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  • MisshapenDear
    Pfft, yeah, I get that. It takes me a ridiculously long amount of time for me to actually get up to do things that need to be done. 
    Steel Tiger
    Steel Tiger
    Hah, same here for the most part. I have been trying to do a to-do list in a journal and it sort of works but I always avoid that bigger things that need to get done. I was going to use a schedule planner but I never got that done or finished. Most of the time when things do get done, it's more about forcing yourself into it or taking a moment to receive clarity to do it (I've tried using meditation once, it helped that once time but I have yet to do it again).

    Most of time, I think I'm just kind of a lazy person.
    It could be laziness, or it could just be a whole lot of  things that need to be done. For me, it's time limits/guilting myself to do the job until I actually do it. I keep a general list of what I've got to do, but that tends to go ignored until I absolutely have to. Interesting take on the meditation thing, though. I think if I tried that, I'd just guilt myself further xDD

    Sorry about taking a while to reply to this, by the way. Thing have gotten pretty busy again at the exact time I didn't expect it. 
    I just spent seventeen minutes of my life watching dominoes falling, and I don't know whether or not to cry at how boring I am, or laugh at myself for actually watching videos where all that's happening is dominoes falling over. 
    This update makes me feel weird. Not a bad-weird, just weird. This is so going to need some getting used to. xD
    When all you want to do is rp but none of your partners are on and you have no idea what you want to do and so can't start more. -.-
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