Recent content by WinterGene

  1. WinterGene

    Multiple Settings It's Winter, Time for Winter Roleplays! (◕ ワ ◕✿)

    Hi yes I am Winter roleplays how you do Edit: No, I don't actually type like that.
  2. WinterGene

    Nad's Thread [I'm flexible!] [Fantasy/Sci-Fi/Steampunk/Other] [FxF or Non-Romantic]

    Just updated the thread title to better reflect what I'm interested in.
  3. WinterGene

    Multiple Settings Gay/Lesbian RP!

    I really like FxF! I'll PM you, one sec.
  4. WinterGene

    Multiple Settings Long term partner search, Multiple genres/settings, FxM

    Hey! I know you said you usually do FxM, but do you, by any chance, do FxF pairings?
  5. WinterGene

    Multiple Settings It's almost march. RP search.

    I really like the cyberpunk idea, and I think I have a character who will fit perfectly in that setting! DM me!
  6. WinterGene

    Nad's Thread [I'm flexible!] [Fantasy/Sci-Fi/Steampunk/Other] [FxF or Non-Romantic]

    Just added a modern version of Amaya for modern/sci-fi roleplays.
  7. WinterGene

    Fandom Looking for Long-Term Partner!

    Ooooooh, worldbuilding! DM me!
  8. WinterGene

    Nad's Thread [I'm flexible!] [Fantasy/Sci-Fi/Steampunk/Other] [FxF or Non-Romantic]

    I added Claire! She's an interesting person, and I think you'll love meeting her.