Recent content by OwlOne

  1. OwlOne

    The OOC

    I do apologize. My professors have decided to swamp me in loads of assignments which has taken up a majority of my time plus deadlines at work. *sigh* and I haven't had the time to even think up anything regarding the sudden leaves of Kehinde and Kimirou. Once things settle down I'll work...
  2. OwlOne

    The OOC

    Aww I hate to see you guys go! But I do understand. I wish you guys all the best and you know how to reach me if I'm needed. See you around! @Frontline @Babjoker36610
  3. OwlOne

    The OOC

    Communication is all I ask for. It can be incredibly frustrating as @Frontline has seemed to express to be waiting for posts. I have remained lenient this time around though next time I won't be as forgiving. Lol hope school is going well for you.  And I'm not just referring to you in...
  4. OwlOne

    The OOC

    Lol it's better than nothing right?  Right I guess we will just have to wait and see. I'm really looking forward to this new code update thing.
  5. OwlOne

    The OOC

    I know! I really....really...really miss the rating system. Especially great scene. I wonder if they will be returning those in the future
  6. OwlOne

    The OOC

    Have they fixed that Wi-Fi yet? I mean geez they should have straightened that out prior to everyone coming in.
  7. OwlOne

    The OOC

    I would go on ahead. They will just have to catch up when they have the chance. I was being lax and giving everyone an opportunity to get back into the swing of things, but looks like I will have to put my door back down. 
  8. OwlOne

    The OOC

    That's why I'm the objectives I said when you guys are ready and have your posts prepared pm me for my portion for the announcer to put into your posts.
  9. OwlOne

    The OOC

    Hahaha I'm sure it will be as pleasant as the French team. I'll make sure of it hehe
  10. OwlOne

    The OOC

    Of course lol he wouldn't have been picked for the team if he wasn't. The French know what they are doing hehehe
  11. OwlOne

    The OOC

    Lol welcome to Conundrum. Nothing we do here will be easy. I challenge Everyone here to showcase there best skills as a writer. I know you all have it so why not give you a little push huh? So far I've seen nothing but growth and progress from you all. Dear goodness yes. That guy has no...
  12. OwlOne

    The OOC

    Non sense you did just what you could and that's all I require. Lol I gave you a challenge and you delivered now you can say that you have that under your belt. You put your own spin as to how you wanted it to go and that there is enough to satisfy me. Well done. :) Alexander poor guy he's...
  13. OwlOne

    The OOC

    No. No. You did an excellent job. Everyone was described to a tee and everything. Lol loved what you did with Mr. Brazier
  14. OwlOne

    The OOC

    @FrontLine May have the magic touch lol but you do know how this OOC works.
  15. OwlOne

    The OOC

    Lol Happy Friday to you guys as well. Hope everyone's week has treated them nicely.