Recent content by Queen of Bithynia

  1. Q

    Other Can Someone Explain to Me Why "Hamilton" Is so Hyped up?

    I can't comment because I don't know anything about that. I don't really watch movies or tv.
  2. Q

    Other Good or Evil, which do you feel more comfortable with?

    Evil. But it's very subjective.
  3. Q

    Other Why did you pick your name?

    It was a nickname (albeit derogatory) for Gaius Julius Caesar.
  4. Q

    Other Can Someone Explain to Me Why "Hamilton" Is so Hyped up?

    Because it's a rap musical performed by an exclusively black ensemble about the most famous bunch of rich white guys in America's history. And the music is good.
  5. Q

    Other Can someone tell me how to make a character?

    Character sheets are worth little. Do not look at them as some standard by which you must measure yourself. Anyone can hammer out a bunch of crap into a sheet to give the illusion of depth. A character is successful if everyone (including you) has fun playing with him. A character has depth if...
  6. Q

    Experiences What is the Most Frustrating RP you have ever been apart of?

    He was a young, gay, angsty teen who was simultaneously a master inventor. It seemed like he always had some stupid gadget for every scenario, in a world that didn't really have technology as advanced as what he carried around in his satchel. But the worst part was that we wouldn't even play...
  7. Q

    Other Have you ever seen a Role Play end properly?

    On the rare occasion.
  8. Q

    Fantasy Fantasy 1x1 RP

    Are you still looking for people? I'd be really interested in a medieval rp, and I would be really good for it.
  9. Q

    Experiences Best DnD experiences?

    One time, I had a character drown in a cess-moat. After being turned into a Gnoll. It was a crazy night.
  10. Q


    Well thank you so much. <3 And now I feel very well informed about the state of New York.
  11. Q


    Is Yellowstone not our largest park? And I feel gypped. You said 38.
  12. Q


    Resources would be appreciated. And please do carry on about these thirty-eight facts about New York state.
  13. Q


    What can you help me with?
  14. Q

    Literature What are you reading?

    Nothing. I'm illiterate.
  15. Q

    Other Favorite Historical Figure?

    William the Conqueror.