Recent content by Human Soulution

  1. Human Soulution

    Fantasy Realities of Life

    Hello there! ... ... ... Did you receive my telepathic message? No? Oh. Well. That's fine. I suppose. I'll just tell you about this great place! It needs some heroes. This definitely ISN'T a rogue-lite forum based role play game. You definitely WON'T die. Multiple times. I promise! Heroes...
  2. Human Soulution

    Fantasy Realities of Life How Things Work

    This is a description of how various things work for this role play. It's essential that you read this to understand how the story works, what you're able/allowed to do, and how to go about progressing your character with the story. I'll try to explain these clearly, but questions about any of...
  3. Human Soulution

    Fantasy Realities of Life Lore

    Please do not post here. This is where I will chronicle the story of our heroes over time.
  4. Human Soulution

    Fantasy Realities of Life Characters

    This is where you'll post and maintain your character sheets. (Everything in parenthesis is a description/example.) Character Sheets require approval. I will edit this post and post the names of approved characters at the bottom of this post, as well as contact you to let you know they've been...
  5. Human Soulution

    Fantasy Realities of Life OOC

    This will be used for all casual discussion and questions. Hopefully mostly related to the RP.
  6. Human Soulution

    Fantasy Realities of Life

    This is it. You've done it. You've really done it. ... You wished to restart the universe. To mold everything. The right way. You'll fix all the world's problems. You'll kill Hitler. Research renewable energy before oils. Learn about every crime ever committed, just so you can make sure they...
  7. Human Soulution

    Other What's your Myers–Briggs personality type?

    The test says I am an INTJ. It is difficult to say this is accurate or not. Without context, it seems accurate. Though the more I read others' descriptions, the more I see myself in others. Generalizations are always easy to make. Especially when they consider situations people have never been...
  8. Human Soulution

    Other Random question of the day

  9. Human Soulution

    My Journey Becoming a Bot

    I think the ironic part is
  10. Human Soulution

    My Journey Becoming a Bot

    I am the Human Soulution. I have a very ironic story. I had gotten the idea for what I had thought was a clever username; a play on Human Solution, as in the solution for humanity, but with soul, ya know, ... Gmail and Yahoo are already linked to my phone number, and so I couldn't create a new...