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  • I actually like Gallows and Anderson's gear
    True, but that is Super Cena, it is expected. As for Orton, I don't really care, he was never one of my favorites. I liked Del Rio more back when he was champ then now. And yeah, Cesaro will probably win. I see Maryse getting ejected too.
    I like Orton, at least he's a really good and interesting heel. *shrug* Looking forward to him coming back. Yeah, but then he went all crazy with rebranding the US title to the Mexico title or something, idk, didn't really follow it except I was hoping they give Jack Swagger a push.
    I guess with the Swiss Superman it'll depend on what they have in store for him, though I hope he'll get to hang on to the title for a bit just to add to his career and such.
    *Steals Butt Stallion back and rides off into the sunset*
    *Hits detonator, blowing up the charges on fake Butt Stallion Jack had been riding on* Come now Jacky boy, did you really think it'll be that easy? *Gets into ship with actual Butt Stallion. Flies off to Jakob's space*
    Had a nightmare where Gordon Ramsay screamed at me for wanting to go snowboard more than cook. I think I'm watching too much Hell's Kitchen
    When you get a weird idea for a an RP but it may secretly be golden...
    Ah I see. Well there have been some wrestling RPs in the past, but they didn't really catch wind per say. Hopefully yours will :)

    Also I'm always down for any and every opportunity for anyone to inflict (staged) violence against Michael Cole. I miss JR :|
    Yeah, I might make it. I dunno. I am sure I can get some of my wrestling friends on here into it!

    And haha yeah! #FireCole. #BringBackStriker xD
    Well, Godspeed with that then ^_^

    Also, good commentators are so hard to find these days. I'm still kind of mad they're wasting Mike Tenay over at TNA on some back show instead of actively commentating. Maybe he wanted to not travel as much or something idk.
    Cesaro... Nuff said :P
    Yeah. Also, I like Cesaro's new gimmick, if it is a gimmick, the professional. Suits him
    Ehh, he's always been professional to me. I remember his interview when they first formed the Authority. It does suit him though. Hmm... we can fit AJ in his leather jacket and sunglasses, and Rollins usually wears a suit when he's not wrestling too...
    Heh. Anywho. i am off to bed! We will talk more tomorrow!
    Thinking about drawing a wrestler but I am not good at realistic drawings...
    Good to know, much respect to those with artistic talent man. Definitely nurture it as much as you can. :)
    I am think I should go with Cesaro since he doesn't have hair xD Make it easy on meh :P
    Cool XD, you can always do Kurt Angle next with that theory lol. Man I think things would be really different if I ever see WWE rename one of their shows. I dream of one day waking up and seeing that Raw had been renamed back to Raw is War (such an awesome name).
    I'm excited for the tournament WWE and NJPW and ROH are putting on this summer.
    Hmm... interesting seeing as how WWE never really liked playing with others on the playground. Just have to see how this goes I suppose. Also, it's either Crews, Ambrose or Ryder really, and I think the group needs the "muscle" guy in terms of Crews to do the heavy lifting, like for Brawn if they face off against the Wyatts :P
    Cesaro swinging Braun, Apollo lifting him up :P

    I agree through, plus he is athletic af.
    Apollo lifts him up, then AJ drop kicks him while Rollins does a flying knee to the face and then Apollo just slams Braun down into the mat. Flawless victory.

    Mhmm, you got that right ^_^
    Hmm, Wonder who said that Zack Ryder would win... I can't remember :P
    Yep, yep. Anywho. I am off to bed. 7 hours of wrestling stuff is a lot.
    Yes it is, g'night bud.
    Saw some of the highlights last night, great to see some of the attitude era coming back with the taker/shane match. Though AT&T center doesn't look as... Wrestlemania as I expected. Just looks smaller with the regular PPV arenas. Maybe I'm just spoiled by the open air Stadiums in the past. Also, lol @Shaq coming out for the battle royal XD Would've been great if he won it.
    Man, major craving on some garlic bread right now for some reason. None in sight *sigh*
    NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM *stuffs face with garlic bread, looks like squirrel before hibernation* fank... queue...
    *raises to thumbs up and then smiles; hands you a soda and then walks off*
    *Sips soda, downs the rest of the garlic bread, points back at Julie who's walking off* You da real MVP.
    Oh, Oh, wanna hear something I heard! Apparently, Cesaro and Cena are both cleared to compete... *Cough* Might see 'em. And Rollins is supposed to be back by the next paperview.
    meh, I'll probably notice more when they get elevated to the main roster. It's too easy for people to come and go from NXT honestly. Perhaps that's one of the reason I don't really get into it.
    Yeah, they really only focus on a select few for a long time. Some aren't shown much because they still need to develop.
    Yup, I hear ya. I feel like non televised development companies is where the developing should be doing, and people in NXT should be at least experienced professionals at that point, but that's just my opinion. Then again Eve Marie botches her moves all the time as others and they're on the main roster so who knows. Maybe it's like tenure with teachers huh? Once you hit the main roster you're pretty set XD
    "I mean, don't get me wrong, it's cute that you all think you're the heroes of this little adventure, but you're not. I'm the damn hero."
    When the NxT Takeover Dallas Card is better than the WrestleMania card...
    Yeah, I think they're good punching bags. As the Rock puts it "it's amazing just how entertaining you guys are when you still wear llama penises strapped to your foreheads." XD Yes I remember you saying that lol. We haven't had a heel Ziggler since... the AJ Lee breakup?
    Yeah, but they are way too over at the moment. I think they will be champions until probably summerslam, maybe longer. They are way to over to lose the titles anytime soon. And I think you are right.
    Probably. There's really no popular enough tag team to dethrone the New Day in the foreseeable future. Hence my lack of interest and lamentations about how deplorable the tag team rosters are in both WWE and TNA. And that was a long time ago lol
    So, uh... Why is Reigns acting like a Heel?
    In related news, the Authority should've just ran Reigns over with the car XD, but you know, not the Attitude Era anymore lol.
    Yeah, I like him going on rampages. And yeah, I wish they did... I also miss Limo's blowing up xD
    I miss Stone Cold blowing things up in general (special mention to the time he tossed Hunter into an ambulance then hit it with a semi XD)
    Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Sami Zayn at NxT Takeover Dallas :D
    Yeah, like Punk back in 11. Same, I wish some did do that, like maybe a character that is getting pushed by the people but not Vince AKA a Bryan sort of person. Also, so, New Day BabyFaces now... Interesting
    Meh, I like to think the New Day vs The League of Nations is one of those rare "Heel vs Heel" feuds, but I know they're trying to make the New Day a face. To me though, they'll always be annoying heels. I only wish they had formed up early enough to get a proper beatdown from the Shield, but alas, that wasn't the case...
    Woot! Someone finally cashed in the world title shot briefcase and won it! Impact has a champ that wasn't a heel before! Also Maria ('s butt) looks really good with her boots laced up even if Bennett's such a dick XD.
    O.o but-but why do the refs blow their whistles and stop the game from time to time?
    Ticci Toby Rogers
    Ticci Toby Rogers
    Because there's a line on the ice, and the puck don't like going over it, so it sends a distress signal to the ref, who stops the game, and makes the puck comfy again... That or someone got impailed with a hockey stick.
    oohhh... everything makes so much sense now...
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