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  • That feeling when it hurts your head to even think, and yet you're trying to stay current on all your RPs.

    I've got these three points of pressure in my forehead, one over each eybrow and the last nestled between my brows, that are really showing me the wrong kind of love.
    That feeling when your colleague is slowly descending into madness with each status update.

    Take some Ibuprofen and carry a shocked quartz crystal with you, I really don't want to be a witness to any more tragedies.
    Yeah no. Pain killers put me to sleep. Also this isn't even that bad of a headache. I cqn ignoreit easily. 
    So, today was chill. I realized that I'm harboring a bit of resentment towards my coworkers because all of them are in happy relationships. I've been single and celibate for twn years, and suddenly looking at couples just pisses me off. I'm sure there's a small bit of jealousy, but I think it's mostly I'm incredulous that people fall for each other's bullshit and bare their hearts like that. It's insane snd stupid. People always find new ways to disappoint. 

    The bitter fruit watches from it's branch as the sweet ones fall to their deaths against the unforgiving ground. It had fallen and been returned to the tree. Would it survive another fall? Perhaps it will be plucked with care instead.
    Seeing as I'm anonymous here, I've decided to turn RPN into my therapist.

    So, I recently decided that I'm going to major in Education in college while leaning towards a minor in philosophy. After making the decision, I felt a serious weight loft from my shoulders. I've also started looking for another job. I like my job now and I simply adore my coworkers, but combining the two appears to be cracking several of my finest masks and letting too much of the chaotic, toxic bitch I really am shine through.


    1. Making no decision is the same as a bad decision, so always strive. "Indecision is fatal."

    2. Just because doing something good can make you smile, doesn’t mean that it cannot be bad for you.

    The sun contemplated peeking through the clouds today. This one looks East and awaits the Rise.
    I'd suggest Mob work. You don't need a mask for Mob work.

    However... the risk vs reward is a bit high, and there's this pesky thing called morals that might get in the way. So I'd suggest either getting a similar job or going into IT and fudging everything with Adobe Reader. I'm just trying to move past cleaning the buffet lines.
    Thanks for the follow!
    No. You're right. I am a thing. Lol
    Any person can be a thing, but not any thing can be a person.
    Friend, I'm pretty sure you just broke physics. Congrats. Blackhole achieved. 

    Friend, I'm pretty sure you just broke physics. Congrats. Blackhole achieved. 
    I miss RPing with all my internet folks.

    I'd like to aak people to check out @Desert Rose 's RP The Fall of Men so that we can all hang, once again.
    Seems interesting (even if the premise is reminiscent of Shrek. *shudders*). I'm in if anyone else is.
    Desert Rose
    Desert Rose
    @Desert Rose

    Yeah sry. Real life has been whooping my ass in a "put the pot on the back burn and let it simmer for a while" kind of fashion. So, getting invovled in new RPs has been prudent for a few months, but I tried to do a couple.
    So, you know how you think things at your job are going good only for your manager to sit you down and tell you that nearly all of your coworkers have been pissed at you for one thing or another over the course of th e past three months, and that you've brought two of them to tears with you "attitude". Yeah, that happened to me this morning.

    Apparently my attitude has been super bitchy to everyone and I'm "bossy", "talk more than I work", and "talk to people like they're children". I thought things were good, but it appears that I was a bloody tyrant and everyone was afraid to approach me for fear of "setting you off".

    It really sucks cuz I thought everyone was cool, and now I realize that they were basically unified against me. So I have the options of improve or be fired. Obvy, I'll choose to improve, but these pathetic bitches aren't going to like the improved me either and they wont be able to pin down anything to fire me for. 

    I'll make sure of it.
    Super Villain Nova
    Super Villain Nova
    To me it actually sounds like these people just hate you... But not for your so called 'attitude'... I think they don't like you because you are down right awesome! 

    I had something similar happen to me. But in a slightly different way. I'm very easy to work with and yes I laugh at anything silly. But because I was a good worker my GM started to train me to become a manager and possibly train me for a GM spot at another location. 

