Recent content by Morephalynx

  1. Morephalynx

    Futuristic H A D E A N - Superheroes, Intrigue, Existential Horrors

    I have a great villain idea! Or we'll sorta morally grey antagonist
  2. Morephalynx

    Fandom Superheros and Villains

    //I don't either but it's just the reason I have been at the state few times
  3. Morephalynx

    Fandom Superheros and Villains

    //yeah I know I was raised a member of the latter-day saints so I've been through the state a few times and I am from Texas so I've seen a few homeless shelters in the bigger cities and homeless in most cities
  4. Morephalynx

    Fandom Superheros and Villains

    //let's move this to ooc
  5. Morephalynx

    Fandom Superheros and Villains

    //sorry not meaning to imply anything
  6. Morephalynx

    Fandom Superheros and Villains

    //well I can recruit from other nearby towns there are a good amount of homeless in utah
  7. Morephalynx

    Fandom Superheros and Villains

    //suppose I should have asked, is it a big metropolitan area?
  8. Morephalynx

    Fandom Superheros and Villains

    //It's good
  9. Morephalynx

    Realistic or Modern OOC Superheros And Villains

    The villainous reign of the diabolical MR. BREW has begun with the most diabolical of acts. HELPING THE HOMELESS
  10. Morephalynx

    Fandom Superheros and Villains

    The pale van rolled through the slum at a steady pace the sound of rocks being tossed up by the tires and the occasional bump as they hit one of the many sections of the road that had been depressed by years of disrepair mixed with the steady rumble of the large white panel utility vehicle. The...
  11. Morephalynx

    Realistic or Modern Superheroes and Villains Characters

    Oh it's fine thank you
  12. Morephalynx

    Realistic or Modern OOC Superheros And Villains

    Thank you for the advice
  13. Morephalynx

    Realistic or Modern Superheroes and Villains Characters

    @Musicnotes hate to bother but it was suggested I tag you
  14. Morephalynx

    Realistic or Modern OOC Superheros And Villains

    I do not mind a hmm, but the responses I got have been relatively lukewarm and without meaningful correction or approval. I don't quite know where I sit.
  15. Morephalynx

    Realistic or Modern OOC Superheros And Villains

    I did the response I got was hmm