Rib Cage & Rabid Heart

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  • Hello everyone. Sad news. Do to home conditions and someone (who I'm not going to publish over the internet because that's not my story to tell) being involved in a very serious accident, I regret to inform everyone both of us have been corresponding with that we're ending our role-plays. We're brother and sister, and because this is a family issue we've both been deeply affected. It's made writing, being creative at all, and enjoying role-play very difficult. So we came to the conclusion that it wasn't fair or respectful to you all to continue under such strained conditions while we're both struggling with depression, among other things. 

    We wanted to let you all know that we really enjoyed writing to you each (even if we were only able to get in a few responses before everything went awry on our end) and we hope the best for all of you and your RP partners in the future. Since we don't know when things will let up, we can't say for sure when we'll be back, and that's why we're inclined to end rather than postpone our role-plays after much deliberation. 

    Thank you for understanding.
    Queen Mei
    Queen Mei
    I wish the best for both of you. I hope you're both alright in the end. I know what it's like to struggle with depression, I understand it's hard. I hope you do well and cope. If you ever in the future wish to continue, no pressure at all intended by the assumption, I will most likely be here. 

    I hope you two turn out alright. I wish you luck. 
    Scarlett Wyverne
    Scarlett Wyverne
    I just saw this! Im so sorry guys!!!!
    Alright! Caught up with responses finally! THANKS FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT GUYS. WOW. Most of my work is now completed, so I should be able to check RPnation at least once a day if not twice a day (or more depending on how long responses are). I respond in order as I receive them. Hope to hear from everybody soon and hope you had a great week!
    Super sorry to everyone I'm RPing with and everyone I had set up to RP with and haven't been able to get back to yet! It's finals week, I'm sick, AND my computer has decided to go insane. Therefore, until about January 12th, I am not going to be able to respond as quickly nor as often as I would normally.  :ClosedEyesCrying:  So I have not just dropped off the face of the earth, no one has done anything wrong, I'm just utterly incapable of resuming speedy replies as usual. 

    - Rib Cage
    Queen Mei
    Queen Mei
    I just wanted to say take all the time you need to get back on your feet with roleplaying. It can be difficult to resume things when life gets in the way. Hope all ends up well. 
    Rib Cage & Rabid Heart
    Rib Cage & Rabid Heart
    @Meredith Alright. I'll set up a thing in a place then. Uh... One... character each? Two? Three? Fifteen? We didn't really officially decide. And do you care what the thread is named?

    @Queen Mei Aw. You're sweet. Thank you for understanding.  :Ghostv:
    One to start?

    And no, I don't. Tag me in it~
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