Recent content by steelergirl

  1. steelergirl

    Fantasy 1x1 (OC x OC)

    Hi! Thanks for checking my thread out. I know this isn't as fancy looking as everyone else's, but I'm new so give me some time to get used to the site please! I'm a little nervous right now since I haven't posted to an rp forum before, but I've been rping for about 13 years. I almost strictly do...
  2. steelergirl

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hi! I'm Nicole, but you can call me steeler since it's easier to remember. I'm a little nervous since I've never posted on an rp forum before, but I wanted to try since I really enjoy rp. I've been rping since I was 13. I'm now 26 so it's been about 13 years! My writing style has definitely...