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  • Oh wow it's been awhile RPN. I missed this place, but alas college ended up sucking most of my time(and soul). Little update, if anyone cares, Ive recently graduated so I'm kinda in the in between state of what the fuck I want to do with my life (and degree) and if I should consider another term. Who knows nothing magical gets explain for you once you finish the four years you need for your last degree (still up for debate), if only being an adult came with Manuals am I right?.

    Anyways while I'm trying to figure this out and get out of this weird fonk I'm in, might as well return back to roleplaying. I'm glad to be back and I hope all of you all are taking care of yourself, drinking water and stay hydrated. Remember, even if you may not know them, theres someone out there rooting for you ❤
    Welcome back and congrats on graduation! You stay hydrated too. I believe in you! It's a pity there's no manual for adulting, but at least that also means you can decide for yourself!
    thank you so much! Somebody really should get around to making that manual to be honest.
    Oh wow, it's been awhile since I've been in here. Hello!I'm back! Probably not going to get involved until later tomorrow afternoon (school ending for a while and I finally get a break from the constant exams) so really looking forward to being more active.

    hope everyone is taking care of yourself and drinking water, staying hydrated helps in the long run. Take time for self care and remember that there is someone out their rooting for you!
    Exams have been flooring me, I think the total amount of sleep I have gotten the past few weeks would amount to around 3 hours total (might be an exaggeration). Anyways breaks coming up soon so I'm going to be more free. How's everyone doing? (Just casually talking to myself) hope everyone on here is taking care of themselves and drinking lots of water.

    I'm studying to become a lawyer but why the heck do I have film study?
    Remember to drink lots of water yourself. <3 And get more sleep if you can! Good luck on exams!
    I should probably head to sleep instead of being watching "Outlanders".....uhg I both hate and love having morning classes sometimes
    "The Dreamworld, the Dreamtime, the Unconscious — call it what you will — is as much part of me as I am part of it. And for the first time since my return, for the first time in 70 years, I reach out to my substance... and I shape the world..."

    This is one of my favorite quotes from the Sandman, for some reason it stuck with me and resulted in a lot of cringy one shots that never got publicized, thankfully.

    In the darkness, the Dream was raw and formless. She made herself a cathedral, not quite in the spirit of the exterior, but roomy enough. The vast building gave her a feeling of power. Although she knew it must be tiny in comparison to the rest of the City, it felt enormous, and it was the feelings that counted. She made herself a pump organ, and Dreamed up a man to play it.

    I don't exactly know or read "The Night Mayor" but I'm seriously thinking of checking if my school library has a copy of it, or Amazon is willing to ship it to my dorm just because of this quote right here. Idk but the but the way this is written just ignited the fangirl within me. The word choices, the imagery that popped inside my head from just reading this! Maybe I should have been an English major then a criminal law, missed opportunity right there.

    Just curious, if anyone is reading this, what is your favorite movie or book quotes that just make you fall in love with the work all over again?
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