Recent content by Mr_Shades

  1. Mr_Shades

    Multiple Settings Passage: Adapting a Solo RP Experience for Two Players

    One more bump, just in case.
  2. Mr_Shades

    Anime & Manga Your first EVER anime! ^^

    First anime I can remember deliberately watching? Robotech. Yeah , the Harmony Gold cartoon that used to air on local stations back when they still broadcast television over the airwaves. Hey, we only had three working channels back then and we took our after-school cartoons where and when we...
  3. Mr_Shades

    Multiple Settings Passage: Adapting a Solo RP Experience for Two Players

    Anyone? Or would this make a better entry in the Quest section perhaps?
  4. Mr_Shades

    Multiple Settings Passage: Adapting a Solo RP Experience for Two Players

    Hello. Andrew here. I've been experimenting off and on with solo role playing games and I've found a rather lightweight one (Passage by Aleks Samoylov) that I wanted to try adapting as a two-player storytelling game. The rules are abstract and simple so the game should flow nicely, and I'll do...