Recent content by RubyMilk

  1. RubyMilk

    Futuristic HIREATH

    Magic. Sorcery. Witchcraft. Enchantment. Regardless of the term used, it was undeniable that whatever followed would be mysterious, unknown, or anything within the realm of that which could not be understood. For years, humans strived to comprehend the source of the mysterious powers that...
  2. RubyMilk

    Multiple Settings ᴰᴼ ᴬˢ ᵞᴼᵁ ᴾᴸᴱᴬˢᴱ, ᴬᴺᴰ ᴵ'ᴸᴸ ᴿᴱˢᴾᴱᶜᵀ ᵞᴼᵁ ᶠᴼᴿ ᴵᵀ. [ᶠᴬᴺᴰᴼᴹˢ, ᴼᴿᴵᴳᴵᴺᴬᴸˢ.]

    @-elvencrimson Hiya! I'd be down to do either Rune Factory 4 or Hunter x Hunter if you're interested!
  3. RubyMilk

    Multiple Settings Dio's 1x1 Partner Request

    Are you still interested in doing an Avatar the Last Airbender or Fullmetal Alchemist RP? Possibly with AUs such as Steampunk, Murder Mystery, Cops, and/or Royalty? I am also fine with pursuing the original storyline, if that is desired.
  4. RubyMilk

    Other Your guilty pleasure series?

    Most otome anime adaptions are my guilty pleasure. They are usually horribly adapted and disorganized, but I just love seeing characters I've come to enjoy being brought to life. For example, Kamigami no Asobi was unnaturally bad, but the characters' songs SLAPPED and the animation was pretty...
  5. RubyMilk

    Answered How do you tag a post with genres?

    Wow, I can't' believe I didn't see that! Thank you!
  6. RubyMilk

    Answered How do you tag a post with genres?

    Hi! Sorry to bother, but I've been trying to make a post and it keeps telling me that I need at least 1 tag for it to be posted. I've tried everything I can think of and I've looked around for it a bit too, but I'm only getting answers on how to add threadmarks or tag people, not add tags of...
  7. RubyMilk

    Anime & Manga Anime

    Hunter X Hunter (2011) was B O M B. It was the first shounen I'd ever seen where I was actually engaged the entire time I was watching it and there was next to no filler. I almost wish I could forget about it and watch it again to experience it with a fresh mind.
  8. RubyMilk

    Anime & Manga Your first EVER anime! ^^

    Aside from like Naruto or Dragonball Z (both of which I never really finished), it was actually this really old anime movie called "Bastard!" I don't know how I ended up watching it, and I was only like 6 and it was really graphic lol.
  9. RubyMilk

    Multiple Settings [Open] Looking for Fandom RP Partners (Yu Yu Hakusho, Hunter X Hunter, Fate, Castlevania, Otome)

    Seeking: Let's just cut to the chase! For anime fandoms, I am interested in (* show how much interest): Yu Yu Hakusho *** (I've got a readymade OC for this) Hunter X Hunter (always craving. always.) ********************** Fairy Tail (preferably AU or at the very least with some changes to...