Recent content by littlemslady

  1. littlemslady

    Video Games What are you Playing Right Now?

    LMAO I love this, thank you for bringing a smile to my face
  2. littlemslady

    Fandom Supernatural based Roleplay(TV show- DOUBLING FRIENDLY)

    Are you still looking for partners? I can definitely help you create a story if you're interested!
  3. littlemslady

    Fandom Long Term RP Partner Search!

    If you're still looking for someone to write a Supernatural story with, I'd love to potentially discuss a plot with you!
  4. littlemslady

    Multiple Settings Literate Fandom 1x1 Search!

    If you're still looking, I'd love to write a story based around Minecraft with you.
  5. littlemslady

    Fandom Various Anime RPs

    I can write My Hero Academia if you're interested or still in need of a partner.
  6. littlemslady

    Experiences Who's been your favorite character to RP as?

    The question is as stated; who has been your absolute favorite character to RP as, whether it be a canon character, an original character, anything! For me, my favorite to RP as has been my original character, Skylar. There's so much opportunity with her and her abilities.
  7. littlemslady

    Experiences what's the most difficult fandom for you to find roleplay partners with?

    Devil May Cry. I have two decent stories going on with partners I met before I joined this site.'s pretty empty, haha.
  8. littlemslady

    Video Games What are you Playing Right Now?

    Devil May Cry 5. A friend suggested it to me and I haven't been able to stop playing it, despite the fact that I've already played through the story. It's a good game!
  9. littlemslady

    Video Games Your first video game?

    Lego Batman on the Playstation Portable. God, I feel old.
  10. littlemslady

    Other What ruined a fandom for you?

    I was, as ashamed as I am to admit it, a MASSIVE DreamSMP fan for quite some time (we're talking over a year) and if you don't know what that is, it's basically a group of streamers who made a Minecraft roleplay series. That's all I'm going to say about it. Dream, the one who made and still...
  11. littlemslady

    Other Post a fact about yourself.

    I dropped out of school when I was sixteen and was persuaded to go back. I will now be graduating in a few weeks.
  12. littlemslady

    Other What's your favorite color?

    Pastel Pink
  13. littlemslady

    Introduce Yourself!

    Well, here's hoping that I'm doing the whole "introduce yourself" thing correctly, haha, and if I'm not then I'll be sure to correct any mistakes I may have made. Let me start off by saying hello to whoever may come across this and make the decision to read what I've wrote for the world to see...