    When this happened... The trash talk started. People would be nice to my face and then talk shit about me behind my back to other coworkers, customers and even to the manager that was trying to train me. 

    Well I ended up skipping the manager stuff and went to being a GM at another location. (Sad to say that the location shut down due to paper work issues.. And the fact that everyone in the neighborhood is now trying to get that location... It's up for bid.) Sorry now I'm rambling a bit...

    But back to the situation. Those that talk about you behind your back like so... Are not afraid you are going to yell at them... They are afraid of you not caring about what the hell they have to say. So saying it behind your back makes them feel like it will hurt you more because it was done so for a long time and hidden from you... So the lying bitches can feel better about themselves. 

    Just saying... Think like a proton... And stay positive... If not... Burn their houses down!!! lol
    The are all actually nice girls, and they actually are afriad of my reaction. Im just pissed that I'm somehow the "problem" when none of them are perfect. Plus, I made it perfectly clear that I am a bitch; last time I checked, bitches aren't supposed to be America's Sweethearts.

    So, I'm just going to smile in their faces and be nice, yet my aura's gonna want to make them sleep with all the lights in the house on, in broad daylight. I've been told that I'm really good at making people feel my ire without doing anything untoward. 

    Oh and ty for calling me awesome. Means more from an internet personality than an actual person. 
    It has been a long day at work and my head has been pounding for the last 8 hours. Even though I'm tired and eould rather be asleep,  I have to say that talking to strangers online was the best decision I ever made. Reality is lemons and the Internet's my lemonade. 
    Going back to the hospital for a follow up / yearly check up (coincidence, i think not) so I'll finally have ample free time to put up CSs for a couple rps I've been interested in. 

    Even though I despise seeing any medical practitioner besides my dentist; My teeth are strong,  and have never seen a cavity, chip, or braces. My dentist says my mouth is a breath of fresh air.

    Desert Rose
    Desert Rose
    Hope all goes well for you my friend
    Well ive been feeling human, so I think it'll be fine. I just don't like waiting for 2 hours just to see some doctor for less than 10 minutes, especially when the nurses are perfectly capable to check you out and get you out at a fraction of the time. 
    Now, after 3-5 cases of "asleep on feet" while taking an hour long shower, I can finally lay down a catch some serious Zs. 
    That moment when your page randomly reloads and deletes your fucking post right as you are about to sumbit. 

    Was just about to "select all" and "copy" when it happened. Then proceeded to mentally scream "the fuck? The. Actual.  Fuck?!?"

    I always copy from the word processor.  It's too scary knowing the site could go bonkers.
    This has yet to happen to me yet, so until we can be sure that this isn't an infectious disease...

    So, yeasterday I was actually at my first ever parade followed by my first county fair. My best friends and I had been out since 4:30p, then, I got home at midnight, had a bowl of cereal and accidentally fell asleep on the couch. Now, I'm at work.

    Oh obviously I'm out of the hospital. Clean bill of health FINALLY.  My god being healthy again is amazing. I actually just glad I didn't faint from so much activity after just being released from the hospital yesterday morning.

    Here's to hoping that I'm not sick for another 4 years.
    Well,  here I am again. I'm getting so much better. The doctor said I can go home soon. I'm so excited. Fingers crossed for this being the last time I get sick for the next 5 years. 

    Anyway G'night. Sick bitch needs his beauty rest. Also my hot doctor just walked in.  
    Bonjour. Hey I'm not the random follower in this situation; you followed me first. 






    Hi honey!



















    That is true. I followed you first.
    So, you know how I said that I was recovering from my sickness? Well, apparently my immune system is a slacker cuz I spent the last 5 days in a hospital bed with a viral infection that the doctors just couldn't quite put a name to. They told me that I had, in fact, had layered ailments and my first ever sinus infection. They said that I had been walking around with something akin to, but distinct from, walking pneumonia and would be dead right now if not for the fact that I swooned dangerously, while at work.


