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  • Hell is where the heart transpires
    Commit arson, start your fires.
    While each has their own song
    We all try to find a place we belong.

    Heaven is where angels take flight
    Guiding those, to find their light.
    Teaching others right or wrong
    Come now, you already belong.

    (I am actually proud of this one. Dunno if it counts as an actual poem of sorts... Kinda short... But it's been ringing in my head for far too long, soooo- now I'm sharing it here, lol)
    If anyone see's this, please tell my brain to shut up.
    One thing rhymes, and the other makes a riddle
    Earn some dimes, and find a center
    In my brain, my thoughts all scattered
    Come now, come enter
    Find the middle, find what's battered
    This isn't even proper rhyme scheming😭
    I sent a different confusing rhyme thingy to one of my siblings, rereading it makes me think I was on smth, even they were like, "wtf...?" And they're used to my randomness.

    This is a self reminder for myself on this site-
    (New random status update, bc y not :3)
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