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  • Okay, thanks! ^_^
    I think I get it now, and that makes sense.

    Psh, dancing is silly.
    For the awesome comment- Thank you! |(^u^|) (|^u^)| |(^u^|)
    Lol that was me doing some weird dance??

    Lemme Google that. XD
    Oh wait lemme isn't a word.
    Whatever. Accents.

    Oh! I thought that was Shakespearean English!
    And until now I didn't know how to speak it "properly", but pretending to is fun, especially when you just make it up. P:
    Like, "I shall misseth thou!"
    Because of its obvious wrongness.

    Oh and no one told me how to use "who" and "whom" and that's been bothering me for forever.
    Scratch that, I don't think I could spell mom until kindergarten. XD
    I was probably a really slow reader, I think. But now I'm at least college level, and faster than anyone I know. :D
    Now obsessing over Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji! ^w^ Ciel Phantomhive!!!!!!!! Sebastian has a freaky cat obsession. LOL!
    Yep! Weirdness is always excepted by me! If you're weird, we'll get along just great. If not, then it depends on whether you're nice or mean. Onward to the weirdness! Hello! Oh, hello, self. Do you like potatoes? Of course, I like potatoes! What would make you think otherwise? ~Gir voice~I don't knoooow! (And that's all for today's randomness. Thanks for reading!)
    Hello to myself. Boredom had almost set in for a second. Do you like pie? Why, yes! I do like pie. (Today's randomness)
    Hello! Hello! I shall now start talking to myself on here! ^w^ Hope visitors find my weirdosity entertaining!
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