    I was still sick. Nearly fainting saved my life. I had multiple sicknesses that convoluted the main one. I am now stuck in a hospital until further notice, but things are looking up. At least I'm conscious enough to use the internet now.
    While my immune system is hard at work, I have become a stay at home bitch. I'm recovering pretty well. Crossed migraines and uncontrolled tears off the list today. Now I just need to quit coughing up raindrops of phlegm and halt the runny nose. Yay for progress!
    So, I'm in remission for an especially aggressive stomach virus working tandem with a severe allergy attack and sinus infection. I literally spent the last 30 hrs bedridden and falling in and out of sleep. Whenever I was awake, It was either to cough up a lung for tine amounts of phlegm or puking up my guts. Now I'd sick but at least I can sit up straight without swooning or walk round without having to take 15min breaks for wiggling my big toe.
    Safety Hammer
    Safety Hammer
    Sorry bud.
    And I thought it was bad when I got sick (fever + sore throat -_-). Hope you get well soon! :)  
    I get sick literally once a year, and usually I can go years without so much as a head cold. My immune systems is phenomenal but I am so unused to being sick that even the smallest cold leaves me an invalid. The price I pay for uncommonly good health.
    That feeling of excitement when you come back to the site after a couple hours and see that there are 9 notifs to go through. 




    Only to open it to see that 7 of them are status updates.

    ▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一 (╥﹏╥)

    ? me now ? 
    I'd have a heart attack if I had 2 ;_;

    I need to find another RP to join. Akuma's bachelor pad is great, but I need some variety, ya know?
    Yeah no.  I get it. 
    Ever wake up after 1, and then an additional 3, hours of sleep,  and feel like you've been beaten with a sack of quarters? No? 

    Wish I could say the same. 
    Listening to Melanie Martinez while RPing can lead to some... interesting decisions. I apologize in advance for any super-bitch moves I may or may not make in the forseeable future.

    (I usually go on month long artists binges. You have been warned.)
    Ummm who are you,  annndd why do think I need to explain myself to you? No need to answer; i don't care anyway. 

    *rolls eyes, turns on heel and struts away, like a Bawse*

    No seriously. Im not even sure how levels are chosen
    *gets recked*

    *blow horns go off in the background*

     Well the closer the song is to being about sex, the bitchier.
    That's not an adequate comparison; there are plenty of songs about sex that contain little to no bitch. 
    So, fell asleep nearly 6 mins after 2:45AM CST and woke up,  feeling rested, approximately 36 ago. And here I thought I was actually going to get a full 6hrs of sleep.  Ha! Less than five. 

    Might as well roll over and try to catch 2 restless sets of 30mins before I have to get ready for work.  ¬¬
    It's my day off. Guess who's gonna spend 6+ hours at the public library making CSs, playing games, and updating everything on his laptop after a month without Wi-Fi. 

    THIS GUY! 
    ....How did you survive? You truly are a god amongst men!
    I have been told, on several occasions, that I have more patience than a sequoia waiting to die, and more stubbornness than a diamond frozen in a glacier. Basically I survived by sheer force of will. It is easier than it sounds, especially when you have no other choice; you just do what's necessary to make it through.
    You gave him your blood,

    And your warm little diamond. 

    He likes killing you,

    After you're dead. 

    Y'all know who sang this and what song? 

    Anyway,  I gots me a new phone. I'm ecstatic. 

    Laughing at the smoke, 

    From a black-roofed chimney. 

    Marching to a beat, 

    Of a heart within me. 

    Hey ho,  well hey ho.

    We're off to work again. 

    Bells are ringing, 

    We are singing. 

    Joyous in our industry.

    Same singer, different song. 
    No new phone yet. I'm somehow surviving without my connection to the world. I am so much stronger than I thought. 
    Cries in front of phone like

    "It's been long day, without you my friend"
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