literal jobs than this. How are you just gonna leave?
This one has been bothering me for a while, but it's back than stronger ever before:

I'm tired of having writing partners that I adore as people though lack synergy with. One of my current writing buddies is easily one of my best friends, but I'm having a difficult time writing with them. The reason for this is that I find their responses to be kinda lackluster. I'll write several paragraph long posts, trying to move the plot along and/or develop some characters, yet I'm continually getting rehashes of my own posts. Other times, I find that their own character is acting out of character. I don't really know how to describe this one, but you ever write with someone who very clearly explains the personality of their character to you yet they act completely different in the Roleplay itself? That's essentially what is happening, I think. Sometimes I think their character reacts more like they would, as a person, than their character would, as someone appearing in the story. I never say anything about this as it's their character(s) and they can write them however they'd like though the lack of consistency is very jarring to me.

In short, two of my pet peeves: echoing my own post(s) back at me and a lack of consistency.
Writing police are my biggest pet peeves. Like, don't tell me I can't write what I like to write or how to write my characters. Also, don't tell me I can only write lovey dovey and light stuff or characters who are just good and not flawed. I prefer the nitty and gritty dark stuff, the villains, the flawed characters. You don't? I am probably not the writing partner for you. I will not be forced to write things I don't enjoy. Period.
Okay, I finally have a peeve and because it's from another site but I'm certain many can relate to it, I'll put it here.
You ever have someone join a discord just to literally spy on your creative process? I actually had this happen once for the first time EVER. We had an entire conversation about their role play in my chat it was so weird. Then they enquired that I had commented on several of their friends posts in their role plays and I was again just not getting the passive aggressiveness so I was like "oh cool yeah! it's a really good story." Then like I literally say, "Hey sorry just gotta go for a chest x ray but I'll be back to continue the covo." They just up and left.

Like, I get it if you just want to up and leave the discord if your not interested but don't like sneak into my discord and ask a bunch of passive aggressive questions like it's going to intimidate me and then just leave. I literally can't stand people who try to intimidate others in any sense of the word. It's cowardice and I sincerely hope that person's role play dies and burns in a pit of hellfire! I mean, it really gets my hairs up because, I know how trolls maneuver, and that's an old trick they use OFTEN. Befriend someone just to be a nasty piece of work to them....

Who the hell has that kind of energy to be that devious and mean? Like just lame just really really lame
When people draw out replies with flowery language and stuff just to make the reply longer when it’s obvious they don’t have much else to add. It’s totally cool in my book to send a shorter reply if you can’t come up with anything else, I’d take that over it being painfully obvious you’re struggling to write anything else.
One of my biggest pet peeves is in group rps when there is favoritism towards certain members of the rp. It drives me up a wall and makes me lose a bunch of interest as soon as it starts to happen. Sucks when the rp has a fun concept too but stuff like this occurs and just ruins it for me
When people hold the RP hostage to try and get their way. This of course is only an issue in group RP essentially for one reason or another a person will refuse to reply until they get X demand met.

For example, there was an RP I did a very long time ago where a person in the RP decided he wasn't going to reply unless another player apologized to him or was kicked from the RP. What did this other player do? Not allow him to Meta Game, Bunny (For those of you who don't know what is, that's when you control another person's character without their consent)

This person then refused to respond to the RP until the other person was kicked out or apologized. the person had multiple characters tied in with almost everyone else so by them not responding they were essentially holding the RP hostage, luckily the setting allowed us to easily write them out of the story to which they tried to tell us we couldn't just kill him off (We didn't, we merely created a situation where their fates were unknown and left up in the air, if they conceded to the fact they were wrong and stopped trying to hold the RP hostage to get their way they were free to come back, in hindsight, we were being too nice)
When people dont communicate to players.

example, I had a DND campaign where I was with a person (lets call him joe) and Joe, Me, and some other people were returning a lost item a tribe lost. Joe didnt tell us who had it, only saying ”I dont know” (His character was given the special item, just refused to tell us where eh kept it, and refused to give it to quest giver.) it turned into an argument and it turns out he was only talking in IC (He was a semi-inexperienced player, so I understood that) and after stopping the session early, and talking to him out of campaign, he finally told us that he used a spell to make the item irretrievabl and buried it (Not even DM knew). That’s the summary of it, but it still angers me today
When someone is in an rp and they decide they don't like the character they play as so they decide not to reply because of that, but the character they used was important to the rp plot wise, because of how much they did with said character.
I've never personally dealt with this problem but my friends have and it just sounds annoying to me.

Okay so apparently in fandom RP OCXCC someone will offer to play any character but sometimes if they secretly don't like the character you picked or if they secretly didn't want to double but said they did so you'd play their preferred character for them, they will make the character you picked the most annoying they can possibly be, hoping you'll just focus on their end.
When my partner seemingly just feels the need to be contrary to everything I write. Usually in an attempt to make their character stronger, cooler, smarter, and more resilient than mine. Despite it not being a contest in the first place...

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