Recent content by Koraki

  1. Koraki

    Fantasy Life In the Valley {SDV 1x1 w/ Soft Galaxy}

    Arisa flushed as the other woman relinquished the box of cereal. "Thanks," she said, rather quickly, as she took the box and set it in her basket. She blinked as the woman - Lucy - continued to speak, introducing herself. Arisa nodded. "That'd be me," she said with a nervous smile. "I'm Arisa...
  2. Koraki

    Fantasy Life In the Valley {SDV 1x1 w/ Soft Galaxy}

    It was too early. That was the first thought that went through Arisa's head as her phone's alarm went off and she clumsily tapped the screen to get it to stop. Groaning, she sat up, glaring out at nothing in particular. Even after a week of adjusting, she still hated waking up this early. But...
  3. Koraki

    Fantasy Life In the Valley {SDV 1x1 w/ Soft Galaxy}

    ⭐⭐⭐ 『 In the small region of Stardew Valley, there's a quaint little town known as Pelican Town. In this tiny town, two young ladies from the...
  4. Koraki

    Multiple Settings The Raven's Search

    Bump! :}
  5. Koraki

    Multiple Settings The Raven's Search

    Bump :}
  6. Koraki

    Fantasy Magic In the West {1x1 w/ Gray Sage}

    Silas had heard it all. This...Mr. Avery, talking of things he had no business sticking his little mundane nose into. Talking of the artifact's importance as if it meant anything beyond satisfying his greed and lust for power. Silas had balked at the sum the man was willing to pay little miss...
  7. Koraki

    Fantasy Magic In the West {1x1 w/ Gray Sage}

    Silas hated the heat. The sun beat down on the desert landscape. Everything was bright and burning - from the clear blue sky to the red and orange mountains that dotted the horizon. Dust swirled around him and his horse as he trotted down the dirt road. Sweat dripped down his neck and Silas...
  8. Koraki

    Other What's your infodump subject?

    Space sharks would be fantastic, ngl. Also I'm jealous about your 'tour guide' urge because I don't have a head for geography 😭
  9. Koraki

    Other What's your infodump subject?

    Ugh yes I love analyses of shows and movies! Video games too, because I love them as a medium for storytelling.
  10. Koraki

    Fantasy Magic In the West {1x1 w/ Gray Sage}

    ★★★ 『 The year is 1866, the height of the Wild West. There are few laws, and many people looking to forge their own path. Most humans live in blissful ignorance, unaware of the magic that courses like blood in the veins of the earth. The magical society wants to keep it that way. But when a...
  11. Koraki

    Other What's your infodump subject?

    I love learning about different cultures, and nuclear science is fascinating! One Piece is kind of intimidating, so it's awesome that you know a lot about it lol Aaaa I love penguins! That is very specific and I love it
  12. Koraki

    Kore's Krew || Character Storage
    Index: Silas Myers (1x1 w/ Gray Sage)

  13. Koraki

    Other What's your infodump subject?

    Oh, that's cool! I love ancient history as well! I think it's really cool that we can differentiate horse riders through their bones!
  14. Koraki

    Other What's your infodump subject?

    What subject do you love so much that, if given the chance, you would infodump to anyone who will listen? For me, I could talk about space, sharks, and literature tropes for a long, long time. Did you know greenland sharks can live for hundreds of years? Did you know that, if you were to get...
  15. Koraki

    How did you befriend the Avatar Above You?

    I found them wandering in a field