
An invader from distant lands! I'm Obuzeti, a long, long time roleplayer, now running on two decades of beating words together until meaning spills out on the roleplay format. I write professionally, publish a Substack and contribute to my local newspaper, edit half a dozen different Wikis, and generally make a nuisance of myself in several different formats.

As it comes to writing, I exclusively work in distant third person - it helps the immersion, and it's my chosen stylistic form for all other forms of fiction as well. I like writing body language, environmental description, and big worlds. I like character chemistry and little spats, heartfelt conversations, idle curiosity, and the reverse, when relationships and values are put to the strain and the test, and real character comes through. I like writing living characters, and not knowing 100% what way they're going to go when I start tapping on my keyboard.

I am a mature roleplayer - I write violence, and love, and the gritty, grimy parts of life. I write scars and wounds, on the skin and underneath it, and if that makes you uncomfortable, my writing will make you uncomfortable. That's not bad, but it does mean you shouldn't expect relentless optimism and a perfect world. The struggle makes it real to me.

More than anything, writing should be an adventure. So let's get some adventures started, yeah?
Deep South
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Writer / Journalist